- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I’ve got 1000+hours in League, and 330 in DOTA, and I’ve got to say, it feels much easier to uno reverse a DOTA match due to everyone being op in their own way
One time I killed Nature’s Prophet that was 10 levels ahead of me just because I used blade mail (80% damage reflection) when he tried to nuke my Abaddon (damage heals you) and used the gold to carry the rest of the match
- Comment on Always fascinating to learn how things were invented 2 weeks ago:
The current method of creating monocrystals, a very important thing for modern processing units, has been created by a tired researcher that dipped his pen in molten tin instead of ink
- Comment on Anon wants to be a singer 2 weeks ago:
I’ve been learning how to scream for about 3 years now, if I understand correctly pain after any amount of time can be a sign of bad technique, and I’ve extrapolated to singing
Was it wrong? Yes. Sometimes it doesn’t occur to me that I’m doing something bad until a few hours to months later
- Comment on Anon wants to be a singer 2 weeks ago:
Mine can get irritated from talking for two hours. I still think it shouldn’t happen, but I have no medical background to back up my statement.
- Comment on Anon wants to be a singer 2 weeks ago:
I’m pretty sure your throat shouldn’t get irritated from that
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 4 weeks ago:
I actually did do that. My point was to present a situation where you basically do nothing in higher education, which is not to say you don’t do/learn anything at all.
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 4 weeks ago:
My Java classes at uni:
Here’s a piece of code that does nothing. Make it do nothing, but in compliance with this design pattern.
When I say it did nothing, it had literally empty function bodies.
- Comment on Colours 5 weeks ago:
What about hyperbolic orange? Stygian blue? Self-luminous red?
- Comment on Anon gives up on Bitcoin in 2010 5 weeks ago:
I’m not sure which meaning of “drug” makes it worse
- Comment on Cozy Games May Help Improve Players' Mental Health, Researchers Say 5 weeks ago:
Meanwhile me playing cozy games:
- Comment on iykyk 1 month ago:
You lose nothing, don’t worry about it.
On the other hand, you learn C (the programming language) by ingesting it, which would be considered a punishment by some.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 month ago:
I feel like it’s a PhD thesis material
- Comment on oopsie 1 month ago:
Imagine that there’s a paving slab that sticks out right outside of your house, often causing you to fall. If that’s the 50th time you fall over due to this thing, you probably will curse at it, no matter how emotionally mature you are.
Now exchange falling over to being trolled.
- Comment on Murphy's law 2 months ago:
8 (2^3) if we count doing nothing, 7 otherwise
- Comment on I wanna ROCK 2 months ago:
I wonder how would the percentage of the people believing it change depending on the Moon’s albedo
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 3 months ago:
Probably “Personal Choice”
- Comment on Anon takes the horsepill 3 months ago:
Only you can solve the housing crisis
- Comment on Anon plays Persona 5 5 months ago:
Then skill issue, I guess
- Comment on Anon plays Persona 5 5 months ago:
I have to object - to this day I’ve played a few turn based jRPGs - FF X, EBF 5, aforementioned P4G, and Trails in the Sky 1 come to my mind, maybe there was one or two more - and some bosses and areas pose a level gap too wide to ignore with just strategy and consumables
- Comment on Anon plays Persona 5 5 months ago:
Persona 4 Golden, though it may have been a result of me just pushing through the dungeon without any grind
- Comment on Anon plays Persona 5 5 months ago:
I’ve tried P4G and I just can’t stand the required grind, nor the 3h bossfights, otherwise good game
- Comment on Anon checks out mobile gaming 6 months ago:
How about using guides from the internet?
- Comment on uh oh 7 months ago:
Or infinite corners, depending on who you ask
- Comment on uh oh 7 months ago:
When corners are cut, they multiply, so they’re not scared of losing corners, but rather of corner inflation
- Comment on Spice up your DNA 7 months ago:
IIRC only female bees have stingers
- Comment on Like a prion 8 months ago:
- Comment on Anon thinks about CPUs 8 months ago:
This game may help, but I didn’t play it myself (yet)
- Comment on Anon has a pet peeve 9 months ago:
Beat him first try in NG+
- Comment on imagine 10 months ago:
Is that a combination of goregrind and porngrind?
- Comment on Siphonophorae are natures little horrors. 10 months ago:
How to create successful cosmic horror:
Step 1: Dive deep into the sea (in a bathyscaphe).
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit.