- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
You keep getting hung up on conscription as if there aren’t thousands of men who went to war in the last 25 years. You don’t have to be drafted to get killed or traumatized, and just because you enlisted doesn’t mean you deserved everything that happened to you (esp. when most enlist are poor, have no prospects, and get effectively brainwashed as a teenager that the military is an out).
As for the rest, yes have empathy for single parents and wage slaves of any gender. I’m sorry sexual assault is thing that happens to many women.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
Nobody is arguing that the patriarchy fucks men harder than women because you’re right, it doesn’t.
Your dismissal of the military issue and suicide is an example of your, and society’s, complete lack of empathy for men. Sure, it’s not women sending men to die, or directly causing them to feel hopeless, but that doesn’t somehow mean they aren’t victims of the patriarchy.
Did I personally get ordered to die? No, but I sure as hell had my role as an emotionless working machine, the assumed self-sufficient breadwinner that needed to support my entire family myself even if it meant my life was expendable, pushed on me by men, women, religion, and the media. And if I didn’t want that role or failed to live up to it, I’m a fucking loser and the community doesn’t care that I fed myself to a meat grinder and came out broken.
I promise, it’s possible to have empathy for the women who are being fucked by the patriarchy as well as the men simultaneously. Going back to my initial comment, it was never trying to disregard the scientist in the post, only dispel this idea that there is some individual that hasn’t experienced sexism/patriarchy.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
The patriarchy is also what sends men to die for imperialism, tells them they can’t ask for help, admit weakness, or be vulnerable. It’s why the ratio of suicides is 6:1 men to women in the US and men are something like 4 times more likely to die deaths of despair, take jobs that destroy their body, or get rejected from jobs that deal with caring or teaching because of biased assumptions of pedophilia and sexual abuse.
Yes, some (read: cis, hetero, white, Christian) men are privileged by the system, and we should absolutely not discount women’s experiences, but it’s not one or the other, it’sboth.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
I don’t think it’s minimizing to acknowledge that sexism endemic and cuts both ways.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
Don’t know what the other comment was, but everyone has experienced sexism. It’s inevitable that inaccurate gender stereotypes will be applied to you at some time. For men it’s just the “stop emoting you fucking pussy” or “you suck at nurturing so don’t even try.”
The patriarchy fucks us all.
- Comment on Have you guys heard this about Paramount 2 weeks ago:
Exactly. DEI as a term is just a lightning rod for idiots at the moment so maybe you just publicly stop calling it that and keep everything else the same.
- Comment on Have you guys heard this about Paramount 2 weeks ago:
I dunno how to interpret this honestly. On its face this reflects poorly on Paramount, but we live in an oligarchy and I don’t really blame them for trying to avoid pissing off the volatile baby that runs this country when DEI can still be achieved without using that terminology directly.
Is there evidence that this division of their corporation was actually doing anything different than before the term DEI even existed? Or that Paramount has current issues with diversity?
- Comment on "Star Trek is dying." How would you sell it to a younger audience? 1 month ago:
Yes? It’s been renewed, and should premiere this year.
- Comment on "Star Trek is dying." How would you sell it to a younger audience? 1 month ago:
Sorry, I don’t care what Kurtzman says about this (or an actor that is obliged to defend a project he was in) when it’s justifying putting out schlock for mind share. If that’s the best we can do, let it die - it doesn’t make anything that exists any worse.
Trek needs a good show that stands alone and isn’t aimed at us but a fresh audience. That means no cameos, limited references, not animated (that is a stigma as much as I love LD), and actually taking the time to get people invested.
Basically, they needed Discovery to not be garbage. I know non-Trekkies that were actually excited for a new sci-fi romp and got turned off almost immediately by the nonsense writing. Not the cast, or stupid out of universe concerns about being “woke” or some shit, just plain out “this makes no sense and isn’t fun to watch” and it was hard to disagree.
Everything since then has lived in Discovery’s shadow in terms of new audience and has mostly dealt with that by being aimed at fans of 90s Trek and nobody else. Prodigy may be an exception here, but that suffers from being oriented at kids.
- Comment on Film Discussion | Star Trek: Section 31 2 months ago:
Well said. Especially agree on point one. I’m not a fan of the Discovery era characterization of Section 31, but ultimately there was no reason they had to be related to this movie at all. Georgiou had plenty of personal reasons to deal with this and to have a collection of ne’er-do-wells on hand without any involvement from Starfleet / S31.
- Comment on ScIence 2 months ago:
Bah, Imperial Units all the way. How else would I know how many stone I weigh, or how many King’s Pubes I am tall? I don’t want to convert from kilometers (whatever those are!) to gentlemans-strides or shilling miles to get where I’m going.
- Comment on How Star Trek: Lower Decks Managed To Get Enterprise’s Jolene Blalock To Appear, And Why She’s Only Credited By Her First Name 2 months ago:
Bakula just hit the Archer casting too perfectly. The man just exudes boy scout, it’s what made Quantum Leap work too.
- Comment on Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer! 5 months ago:
This. So much this. I hate what Discovery did with S31. The Federation isn’t the Federation with an official black ops gestapo running around.
Also, I love Michelle Yeoh but I am way more interested in the Capt. Georgiou we missed out on than the genocidal maniac Empress we got.
- Comment on Players are now less "accepting" that games will be fixed, say Paradox, after "underestimating" the reaction to Cities: Skylines 2's performance woes 5 months ago:
I feel guilty about it, but I appreciate the monthly pass. I played EUIV for exactly one month, at a total cost of like $7 (got the base game for free at some point) with all the bells and whistles. It seemed like a good compromise because you’d have to pay it for years at this point to cover the DLC out right, but it is a disgusting level of rent seeking behavior.
