- Comment on World travelers 2 days ago:
Do they like role-playing?
- Comment on World travelers 2 days ago:
I wished some one gripped my husk.
- Comment on World travelers 2 days ago:
The float yeah and that’s how they spread, but the coconuts were mostly brought by ships.
A coconut is really good on a ship 500 years ago, you have fresh water, some nutrition, etc.
Some ship gets destroyed with a load of coconuts on board and so it began probably.
Then when even the first ones have taken root, they start floating from isle to isle themselves.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 4 days ago:
I meant masturbation for men means touching male genitalia. You’re not bothered by that.
I had a few fat experiences as a teenager. I had fun, but I never dreamed of it, unlike with girls. Even a whiff of some girly sweat mixed with like the intoxicating smell of some girls hair could make me want off to them for days.
But the gay experiences were more like “I wonder what a blowjob feels like”. Zero sexual innuendo or romance or lust or infatuation or anything.
Just two friends getting each other off for a novel experience.
Wasn’t really my thing. But I’m fairly confident I’m more confident I’m not gay than most guys, having explored that aspect and found it to really not be my thing.
Did the same with most drugs as well. Tried em all in my youth, but now I only use weed and alcohol.
- Comment on I've done it again... 4 days ago:
I was gonna say I’ve no idea of my brand but ofc I do, it’s IKEA
- Comment on I've done it again... 4 days ago:
Oh I just call that the spaghetti ladle.
Pretty sure mine doesn’t have a hole that measures spaghetti.
- Comment on I've done it again... 4 days ago:
I just cut a hole in the corner and slide it out.
Or tear a big of the box lid off, but boxes aren’t as common anymore.
Always lagom. Enough for one meal and a bit left over for a snack later / next day.
- Comment on I've done it again... 4 days ago:
wtf is a “spaghetti lifter”?
- Comment on those who know 6 days ago:
- Comment on Free Him! 6 days ago:
- Comment on Free Him! 1 week ago:
Are you like learning things when people don’t find torturing cute things agreeable?
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
Base 20, or “vigesimal”.
- Comment on Hexadecimal 1 week ago:
After censorship, bias still remains.
- Comment on What... me worry? 1 week ago:
I’ve really been getting into red wines this year.
Great excuse with that is always to have some for cooking.
- Comment on this little piggy got a thermal nightvision scope, oopey doopie doop 1 week ago:
Smoking exacerbates this problems immensely btw.
I mean, using nicotine.
Also other vasoconstrictors.
- Comment on Anon reads a depressing book 2 weeks ago:
Idk I wouldn’t call Sir Pratchett as much a pessimist as I would an absurdist.
- Comment on As Trump eyes Greenland, election tests Arctic island's ambitions for independence from Denmark 2 weeks ago:
This reads like propaganda, tbh.
Very clear what their stance on the matter is.
- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 2 weeks ago:
That’s literally the very premise of “Idiocracy” you just described, btw.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
Yeah sound’s decent enough.
I haven’t driven new cars since like 2019 so I’m a bit behind and not aware of the most recent developments
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
Well the most use we ever got out of parking brakes was when driving front wheel drive cars in the winter so you can lock your back tires so you can slide around the snowy corners.
God I miss that now.
- Comment on we are stardust 2 weeks ago:
Ah, my friend.
Mayhaps you’ve been hitting the halfling’s leaf a bit hard? They’re not taking about paying taxes, but filing them.
Those 'Muuuricans need to spend a whole lot of time every year doing paperwork on shit the government already has all their info on, so their corporations can fatten even more.
My guess is you might be European an we mostly use return-free tax filing systems. In that the government sends you a paper saying “this is what we’re going by, any objections?” and then you have a few months to claim tax deductions if there’s anything you’ve not deducted. Otherwise you don’t need to “file” the taxes in any way.
But yah general sentiment against taxes is stupid.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 2 weeks ago:
The definition of magic I go by is “affecting consciousness in accordance with will”, and when you’re going to watch fireflies with the thought in mind to appreciate them aesthetically, then yes, they are actual magic.
Magic produces change by working directly with consciousness. Its effects often spill over into the physical world, but this occurs only indirectly. This is, in an important sense, the exact opposite of what modern science does. Science causes changes in the physical world in accordance with the “laws” of the physical world. Magic and science not only work by different means; they also work toward different ends, and, in fact, this difference in ends accounts for the difference in means. This is why practitioners of magic don’t conduct laboratory experiments, and why scientists don’t intone chants before altars inscribed with emotionally powerful symbols. The apologists for the conventions of our own age often claim that magic is a “primitive,” immature groping toward science, and now that science has arrived, magic is obsolete. But science and magic are different enterprises altogether. Neither can entirely supersede the other. Indeed, as will be discussed below, magic is as alive and well in the modern world as it’s ever been – it’s just been brilliantly disguised
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
Soo… that means you had room behind your car, so you we’re never forced to learn how to do it without letting the car move.
Try an uphill start with shitty winter tires in traffic when the car barely stays still with your brakes on while you’re stopped at a 30 degree incline in lights.
You learn that it’s better to slightly antagonise the clutch (we call it “pissing” the clutch, but “bullshitting” would be a more accurate translation as per the meaning of “kusettaa”. So youre sort of “cheating”, but what you can’t do is let the car move backwards.
Not only does it make it way worse for the gearbox, it also ruins your chances at having traction in a scenario such as I described.
In Finland you literally have to spend a day on slippery course before getting your permanent licence. It’s ice and water in the winter and oil and soap in the summer. And there too, the instructors may be like, “hey stop here on this uphill.”
Also, whenever doing conscription and driving military trucks in a convoy, you really can’t let the vehicle fall half a length.
That’s just bad driving.
I’m sure you’re a good manual driver… for an American.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
your gonna need half a car length or more to get into gear
my arsehole just clenched tight for any car you’ve ever driven. eugh. you let a car fall back half a car length before the biting point? that’s literally a ton of pressure on it. you’re way better off giving too much gas and too little clutch than letting the car fall half a length backwards bro. the former will perhaps stress your clutch slightly but it won’t fuck with your gears like the latter
like a chinese burn vs a broken bone
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
Handbrake start? Pffft… what a noob.
It’s called the parking brake and it’s for parking. You have the pedal for when you’re driving. You can use that while leaving from a hill, it’s really not that difficult, you just hop from the brake pedal to the biting point on the clutch.
I mean it’d be sort of a bitch on the clutch if it’s like a 40 degree hill and it’s a rental and it’s the first time you’re even moving it at all and you’ve no idea of where the biting point is, but you should never be in a position where that’s the very first time you drive a specific car. And after having driven a car once, you ought to know the biting point.
Thus, “handbrake start”? Noob shit.
- 3rd gen (former) taxi driver
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
I’ve never thought about my spaghetti weight wise. I usually put like a bit less than half a 500g box/package. So ~200ish grams. But I usually eat twice out of it so, yeah guess the guy saying 100g is pretty accurate.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
Dude. You can cook rice noodles in cold water.
I usually put large rice noodles to cold-ish water for about 45-60 min depending on the noodles.
So having a hot shower with rice vermicelli in your nipples will definitely cook them and in a matter of minutes.
- Comment on Anon is confused 3 weeks ago:
Worse, better, who knows. And I’m not really in a life position to even care so…
Just wanted to share differences.
- Comment on Anon is confused 3 weeks ago:
You can have a huge row and be divorced within a week.
You can’t here.
It’s the same in practice, as in just deciding to leave a person and fuck off and start filing and doing all the finance settling, (but just some local differences obviously) and then in 6-12 months you have to confirm it.
I’m not joking about Finland being a bureaucracy, quite literally. Nation filled with rulewhores, and mostly bigots making those rules, because due to the rules no-one gets in power who should and because there’s so many rules, nothing gets done because it’s not in full accordance with every single rule.
Finland is a really easy place to live in in terms of social security and whatnot, but not the best in terms of acceptance of differences or having any open mind in general. Or emotions, for that matter. Closed hearts, closed minds. Just blindly read the rules, or even just pretend to. I once actually quoted the law an government office said they based their decision on and pitily admitted I may be correct but that due to “overall analysis” decision will still be to deny my application.
I could literally write a few books on it.
- Comment on Anon is confused 3 weeks ago:
d I think you’re making it out to be easier that it is in the US. It’s not like you just drop by a government building and sign some papers and you’re done, you actually need to go through the effort to separate all your finances.
Not just finances. You need to remember estates, emotional connections to things, friends family and above if the couple has children, custody.
I’m not making it out to be easy in any way. I’m saying that because it’s not easy, it’s a two phase process here (plus all the things that go with divorce, obviously), so for instance you can’t drunkenly decide to divorce legally and then have to settle all the finances and shit even if you ended up making up and getting back together.
I wish I could have stats on how many people apply for a divorce here, how many cancel it, how many confirm it and how many just expire due to the year’s time limit. Ofc societies are pretty different but it’d be interesting to know.
And yes I understand you can’t file the papers drunk but you can get so mad that you’re angry for a week. But if you still disagree in six months, it clearly wasn’t “just” anger but a good reason. Eh, societal differences I guess. Why six months? Idk. It does feel like people can really be “drunk” as in the winter people might lack vitamin D and get the gloomies and drink all the time and if the period is six months, then there’s at least a bit of non-winter at some point. (Although not really but at least more sun.) I don’t know why it’s so long. The law is originally from 1929 iirc. (Been amended several times obviously)
I don’t have an opinion, I’m just stating that as the reasoning.
Like Finland isn’t the most progressive country despite the “good” social security. (“Good” in quotes because I could write a book about that.)
I think you’re confusing Finland for a democracy when we’re actually a bureaucracy. Making applications and rules and half of them being fucked is like baked into the system.
Also because of how old this law is, perhaps it is to make it harder for women to leave completely. Idk man. But that’s how it is. Looking at history one would assume it’s something like that. It’s crazy the sick shit societies have done to women to achieve that. Literally hobbling women.