How about don’t break into someone’s house?
Submitted 3 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
And ruin every American gun owner’s wet dream? 3 months ago
I’m a gun owner, and I have absolutely no interest in shooting someone ever.
You know how people who say people should eat less meat get a lot of flack because of those annoying vegans who spray-paint leather jackets?
That’s most gun owners. Perfectly reasonable people who have no interest in violence, take gun safety seriously, and store their guns safely.
The thing is part of responsible gun ownership is not wearing a shirt that says “fuck you, I have a gun.” We don’t make guns our entire personality, and we understanding that advertising our gun ownership will make people think we’re like the redneck jackasses you see on TV AND make it more likely to have our cars and homes broken into.
The number one way to get your car windows smashed and everything in it cleaned out is to put a Glock sticker on the window. 3 months ago
No offense. Who cares. If someone is an asshole enough to break into someone’s house then they better be ready. 3 months ago
Also: Don’t be poor 3 months ago
Lots of poor people don’t break into other people’s houses. 3 months ago
Agreed, you break the law you forfeit your life. 3 months ago
So you are down with someone breaking into your home and taking whatever they want including sexual liberties?
You are a better Christian than me. 3 months ago…/chris-gaither-11-year-old-boy-shoots-i…
From 2016 … lets talk about the child that just killed their family/sibling/neighbor/school with daddy’s gun, too.
Which one from last week ? Doesn’t matter … pick one. 3 months ago
Yes, but that’s not Le Epic Chad Uber Cool. You don’t get to experience glee at the thought of being this person. 3 months ago
A world where a kid can remorselessly shoot someone. Isn’t that great. DGAF if the guy “deserved” it or not for breaking in. 3 months ago
I understand that it’s self defense, but does it feel weird to anyone else how comfortable a kid is with killing another person?? 3 months ago
I got no proof other than my personal experiences growing up and observing kids while teaching them in groups at a school.
Children by in large seem to have little empathy for others. Children have little to no problem with bullying others without any emotional issues. Even to the point of pushing other kids to suicide. They have little regard for others and even less control over maturity.
I think empathy is something that you develop as you grow older. It’s more a mark of adulthood than childhood. 3 months ago
Sadly, this is very similar of my wife’s understanding of teaching kids from 11-18. Emotional intelligence is very different from standard intelligence, and it develops at different times for different people.
Sometimes it’s a pure lack of empathy, and other times it’s simply not being able to understand that people have their own shit they’re dealing with. It can be simple stuff like bullying someone going through a rough time at home/school, or showing zero remorse when a kid they’ve assaulted goes blind due to brain damage because “the kid was a fucking dweeb”. Some of the stories I’ve heard second-hand are absolutely fucking tragic, even in good schools. 3 months ago
I don’t know about that. I think a lot of kids feel empathy from a young age, and bullying behaviors are rather caused by a harsh environment and how they are treated by other people, especially parents. 3 months ago
He didn’t kill the intruder. 3 months ago
The guy was shot in the leg. It doesn’t say in any of the news coverage that he died. 3 months ago
Is it not possible that this photo was taken prior to the incident, and that the kid was bothered by the whole situation? I have a hard time taking the “little baby” comment too seriously. People act in very unusual ways when overdosing on adrenaline. 3 months ago
There is a news logo on the bottom. This is likely a still from an interview about the incident 3 months ago
Fair point. I can see myself using some comment like that to cope if I were in that situation. 3 months ago
Murca 3 months ago 3 months ago
Most of this thread falls into two categories of people -
Shooting someone, under any condition, and not pouring you heart out for the person = psychopath
People who do illegal things are not actually people, please more authoritarianism
It is pretty obvious that almost no one, commenting here, has been in a situation where your life is truly being threatened, after your safety has been violated, and people who do not understand the how, and why, of criminal behavior. Yet they are all making very self-assured, absolutely black and white logic, statements as if they are the herald of truth. 3 months ago
To add to this comment…
People turn into animals under pressure and they cope with stress in unusual or seemingly unreasonable ways.
Taunting someone that you view as a threat to your safety may be a coping mechanism that serves to calm your own nerves, by making light of the situation and maintaining a sense of dominance over the aggressor.
It seems cold but in a life threatening situation there isn’t much room for thoughtful compassion, you have to do what you have to do to survive and there is no way to know what’s coming next. Even if things seem to have deescalated, it doesn’t end for a very very long time, thats what PTSD is all about.
Now, people who are engaging in illegal activity are people. I’ve been held at gun point, I’ve been shot at, and robbed. As much as I think these people deserve to go to jail I also hope that they eventually learn that what they did was wrong and want forgiveness. I would forgive them. All people are victims whether they know it or not, in various capacities.
