My gender is my concern, but you may use any pronoun to refer to me
- Comment on Greece introduces the six-day work week 4 days ago:
geeze I’m sorry to tell you but I think spending >40% of income on rent is getting more and more common pretty much everywhere… anyone making minimum wage in my area is either paying much more than that on rent, or they are living in a tent in a city park.
- Comment on How Many Americans Really Live Paycheck to Paycheck? 5 days ago:
In my city, people earning minimum wage live in illegal encampments.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 5 days ago:
I can continue to eat things that kill me because I take stents that reduce my chance of heart attack by a couple percent
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 6 days ago:
Police “unions” are not actually unions. When you look really close, they are all “police associations”.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 6 days ago:
This doesn’t even need to be in your contract. When union shops get a raise, non-union shops either have to compete, or lose their best labour.
- Comment on "Save the Bees, Murder the Wasps" 1 week ago:
i mean that’s a pretty unusual pollinator/plant relationship
- Comment on All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed. 1 week ago:
I only wish spiders wanted to be hugged and kissed as much I want to hug and kiss them. Actually, this applies to a lot of things.
- Comment on All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed. 1 week ago:
Related: A story of North America
It turns out to be an allegory for the Cuban Missile Crisis, but I didn’t know that for a long time and appreciated it at face value quite a lot.
- Comment on New Report Shows Working-Class Americans Live 7 Years Fewer Than Rich 1 week ago:
It’s a lot better than the premise that murdering CEOs is going to improve the life expectancy of the working class. You just breeze by that, and then you stumble on my take??
- Comment on New Report Shows Working-Class Americans Live 7 Years Fewer Than Rich 1 week ago:
Coward. Do it yourself if you think it’s such a great idea.
- Comment on New Report Shows Working-Class Americans Live 7 Years Fewer Than Rich 1 week ago:
I know what you mean, but the actual problem is that americans can’t stop fucking killing themselves with stupid behaviur.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
Hitler lover!
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 1 week ago:
Avengers. Any of them, probably.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
I feel like absent Hitler, they would not have self organized to put people in ovens. Whereas the workers would still have gone out and produced wealth (for another capitalist).
- Comment on Morrowind game engine OpenMW gearing up for a huge new 0.49 release 4 weeks ago:
You’re basically applying abandonware rules, which means it remains morally questionable, but a shade of grey light enough to tolerate.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 4 weeks ago:
Also you: “Multiple accounts?! I have no idea what you are talking about!”
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 4 weeks ago:
if only
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 4 weeks ago:
struck a nerve, clearly
- Comment on Erasure 5 weeks ago:
lol this is all you have to say for yourself. gtfo
- Comment on Erasure 5 weeks ago:
The irony of posting this in the context of someone who had been effaced specifically because of their sex is overpowering.
- Comment on Erasure 5 weeks ago:
Can you please explain what about this sounds kind of sexist to you? We are very confused.
- Comment on made a sticky 5 weeks ago:
If you abuse cattle for a living and fish for a hobby, why should I lift a finger to help. Helping you harms those I love more than it aids you.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
Because “capitalism” is a fucking communist concept to begin with.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 1 month ago:
just magically “enforce” it
- Comment on Lord Sugar tells workers to get bums back into the office - BBC News 1 month ago:
Nonsense. Diaspora have communities all over the world without culturally purging themselves for no obvious benefit.
- Comment on Should law enforcement workers form unions? 1 month ago:
If it doesn’t have the legal powers of a union, then it’s not a union. It would be impossible to have a military that is unionized in any meaningful sense of the word. Yes, they still have the power of collectivism, and they should still use that power to their common advantage, but that doesn’t make it a union.
- Comment on Should law enforcement workers form unions? 1 month ago:
No. It will not help. The problem is not the individuals we hire. It is the job we hire them for. The JOB is not labour. It is violence. The purpose of the police is to maintain the state’s “legitimate monopoly on violence.” The reason every police officer exists in every nation is to do violence against members of a state on behalf of that state’s needs.
Police are not labour and this is well known. So well known that technically, police in North America (and likely other jurisdictions) are not allowed to form unions. If you take a close look at the “police unions” in North America, you will find that they are all actually “police associations.” They don’t enjoy the same rights and powers as an actual union, but they adopt all the trappings so that people don’t realize, and don’t think about the true relationship between citizen, state, and the police.
- Comment on Should law enforcement workers form unions? 1 month ago:
That is impossible. If they didn’t do violence to citizens of a state on behalf of the state, then they are not police. They would be something else. A “citizen service league” or something.
- Comment on Trump tariffed Columbia in response to not letting a plane of deported illegals in. 1 month ago:
Did Trump not just run an entire campaign with the idea of reducing groceries being a major plank of his campaign? You’re arguing in bad faith.
- Comment on Trump tariffed Columbia in response to not letting a plane of deported illegals in. 1 month ago:
because only left wingers consume agricultural products, naturally…