- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 months ago:
Again, what about gender makes that okay/not okay?
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 months ago:
Why would “gender swapping” (putting gay people in the shelf I guess) make poorly communicating, or even lying about, intentions be okay then?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
See it’s not about posting slop for slop sake. It’s so when the account become some kind of shill it has “legitimate” history to say they’re not a shill.
- Comment on do you think lemmy will ever be popular? 4 months ago:
Honestly no, and that’s okay?
Early web2 websites like MySpace did become “popular”. But IMO one of its layckings was trying out web2 by evolving something from web1’s static websites.
Where Facebook is the platform that popularized web2 in a way that worked with what web2 was and fundamentally build something new off of that.
I think Lemmy/mastatdon/most current federated clones that exist today won’t last all that long. Something that is built with federation to its core and instead of just being a feature, is central to its offering.
What is that? Not a god damn clue.
But I’m excited to try it out.
Disclaimer: not a historian. Born in the early 90s so a lot of my judgement above is bassed off of foggy memories and are my opinions and only opions.
- Comment on Subnautica 2 arrives in Early Access in 2025 with 4 player co-op 5 months ago:
Arrives can also be used instead of “will arrive on”. It’s less common but not infrquent in release announcement for tech things at least.
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 sucks up to 180 Mb/s of internet bandwidth while in flight — equivalent to 81GB of data per hour 5 months ago:
Except they can’t? Because the world itself doesn’t repeat like that.
Also we’re not talking a doubling of the area. We are talking 1:1 of the entire earth. Starting from satellite images.
- Comment on After is a new dating app that tries to tackle ghosting 5 months ago:
I don’t see how a polite lie is better no.
- Comment on After is a new dating app that tries to tackle ghosting 5 months ago:
I don’t understand why you’d want to see people lie to you. That just seems like a waste of everyone’s time to me.
- Comment on After is a new dating app that tries to tackle ghosting 5 months ago:
But then what’s the point of the feature if no one is telling the truth?
- Comment on Valve bans Razer and Wooting’s new keyboard features in Counter-Strike 2 7 months ago:
No one in this chain called it a sport that I saw. The root comment was “”professional” gamer”
- Comment on Valve bans Razer and Wooting’s new keyboard features in Counter-Strike 2 7 months ago:
Except the person in question didn’t call gamers athletes but instead professional.
I would also count athlete a subset of professional as well.
- Comment on Proton Now Has a Bitcoin Wallet 8 months ago:
That assumes dev resources are limitless. And for a company the size of proton that’s certainly not true.
They can only have X amount of devs. So how they allocate them says a lot.
Also given that most complaints I’ve seen at the top are about specific missing features for ages, I think it’s safe they’re putting their eggs into too many baskets.
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
That’s not how fractions and math work though.
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
That’s not what Planck length is. It’s the minimum resolvable accuracy not measurement. Meaning we can prove something was somewhere specific beyond the Planck length. Not that it’s the building size of the universe.
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
If you want my credentials, the second book is deriving the hydrogen atom.
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
Being continuous is not actually a requirement of being real.
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
That’s not what I said?
They’re “stable” energy states. That’s all.
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
A real number is the set of both rational and irrational numbers. Nothing about continuous anything.
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
They don’t make “discrete jumps” as in teleportation. They exist stable in discrete energy levels, but that doesn’t imply things don’t move continuously.
- Comment on Irrational 9 months ago:
Mmmmmm don’t know about that.
The Planck length is the minimum resolvable accuracy of the universe. That doesn’t mean it’s a building block like the electron is.