- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 3 days ago:
So you want to take agency away from every adult so they conform to your views only?
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 2 weeks ago:
I think “Patch this Bish” is kind of how we got to this point.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 3 weeks ago:
Think of it as a way to say you have no clue how to communicate correctly through the written word. By the time I’m forced to wade through your lack of punctuation, misspellings and the autocorrect blunders and the stupid emojis to decipher what you REALLY meant, I already have equated your IQ to be around the range of my old orange tabby cat.
If you send me a text, I will consider it of such low priority that I might get back to you in a week or so.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 3 weeks ago:
I absolutely detest text messaging or emails. You have a problem? Call me because I can probably solve your issue in one minute of phone call. I have been almost always been subjected to texting sessions that lasted for several hours because the dumbass on the other end lacked the spelling and vocab skills to provide an accurate written description of the problem.
Time is money and even sometimes life threatening unless the fastest method of communication is use. And fastest ain’t an email or text.
- Comment on Anon has an antique revolver 3 weeks ago:
Antique firearms are often fiddly to take apart, repair and reassemble. After all, they weren’t the most optimized designs and often required a lot of hand fitting to get things to work as compared to today. But they aren’t that complex nor were they designed like an iPhone to be near impossible to take apart and reassemble.
But, like most mechanical things, you really only need to be 5% smarter than the machine to actually work with it. A high bar for some I suppose.
- Comment on moms rule 4 weeks ago:
The French tried to impose “metric” time way back in the day. Even they learned that was a bad idea and quietly dropped it. The solar system seems to prefer it’s base12 time.
I think it maybe helped give rise the the saying: “The French follow no one. And no one follows the French.”
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 4 weeks ago:
I already wear a smart watch and use the vibrate reminders. It’s not particularly effective. After a lifetime in the harsh sun, there ain’t a lot of feeling left. Maybe once out of three times I might notice the vibration if I’m not distracted doing life things.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 4 weeks ago:
As a boomer with tinnitus, (I’ve had since maybe 4 years old), and now hearing loss, I can’t hear shit on my cell phone at 50% volume. And I have alarms set to remind me to take certain inhalers at set times during the day, (Thanks Long Covid!). So, yeah, I have the volume up enough to probably piss you off. It pisses me off too-- I hate those things and having to live like this. But it’s not like turning the volume off or down is really an option for me.
But chances are I probably forgot the damn thing at home anyway.
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 5 weeks ago:
There is soon a great winnowing of craft distilleries coming also. There is a glut of barrels growing in rick houses are we speak and production is dropping. MGP, (probably the largest producer of custom/aged spirits for “craft” whisk(e)y brands in the US), has announced large cut backs in their production. The market share for spirits is declining in the US as the younger customers are swinging away from spirits to other types of intoxicants.
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 5 weeks ago:
Mostly because they can’t be good at all of them. And there were/are a lot of bad brewers out there that don’t care about mastering the craft.
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 5 weeks ago:
The “craft” part got killed in the commercialization of the genre. So it’s become the modern version of Pabst. And there is a contraction of micro breweries at the moment as beer drinkers are slowly learning to pass on all the crap out there.
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 5 weeks ago:
It’s not that I hate IPAs, I don’t per se. I’ve home brewed IPAs for myself even though I prefer ales. The problem started with micro breweries trying to out do each other in seeing just how much hopps could be jackhammered into a beer. And it’s turned beer drinkers in pretentious snobs because they have no clue in what the reason is for IPAs to even exist in the first place or even how it’s supposed to originally taste.
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 5 weeks ago:
I almost always follow a new recipe the first time around to understand what the dish is generally supposed to be. After that, I start riffing off of it to make it what I want it to be. But you gotta know which general direction the dish was originally headed before you can successfully play with it if you’re a Home Gamer in the kitchen.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 1 month ago:
While it’s possible to special order Imperial thread standard spanners, it’s unlikely you are buying those. US Customary screw specifications are a separate thing, (have been so for over 100 years now), and have nothing to do with Imperial anything. There are some sizes that will fit, much as some metric wrench sizes will also fit US Customary and vice versa. But there are bunches of Imperial sizes that have no correlation to US Customary standards for machine screws.