Now it bothers me that I’d need to put another $7-$10 into the machine to access those saves, but not as much as if I’d throw down hundreds of dollars on it to own the content for a 10 year old game.
- Comment on I just finish to see all TNG movies. 6 months ago:
Generations is a fun movie, but I demand an edit where Picard uses the Nexus to go back and save his nephew from burning to death and then uses his foreknowledge to defeat Soren easily.
Why is it okay to go back to save millions of Veridians but not to save Remy and then the Veridians by extension? Either way you’re messing with the timeline. Soren already won.
- Comment on We Got You 6 months ago:
Also curious. Possibly just sex / masturbation getting out of hand with intense stimulants, or maybe meth induced paranoia makes putting something in your ass for safe keeping seem reasonable… Meth heads generally aren’t hanging out in the safest conditions.
- Comment on Worst examples of Treknobabble 6 months ago:
Meh, Trek is always terrible at following up after the big movie action. Aging is reversible if Insurrection is canon. Literal resurrection has been possible since at least Khan. Time travel is routine in Voyage Home. None of it makes sense outside of the context of the movie, they’re basically their own canon even before JJ.
- Comment on What are your favourite controllers? 8 months ago:
That trackpad was a game changer for playing KB+M games with a controller, but to be honest sometimes I really miss the right joystick. The trackpad can fake it, but it’s not the same.
If they ever do another standalone controller I’d want it to be like a screen-less Deck. Both joysticks and trackpads and a couple more grips.
- Comment on Archer new what he was doing 8 months ago:
I think it’s a stretch to interpret it as petty when it probably just gave Trip a bit of focus and let his 8 year old nephew shout like “that’s my uncle!” or something. Real life astronauts get asked these questions all the time and they’re practically deified in our culture.
- Comment on Paramount and Skydance agree to terms of a merger deal 9 months ago:
I don’t hate this. Seems like Skydance has less conflict of interest (i.e. alternative franchises) than the Warner Brothers merger talks from December. Remains to be seen if this is a good thing from a Trek point of view but… Could be worse.
- Comment on Let's discuss: The Sims 9 months ago:
Sims 3 was my favorite for the open world and freelance jobs too. Was nice to be able to secure an income without disappearing off the map for 8 hours a day. Was surprised 4 didn’t follow through on that as much but I only played it a little.
My wife plays Sims with cheats all the time and I get that it becomes a fancy interactive dollhouse in that case, but to me the game is all about that progression from bachelor in a one room box to old family man in a mansion.
- Comment on Me at age six, at Star Trek: The Experience 9 months ago:
So cool, thanks for sharing.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I’m okay with it. My problem with Disco is how high stakes breathless it is all the time, visiting the timeline with a lower stakes Academy lens could be cool. Being far future means it won’t be a TOS/TNG cameo fest (SNW’s biggest flaw) and I wouldn’t mind being able to do some actual character development on Tilly / other Disco crew if they weren’t just constantly in mortal danger.
Of course it’ll probably end up being flashy bullshit again, but I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt for now.
- Comment on Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
All of the arguments I see for Discovery are based on representation and that’s literally the only thing the show got right. It’s like yeah, it’s great to have a diverse cast… I just wish they were on screen doing something good. Trek lives and dies in the writing, all the acting, effects, and out of universe concerns won’t save it from absolutely horrendous writing.
If they’d have done SNW style plots with DSC cast, it would have been amazing from the beginning.
- Comment on Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
Agreed wholeheartedly.
As some have mentioned, this could be a/another backdoor pilot for Legacy where Seven more or less takes the torch from Picard, similar to Picard taking it from Kirk in Generations - although that was obviously after TNG instead of before.
- Comment on Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
I… Don’t hate this. He meets Kirk too, which could be captain wish fulfillment. After his nephew is killed in such a stupid way he just exits reality and never returns.
First Contact, like you said, is revenge on the Borg and saving Earth.
Insurrection is then him inventing the perfect woman to save and finding the fountain of youth.
Nemesis he fights an evil, young version of himself, which has gotta be worth a few years of therapy.
- Comment on Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
This is First Contact erasure and I won’t stand for it.
- Comment on Always look on the bright side of life 1 year ago:
Earning a pittance doesn’t mean they’re not slaves. They’re slaves because they can’t quit. Prisoners have basically zero agency in their lives.
- Comment on On the end of Discovery 1 year ago:
I’m not a huge fan of Discovery but I do hope we can get a balance between bold and new and the sort of nostalgia bait we’re in now. I mean, I love SNW, and it’s really filling out some canon gaps (love Uhura getting some real attention) but I really want to get away from cameos. They felt cheap in Disco S2 and they’re still cheap in SNW, but the writing is so much better it’s forgivable. PIC and LD are also very rooted in referencing old Trek. Hell, even Prodigy couldn’t resist making Janeway a (sort of) main character.
This is why I’m low key hyped about the Academy show, and am hoping it’s with Tilly in the far future. Give us Disco’s great, inclusive cast as peripheral characters, maybe even flesh them out more, but shift the focus to a class of cadets working as a team. Get back to that optimism and away from Burnham and whatever’s destroying the universe this season, without needing to root the show in old Trek.
- Comment on Jonathan Frakes Returning To Direct For ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Season 3 1 year ago:
One Take Frakes returns, you love to see it