- Comment on Anon degoogles his Samsung 2 months ago:
I did this when I was in Japan. I didn’t want to jump through all their ridiculous hoops to get tap to pay to work, so I just threw my NFC debit card into my case and called it a day. Worked 90% of the time.
- Comment on Honey bee trying to drink from a bag zip 2 months ago:
What a silly little dude
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
Pink would be politically beneficial. You could legitimately make major progress in the world with that power. Someone who disagrees with you tries to speak publicly? Time to poop. Hell. Just harass them with explosive diarrhea until they notice the trend that whenever they do something political, the diarrhea returns.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 months ago:
How did that turn out?
- Comment on meow_irl 4 months ago:
Bombadil reference?
- Comment on Please ban data caps, Internet users tell FCC 5 months ago:
Honestly I don’t mind reasonable data caps. Like I get it, they don’t want someone torrenting 100tb of data in a day. That bogs things down.
But with 4k streaming, downloading 100gb game updates on PS5, and YouTube basically constantly on in the background, I’ll hit the 1TB per month comcast limit in like 2 weeks. And that is just me, nevermind having any roommates at all.
1TB just isn’t enough for the modern Internet.
- Comment on I need a Glassdoor account AND a review of a previous employer to see reviews on the website 6 months ago:
What are they? I’d love it if people actually embraced using a different platform. Glassdoor makes no sense anymore
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
As God, I temporarily relieve the souls who are currently in a rush from the consequences of failing the shopping cart test. They will be tested again, however, using seemingly innocuous daily items to prove if they belong in the good place.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
Here’s the thing - the people who don’t return their shopping carts even know that this is a test. If they did, their behavior would change. If you know about the test, it fundamentally voids the test. And that is what makes it valid. If there is no pressure, what do they do?
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
You are a man with a plan. Green flag
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
I’m glad we aren’t incentivized. It allows for this ultimate litmus to take place. I will literally go shopping with dates to figure this out.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 6 months ago:
My bad, you are correct 👍
- Comment on How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase? 6 months ago:
Just checked, looks like they are wired. I get it for certain games, but generally I prefer the convenience of wireless.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
It’s beautiful
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Chex quest. I got this game in a cereal box back in 1996. It defined my childhood.
Now they have an HD version on steam.
- Comment on Disney creates best argument for piracy in a century. 7 months ago:
anyone who has seen the news on this and kept their Disney+ subscription should be, for moral purposes, treated as someone who condones murder
Bro, not gonna lie, this is a bad take. My grandparents just want to watch their soap operas, my parents really like star wars.
It’s like global warming. Blaming individuals for not recycling is not the move - taking action against huge corporations is the only realistic way to make change. By blaming random people, we end up looking like crazy people.
- Comment on Virginia is shrinking! 8 months ago:
I’m told that India and Pakistan loved this setup, and still celebrate the arbitrary line to this day.
- Comment on Anon reflects on e-sports 9 months ago:
It’s ok, if anyone wants them back the smash brothers melee community has them all in the back of their car
- Comment on Futures 10 months ago:
Thank you
- Comment on Futures 10 months ago:
Are you by chance the author?
- Comment on I learned so much 11 months ago:
As a former English teacher, I can say that I have made some rash decisions in my life
- Comment on Anon awakens 11 months ago:
They probably mean bipolar.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Journey 11 months ago:
Journey is a spiritual journey for me. I try to play it once every couple of years to remind me of the impermanence of life and existence.
Fuck the robot snakes, I want a long scarf.
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
Air fryers have changed the game. My life is different now. I’m a changed man. I fry my food with the air. I will never go back.
- Comment on lamp 1 year ago:
Good question, it all actually comes from the great predecessor moth who imbued its children with the energy needed to carry on for generations. This singular imbuement of life has carried them for the last four thousand years, and it is unknown when it will run out. When that time comes, the Luna moth will be no more.
- Comment on Literally a virus 1 year ago:
God didn’t make airplanes flap wings so neither should the birds
- Comment on Restaurant Bill 1 year ago:
It is so engrained into society that suggested tips on the receipt are welcomed, because then you don’t need to do the math
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
Ah yeah definitely. I’m assuming this study was done somewhere like California.
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
And not enough money makes you unhappy, but money does not make you happy.
There’s a study done a while ago that said something to the effect of: do you need at least 50k per year. Up until then, the money increases your ability to be happy. But after that point, it doesn’t make you any more happy.
Happiness comes from being able to take care of your body, mind, and spirit (spirit not in the religious sense, but in a feeling of having purpose and understanding oneself).
- Comment on Weird 🤔 1 year ago:
Nah man, I’m pretty far left. Apparently that isn’t good enough here though. I feel like if I’m not north of Lenin’s ass here, I’m capitalist scum. Its pretty frustrating