Source: Old, cranky, retired toolmaker that has had to custom make screws for everything from laboratory equipment, cameras, to antique cars and tractors to 200 year old firearms. I’m familiar with more screw standards than you even know exist.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 1 month ago:
We don’t use “Imperial kingdom units.” We use US Customary units which are different. Just like your “metric” system is different from SI.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
My $90US AWOW mini with Celeron J4125, 8 gigs of shared memory, 128gig SSD seems to run FreeDoom as good as any of the other potatos them GamerBoi fancy water cooled custom boxes have…
- Comment on Feel the Joy 1 month ago:
She made a great career out of playing “everyone’s mom” .
- Comment on Feel the Joy 1 month ago:
Yep. Piss jugs are a thing for truckers. Ain’t got time to stop to pee, you guys all expect your ordered shit to be across country in minutes after the order is placed.
- Comment on Looking for answers 2 months ago:
Violence is always a valid answer. It’s just not always the best answer. The problem with violence is it’s been proven time and time again to be impossible to control and hold to a limited use since there are no cool heads at that point. Nor do specific targets exist-- just collateral damage.
And no successful revolutionary has ever had a sound plan for after the victory beyond “I want the power now.” And they can either hold the power or not. But the idea of “for the good of the people” gets put to the side pretty quickly.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
My money is on fusion before proper socialism.
There is always someone willing to twist the rules and game the system to get more money and power than everyone else. The 1% have always existed and so have the worker class. It will always shake out to that.
- Comment on Germ Blaster 2 months ago:
I wash my hands for nearly a minute. But most of that time is spent trying to get those stupid no touch faucets to work.
- Comment on Germ Blaster 2 months ago:
They often are partially recycled material. But recycled paper isn’t like recycling aluminum or steel. There are limits to how often and how much of the cycled material you can add back to make useful paper products.
But paper towels can and does make great compost as most gardeners know. And a properly run landfill is a compost pile. But you need to keep the nasty garbage out.
- Comment on Germ Blaster 2 months ago:
Yes you can assume all people don’t wash their hands correctly.
- Comment on 1+1= 2 months ago:
If they did, they wouldn’t need engineers.
But it’s more of a division of labor I think.
It is the job of the scientist to discover a new idea. It is the job of an engineer to kill enough people to make the idea just safe enough to turn loose on the public.
Remember kiddies, scientific principles are written in ink. Engineering principles are very often written in blood.
- Comment on No need to boil the ocean 2 months ago:
So pasteurization does nothing?
- Comment on Intruder 2 months ago:
I’m not so sure. Children have a lot of desire and drive to monopolize an adult’s attention and resources. This I think gives any one child a leg up on getting the best resources to survive better. And you can see it when you work with a group of children. They will group around you jostling for the best position to be first and get the best from you. They do of course, get better with age and as they learn patience, but there is still a lack of empathy to be found in their base behavior.
After all, if you grew up with siblings, I’m quite sure your parents at some point in your early childhood told you “Be nice to your siblings! You love them!” more than once. Or some variation on that theme. And if you are a parent yourself, you have used that phrase at some point also. Because who has better reason to want to “kill” each other than brothers and sisters? They want to get as much of mommy and daddy as possible. Those resources are scarce and your natural drive is to fight to get them.
And hopefully, as children age they learn to get and show empathy to those around them. Most do, but some never quite manage it.
- Comment on Binary search 2 months ago:
Yeah, it probably would. They would be interested in just how and why you got a bloody face. And even US cops carry basic medical supplies like a band-aid.
US cops aren’t the best, but they can and do help with such things.
- Comment on Intruder 2 months ago:
He didn’t actually kill the intruder so that’s something he can probably look forward to either after joining the military or law enforcement.
But joking aside, children by in large, don’t seem to have much empathy about such things. You can see this in the bullying they do in schools and on the playgrounds. And it doesn’t seem to bother them much.
- Comment on Intruder 2 months ago:
I got no proof other than my personal experiences growing up and observing kids while teaching them in groups at a school.
Children by in large seem to have little empathy for others. Children have little to no problem with bullying others without any emotional issues. Even to the point of pushing other kids to suicide. They have little regard for others and even less control over maturity.
I think empathy is something that you develop as you grow older. It’s more a mark of adulthood than childhood.
- Comment on Brazilian's impression on the united states(i have never been there and this is based on nothing) 2 months ago:
Indiana’s main advantage is it’s quick to drive through. It doesn’t take long to get from Illinois to Ohio.
Though I can’t see a reason to drive through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or anywhere on the east coast as a trucker actually.