- Comment on Anon reaches encopenment. 4 days ago:
You mean it is a kink so annoying that it will put you off porn for a while because of how often it is mentioned around that time of year?
- Comment on Anon is a math prodigy 6 days ago:
For the same reason our OS memory management class was in Java, a language without pointers, because some idiot decided all courses had to be standardized on the same language because the industry says they need people who know that language now.
- Comment on Anon is a math prodigy 6 days ago:
Couldn’t be a compiled language, those wouldn’t even get to the point where you send a request.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 1 week ago:
I wish media depicted more healthy relationships.
And when they do they often portray them as effortless “found my soulmate” kind of relationships which is not how the real world works. Even if you have an amazing partner you need to put in effort to be an amazing partner to them yourself.
- Comment on Anon doesn't want to join the flesh nexus 3 weeks ago:
The problem with that whole concept is that it is often criticized by going the other way, i.e. that everything old is better, when in reality neither everything new nor everything old is great and change has to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Comment on Anon's first job 4 weeks ago:
Are we sure they even understand that concept themselves?
- Comment on Anon's uncle is sick 4 weeks ago:
We don’t care how many people were alive back than compared to today.
But that is exactly the ratio you claim to be 99.9% when in reality it is closer to 93%.
- Comment on Anon's uncle is sick 4 weeks ago:
You underestimate the effects of population growth. There was a lot of time in prehistory but the population at any given point was tiny compared to today.
- Comment on Anon loves proprietary tech 4 weeks ago:
“I am afraid I can’t do that, Dave, not until you have taken a shower”
- Comment on Anon loves proprietary tech 4 weeks ago:
setting the water temperature right where I liked it.
I have that too, it is called “having separate knobs for temperature and turning the water on and off” though I wouldn’t exactly consider it AI.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, it could upset plans such as tickets, amounts of food brought along, seat reservations at restaurants,… so it is a bit rude to keep that to the last minute.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 weeks ago:
In what world do you think someone is a creep and then you agree on going on a hike of all things with them, an activity that is basically guaranteed to have you alone with them at some point?
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 5 weeks ago:
How often do thinker with the memory management in Java?
As a sysadmin unfortunately every single one of those shitty Java projects forces me into dealing with that sooner or later.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 5 weeks ago:
Pretty much any compiled language is easier to install and distribute. Java applications are an absolute pain to get to run to the point that most need specialized wrapper scripts (usually in shell on unix platforms) and need to tinker with memory management parameters on almost all of them.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 5 weeks ago:
There is also absolutely no consideration in Java for production usage.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 5 weeks ago:
On the other hand back in Java 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 days you frequently had companies install a specific patch level version because their applications worked only with that patch level. That was back when Java was actually popular for some reason.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 5 weeks ago:
They forgot to mention that production Java applications apparently need to log a certain minimum number of completely meaningless stacktraces per hour to work properly. Or at least I assume that is the case from the fact that all of them do that.
- Comment on Anon takes the horsepill 5 weeks ago:
Cars are still the most significant expense in most people’s lives after shelter and certainly the most significant in terms of cost per actual time used.
- Comment on Anon takes the horsepill 5 weeks ago:
That link about car cost is from 2021, pretty sure inflation had a significant impact on that in the last few years too, not to mention car companies getting rid of lower end options for a while now.
- Comment on Anon rizzes up a girl 1 month ago:
On your standard keyboard accidentally typing m when you meant t would be quite tricky.
- Comment on Anon rizzes up a girl 1 month ago:
If you do have a keyboard actually typing out the word is usually not the limiting factor either.
- Comment on Anon rizzes up a girl 1 month ago:
It has pretty much always been a low IQ thing when it is just about saving a negligible amount of letters. This is not your “afk” or “brb” where time is of the essence, this is similar to the people who use “u” instead of “you”.
- Comment on Anon awakens an ancient evil 1 month ago:
That one is one of those grammatical situations that I literally remember as “it works the way that does not make sense” since it is the only subject where the possessive form does not use an apostrophe before the s.
- Comment on Commie trek 1 month ago:
Not to mention that this was written in the 80s and 90s. Lighting was signficiantly more of the average person’s energy bill before LEDs so it made sense to the audience back then.
- Comment on Anon lives dangerously 1 month ago:
You are still vulnerable to every kind of vulnerability in every program that processes a file you download. Particularly parsers (e.g. XML, images, PDFs,…) tend to have a lot of those over the years.
- Comment on anonette doesn't want to admit she's wrong 1 month ago:
I don’t like that analogy because it makes it sound like a natural thing while really drinking only has that “gravity” through many of our societal choices we could absolutely change (as a society I mean, not as individuals necessarily).
- Comment on Anon reads a book for school 2 months ago:
At some point I started dialing up the symbolism interpretation up to 11 but somehow they didn’t like that either. I came to the conclusion that they want you to validate their particular interpretation of a work even if it put too much thought into it compared to the author, not put too much thought into it yourself.
- Comment on Anon reads a book for school 2 months ago:
Part of it is also what they make you do to the book. I remember one exercise involving a book of our choice and of course I selected one I already liked at the time. The analysis itself tends to make a book a lot less fun.
- Comment on Anon plays Splatoon 2 months ago:
Game assets can’t be patented. Patents are for concepts, copyright and trademarks are for specific things like assets.
- Comment on Anon is a tour guide at a museum 2 months ago: