In case you wondered where they came in the list like I immediately did:
quetta Q 1030 ronna R 1027 yotta Y 1024 zetta Z 1021 exa E 1018 peta P 1015 tera T 1012 giga G 109 mega M 106 kilo k 103 hecto h 102 deca da 101 —— deci d 10−1 centi c 10−2 milli m 10−3 micro μ 10−6 nano n 10−9 pico p 10−12 femto f 10−15 atto a 10−18 zepto z 10−21 yocto y 10−24 ronto r 10−27 quecto q 10−30
mogoh@lemmy.ml 2 months ago
2022 …
Interesting never the less.
HootinNHollerin@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 months ago
I do like to sleep in