- Comment on Anon self-improves 2 weeks ago:
a script / rough idea that has/is hiding aspects of your relationship
I guess I can respect that when one accepts a worldview that it will have an inherent impact on one’s relationships, and if one generally has views on life that are anarchistic that it would follow that they would want to seek such openness in other aspects of their life, too.
When I describe myself as traditionalist, a lot of it is in things like, as the man in the relationship, I feel a deep desire to sacrifice financially and physically to ensure my family is well provided for, and my partner as the woman generally orients herself towards caring for our child in ways that I might not. It’s inherent to our relationship, and neither of us has talked about it nor had any issues for the times we’ve broken from these roles. That ‘traditionality’ fits us well and I feel like we do a good job raising our child compassionately but also with structure and respect.
I ultimately don’t care what people do if they’re not hurting others. If whatever you’re doing works well for you and your partner I’m happy to hear that. I wouldn’t say I align with your views but it’s a big world, isn’t it?
- Comment on Anon self-improves 2 weeks ago:
I consider myself relatively traditional in my relationship views, even as an atheist, but I also just talk to my partner and we figure out what makes us both happy with each other and ourselves. How is this any different from “relationship anarchy” without carrying the baggage of describing my personal relationship with political philosophy? I’m a guy and I like some traditionally feminine things like cooking and sewing, but I don’t think I’m “smashing the patriarchy” for it.
- Comment on Anon self-improves 2 weeks ago:
Sounds like an unnecessary way of complicating simpler and more universal concepts like “communication” and “healthy boundaries” to me. It’s really cool if a couple comes to terms with their own personal desires in a relationship but I don’t see why we have to shove political philosophy into it.
“I don’t want to do dishes”
“No, you’re a modernity anarchist fighting heteronormativity!”
- Comment on Anon self-improves 2 weeks ago:
relationship anarchist
Man, people these days will do absolutely anything that can to shrug off any commitment or intimacy with their partner. I wouldn’t even try to date a RA, that sounds miserable, dude.
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
The view from halfway down
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 weeks ago:
The Amish dudes at my work absolutely destroy the toilets. Smears going up the tank, hair everywhere, toilet often clogged. What the fuck are their wives and mothers feeding them??
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 weeks ago:
I tried a bit from the tap after my son was born, can say it was not bad at all
- Comment on Anon is a sore loser 1 month ago:
Goddamn democrats and their 76th-trimester abortions
- Comment on Anon has a busy day 1 month ago:
Yeah I’m in the same boat. I’m 29, haven’t gamed since I was 25 or so. Its allure just evaporated once I got into botany, coding, hiking, Pacific War history, etc. Who has time to play vidya??
- Comment on Anon just wants to enjoy his movie 1 month ago:
Oh you can’t forget the one of the guy who is in his basement apartment and slowly becomes convinced that everyone he speaks to is an impostor.
- Comment on Anon just wants to enjoy his movie 1 month ago:
Thank you, this post gave me the impetus to actually hunt down a greentext I’ve been trying to find for several years. I used to have a large PNG of it on my old computer.
- Comment on Anon has an antique revolver 1 month ago:
Now watch this drive
- Comment on Multiverse 1 month ago:
Upvoted just because you referenced the Lovecraft Dream Cycle, epic l
- Comment on Career options 2 months ago:
At least they had company for ten years
- Comment on Darn it 2 months ago:
Potaters gonna potate
- Comment on Now give me a treat 2 months ago:
A half gallon of patchouli oil will get rid of the smell!
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 2 months ago:
I had haddock, white wine and gala apples once, and asked ChatGPT to make me a slow cooker recipe. The results were… Surprisingly not bad. I don’t think I’ll ever do it again though.
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 2 months ago:
That’s me when my family wants me to whip up a random pasta lunch. Hmm, mulled black peppercorn and garlic? A bit of paprika? Tomato paste, oh now it definitely needs oregano.
Shit, I just made pasta alla vodka again.
- Comment on ScIence 2 months ago:
Bah, that’s just a rounding error!
- Comment on ScIence 2 months ago:
I noticed recently that a Linux command mentioned in its manpage that it supported Q as a bit prefix and I had to stop to ponder the utility in encoding a million-billion Terabytes.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
I think the amount of people who either (1) do not know the term to be gender neutral or (2) purposefully use it as a gendered term to anger people is less than 1%, honestly.
I live in a pretty conservative area, and I’m not exactly a leftist either, and I’ve never seen guys used in any way other than just as a generic for “you all”
it’s also just not important enough to die on a hill for
Cool, so we agree it’s silly to get so strung up over it, huh? Of course people tailor their language, it happens constantly. If someone is going to go out of their way to construe a perfectly normal part of speech as me being malignant and demand that I change my behavior for their benefit I’m going to tell them to fuck off, personally. If someone is respectful and asks tactfully…sure, I’ll adjust for them. Though internally I’ll be judging them for being a snowflake.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 months ago:
My main steed is an HP ZBook from 2014, and it is a powerful and fast computer.
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
is a command on MacOS, too. - Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
- Comment on Do this in remembrance of me 2 months ago:
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
The day I figured out the mouse cheese puzzle was a major milestone of my childhood
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
Potaties, love
My gravy, love
Potaties, love
My gravy, lovePotaties and my gravies and pa-peas…
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
Fuck yeah Neverhood!
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 2 months ago:
Fuck man, I don’t disagree with you. Don’t construe my words as me saying there’s nothing wrong here, but I also am not in the “omg just get divorced” camp, either. I’ve been in great and terrible relationships and I’ve seen behavior like above in both. There’s a massive difference between “I’m serving you these papers to cause suffering or as a shit test” and what OOP’s wife did. YES, her behavior was toxic. Toxicity doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
I’ve been around plenty of guys like the greentexter, too. Aloof, unaware, “women say the darnedest things” types. If he doesn’t see the situation and say, “Damn I got some problems with this relationship that need fixing” then he’s insane. But this guy says, “I love you and I’ve always tried… Man this is weird, better post to 4chan!”
Perhaps she’s been trying to talk to him about it but he’s been acting like a dumbass and this was her last ditch effort to shake some sense into him. AGAIN, her behavior is unhealthy. But if his response to it is to show love, and hers is to break down and back away from the edge, then perhaps there is more foundation here than we’re seeing in the context of this message.
I love my partner dearly and I regret to say I’ve acted in ways like this before during difficult times. Love is fucking hard sometimes. It’s about how you pick the pieces up and move forward.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 3 months ago:
What a sad situation. I know a lot of people here think this is abuse and I can see their perspective, but I see this more as a relationship lacking communication. The wife didn’t feel assured that her husband loved her anymore and the divorce papers were a last ditch effort to see if he still does. Sure, just talking openly would be better, but goddamn is it hard to find people who can do that.
I think the fact that she broke down and tore up the papers immediately after is a sign that she really didn’t want to do it and was reacting to his genuine reply.
I think OOP needs couple’s therapy.