The people that shot at me, probably had a harder life growing up and this is them fighting for a better life, as fucked up as it is, and as wrong as I think they are… Now, even with all of that said if I had a gun when this happened and I could get some good shots in, I might be talking some shit and I dont see that those two things conflict. I can be understanding of their situation, feel for them and feel bad for having to shoot them but also be taunting them at the same time. When I was robbed I jokingly told them to calm down as I was popping the register, they were pointing the pistol point blank at my face as I was being slightly dismissive of them, partially because thats who I am and also, Im sure, as a way to release tension. 3 months ago
There’s also the fact that the intruder was shot in the leg and didn’t die. 3 months ago
Yeah, and the kid is 11, instead of thinking “man, a full grown man broke into an 11 year old’s house, then threatened his life, and he shot the guy while running away, and then said mean things to him, he must have been in the middle of a big mind fuck, one that adults have issues dealing with, at 11, and isn’t acting normally, and this will have effects down the line we can’t foresee” many are like “I know exactly how people should behave to this specific childhood trauma, and this child is definitely a psychopath”. 3 months ago
“Confidently incorrect” 3 months ago
Imagine living in a society so deeply fucked up that some people feel the need to become burglars and others feel the need that attacking them with deadly weapons them is the only option.
And then imagine that this is celebrated.
Oh well… 3 months ago
Na, fuck that, This guy might be a saint with the most tragic relatable backstory imaginable but the last thing this kid should do is hesitate long enough to hear that story or believe it, also a kid just can’t fight back even if he could he shouldn’t take the chances, as far as him saying he cried like a baby, 🤷 you broke into my house dude you aren’t gonna be praised. This kid has every right to be proud, in this situation we are nothing but animals and he did exactly the right thing. 3 months ago
you broke into my house dude you aren’t gonna be praised
Of course not.
This kid has every right to be proud, in this situation we are nothing but animals and he did exactly the right thing.
So is it right to put deadly weapons into the hands of children?
What if he had killed the burglar? Good thing to have on the conscience of a child, right?Don’t get me wrong. I totally understand that in extreme situations people should defend themselves. But was this an extreme situation which justifies these actions?
What the child said is already deeply disturbing:
“I told him I was going to kill him if he didn’t get out of my house,” said Chris.
And why the fuck do children have access to weapons?
he grabbed a 9mm handgun
Then there is this:
The intruder made it out the front door, but that’s when Chris started firing off bullets. As the intruder was about to jump a fence, Chris’s 12th and final shot hit the bad guy in the leg.
( Citations from:…/chris-gaither-11-year-old-boy-shoots-i… )
Intruder was outside, going away, and the kid started shooting.
The kid could’ve just ran away. Instead of trying to kill someone or getting themselves killed by such a behaviour.No. The kid shouldn’t be proud. Neither should anyone. That’s just fucked up. And raising kids to become possibly killers is not making it better overall.
He can be lucky not to have killed that man and that he didn’t get seriously injured.People can and should be better than this. 3 months ago
I don’t understand how this comment has been upvoted, especially as a response to another comment that boils down to “it sucks that people are driven to burglary and it sucks that people have to defend themselves with deadly force from burglary” 3 months ago
Sounds pretty legit to me. It’s fucked people need to rob but you come to take someone’s things and you’re naive if you don’t think violence is a potential outcome. 3 months ago
It’s not the taking the things that’s the issue, it’s that the method of taking the things inherently comes with the either implicit or explicit threat of bodily harm or violence in order for the criminal to get what he wants. Nobody’s going to break into your house your stuff, or leap out of a dark alley and demand your wallet, and when you say “no” just shrug and walk away. They’re going to shove a gun in your face or try to beat you up.
If you show up with the intent of employing force, you absolutely should not be surprised if people employ force against you in turn.
That, and if you want to stick it to The Man there are much more suitable targets than victimizing individual people who just as likely have it as tough as you do. Go knock over a Walmart or something. For fuck’s sake. 3 months ago
and you’re naive if you don’t think violence is a potential outcome
Currently, of course. Point is, people can be better. On both sides. And instead of nurturing our compassion and collective support, we praise violence and let continue the wheel to roll which has already destroyed countless of lives. 3 months ago
It’s just text on a screen. No idea of the details or even if it’s fabricated from whole cloth.
The only thing that’s important is the image of blood and terror and pain being worshipped by people who secretly yearn for the chance to inflict it on others. 3 months ago
[deleted] 3 months ago
Body shaming a child, ascribing a whole persona based on an abberant situation, then act absolutely smug about it all. How very European.
