- Comment on What's the tallest pyramid we'd be able to build? Can we reach space? 22 hours ago:
That was an incredibly interesting read. Do you know of any other planned mega structures like that?
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 2 days ago:
The older I get, the longer hangovers last. I’ve gotten pretty good at squashing them. The secret is to take a multivitamin plus b-12 and iron before bed, along with plenty of water and electrolytes. If I still feel off in the morning, a fruit smoothie with kale sets me straight.
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 2 days ago:
I’m not the guy you’re responding to, but if you want a really interesting take on sci-fi mixed with medieval fantasy then check our Jaran by Kate Elliott.
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 2 days ago:
It’s been entirely too long since I read those books!
I didn’t think me and the other guy were arguing, though. There were no bad feelings.
- Comment on She would be proud 3 days ago:
Your grandma had amazing taste (pun intended).
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 3 days ago:
I think our definition of “pick me girl” is different which is why we’re not seeing eye-to-eye.
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 3 days ago:
The article does not say that the actress felt that Meredith was a “pick me girl”. It highlighted one specific scene that she felt was cringe, but fans of the show loved.
- Comment on Uniquely American 3 days ago:
That’s absolutely not what it means. As someone who went from homelessness to 6-figures, smart moves don’t require stomping on others.
- Comment on She would be proud 3 days ago:
I was the lucky grandchild tasked with getting rid of my grandma’s spicy book collection after she passed. There were so, so many of them.
If the covers are anything to go by, we have similar taste in men.
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 3 days ago:
I’ve been binging Grey’s (currently on the Covid season) and wouldn’t consider Mer to be a “pick me girl”. Especially after Derek, she has focused on her career and family and only has occasional flings. Her self esteem doesn’t come from any sort of external validation.
A quote from this season about Mer sums it up well: You’ve always been your own person. A force of nature. You’ve never needed anyone but you.
- Comment on Parts of Playstation network might be back. 3 days ago:
I was playing Apex and any time there was a Playstation player on my team the framerate dropped down to like 5FPS for minutes at a time. So I think it’s still struggling
- Comment on Eat that ramen 6 days ago:
Look at Mr. Moneybags over here with his egg.
- Comment on Eat that ramen 6 days ago:
Only if you get student loans. Just don’t go to college! It’s not like the world needs doctors, scientists, engineers, dentists, teachers, meteorologists, judges, librarians, well-educated citizens in general… Oh wait.
- Comment on I to live dangerously 1 week ago:
They don’t tell you when you’re growing up that farting will eventually become the most dangerous part of your day.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 1 week ago:
I haven’t driven over the speed limit in a decade in the US and have anecdotally never experienced the behavior you’re describing.
- Comment on If a country and email providers in that country block my email provider, but I use a custom domain, does that affect emails sent to/from 1 week ago:
The mail server’s IP typically takes precedence over the registrar’s location.
- Comment on Why do people indoors at public places always listen to their phone at full volume? 2 weeks ago:
The people I’ve seen do this seem to be trying to establish dominance and are hoping someone confronts them so they can fight. A pissing contest.
That, or, they are so self-absorbed that they lack the ability to realize that their behavior impacts others.
- Comment on Respectful Accountability 2 weeks ago:
I’ve has a difficult day and for some reason this just made me laugh uncontrollably, so hard that I got a bellyache. Thanks for the joy, friend.
- Comment on Solarpunk AF 2 weeks ago:
I loved seeing models like this in science book as a kid because I’d imagine them as tiny little worlds
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
RIP your inbox
- Comment on Worth 2 weeks ago:
Did you know that those are special cows? They’re outstanding in their field.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Absolutely. It’s a good sign that he’s joking around, and the misogyny appears to be tongue-in-cheek.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Jesus, I can’t fathom how someone would feel that it didn’t affect them. Truly wishing the best for your friend.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Bruh you watched the videos? I uh, guess it’s important to share hobbies with your loved ones.
- Comment on Video game publishers are starting to use "anti-DEI" as a marketing meme 3 weeks ago:
Piggy backing off of this, the DEI council at my job ensures that everyone has what they need to succeed in their role. For example, the All Gender restroom didn’t have feminine sanitary products which was troublesome for some of our non binary staff. Instead of forcing them to use the women’s bathroom, we installed a dispenser in the All Gender restroom.
Also, many of the field employees shower at the office after their shift because it’s dirty work. But the shower facilities were just one big room, high school style, which made several LGBTQ employees uncomfortable. We pushed for individual shower stalls as a DEI effort and now everyone feels more comfortable showering.
These are things that straight, white, cis people probably wouldn’t think of. The DEI council allows minority voices to be heard.
- Comment on I can't afford to have kitties because I can't afford me ;_; 3 weeks ago:
Thank you for being thoughtful enough to not adopt kitties before you’re able to care for them. ❤️ You’ll get there someday and the perfect cat(s) will be waiting.
- Comment on What was your worst relationship and when did you realise it had to end 3 weeks ago:
Other than a crippling fear of sex, I’m doing OK!
- Comment on What was your worst relationship and when did you realise it had to end 3 weeks ago:
Four year relationship with a guy. At 1.5 years I found out he was cheating, and he convinced me to stay. A few years later he lost his job, never got unemployment payments, made no attempt to find a job, let me pay for everything while he smoked weed and played videogames for a year. I worked 70 hour weeks to pay our bills. He crashed my car one night by going for a midnight munchies run while stoned.
Even after all that I was willing to stay. But a few months after he got a job, I found out that he had been cheating almost every day while I was at work. I got an STD from his infidelity.
Tried to leave and he hit me and physically restrained me from leaving the house. It took around 6 months to safely get out of the relationship. He stole my (new) car on his way out and tried to steal my dog.
- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 3 weeks ago:
To make the grapes even better, freeze them with the citric acid. It makes an awesome treat.
- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 3 weeks ago:
That’s a nice thought but it’s sadly how how reality works for many people who are living paycheck to paycheck.