Children grow out of being overweight all the time. And the facts are that someone WAS breaking into this house that was occupied by a child. If there were no gun, perhaps this would have been a much different article. 3 months ago
He’s a kid. Shaming him for his weight and then assuming his mental state at the moment is not the “own” you think it is 3 months ago
Dude broke into his house, stole his stuff and threatened to kill him. Everyone has a right to defend themselves.
The guy lived, by the way. He was shot in the leg and was treated in hospital. 3 months ago
Wow that kid is so merciful, only a cautionary shot, what an example 3 months ago
Canadian here who thinks the kid was in the right and would still have been it he had aimed for center of mass instead of the leg.
Do you think people should be safe to carry out home invasions without occupants of the home being able to defend themselves? 3 months ago
Didn’t he shoot while the man was fleeing? I can understand though that it must have been a stressful situation for the kid, so I could forgive him for his actions. But I wouldn’t say it’s right to shoot a man that’s fleeing.
“Gaither says he followed the man outside and started shooting as the intruder fled with a clothes hamper.”…/he-started-crying-like-a-little-b… 3 months ago
If you break into a home you get what you deserve and that includes insults and\or deletion. 3 months ago
apparently lemmitors hate themselves so much that self defense is incomprehensible to them 3 months ago
Hilarity ensues when Lemmy subscribers start buying guns en masse to ridicule and own republicans after losing the elections, becoming the very thing they swore to destroy 3 months ago
In this case, a bullet to the leg which he survived. 3 months ago
I used to be a burglar like him, until I took a bullet to the knee 3 months ago
Isn’t this basically the plot of “Home Alone” and it’s very popular sequels playing out with a firearm? With FPS games as the cultural backdrop, why is anyone shocked at this? Or is this just hand-wringing? 3 months ago
The bandits in Home Alone had many chances to turn back and abandon the job.
You shoot someone, they stay shot. 3 months ago
Many of the cutesy cartoony traps in Home Alone would have absolutely killed the bandits in real life. 3 months ago
That’s the beauty of it 3 months ago
These kids are our future. 3 months ago
not if they stay in school long enough !
either thanks to education, or murica freedom bullets 3 months ago
The only thing that can stop a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun. 3 months ago 3 months ago
What trend is the image showcasing? Repetition? 3 months ago
Yeah! You just want to read an article and it turns out it’s just the headline repeating over and over 3 months ago
cant believe the amount of people feeling bad for the intruder
like, do you also feel bad if a nazi gets punched? 3 months ago
I mean good but is no one worried about the kid not having any issues with taking someone’s life? Maybe I’m missing out on some extra pieces of info, but it is a bit concerning even if it is an intruder. 3 months ago
Doesn’t look like a dancer. 3 months ago
Based kid murdering an attacker
Lol at Lemmy crying like babies because the kid defended himself LMAO 🤣
And then you want to toot your own horn by owning guns to threaten republicans kjjjj
I’d ask you guys are disconnected with reality but these comments just make you all look unhinged 3 months ago
Get yourself to safety and call the cops 3 months ago
Life is cheap in the red states. 3 months ago 3 months ago
After visiting some crime scenes etc … I know there is a human factor to both sides … Victim, criminal etc. But I just do not feel that much sympathy towards the criminal anymore. They had a choice. This time they chose poorly. Breaking into a house in any of the red states is Russian roulette. This time he just chose the loaded cylinder. 3 months ago
So many dumbasses who think Professor Barclay is being serious. It’s a joke. The guy did not die. It’s dark humor. 3 months ago
sooooo… does this mean he’s becoming the school’s quiet kid or not ? 3 months ago
What a psychopath. Anyone wanna bet he becomes a cop? 3 months ago
Would you rather just let the kid be at the whim of the intruder? How much sympathy should a kid be expected to give to someone who broke into his home?
This could have easily turned into a barricaded suspect with a hostage. 3 months ago
Mocking someone who is bleeding out in front of you is literal psychopath behavior. 3 months ago
There’s a huge difference between defending yourself and mocking a person you just hurt. 3 months ago
A bloody body should trigger horror and disgust. 3 months ago
What’s the over/under that his dad is one? 3 months ago
The intruder was his dad 3 months ago
Psychopathy as a diagnoses is bullshit. People disassociate in different ways during traumatic events and as a coping mechanism for heightened stress all the time, and this reads exactly like that.
This does clearly show the kid is well-conditioned for being a cop, though. He seems like he’d be great at ‘just following orders’. at the same time, he’d probably be good as a paramedic or a fireman too, since all those occupations require you to emotionally disassociate to get your job done effectively. 3 months ago
Stfu with that logic, get on the ACAB circlejerk train. 3 months ago
The next Rittenhouse or Zimmerman more likely. 3 months ago
“I’ve always been a defender of justice. Like when I bravely defended my home at the age of 11”