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Submitted 2 days ago by to
Comments 2 days ago 2 days ago
He really didn’t coin the term for her specifically, as nice as that sounds. 2 days ago
Well, at least in connection with her:
Coined by English philosopher and historian of science William Whewell in March 1834 in an anonymous review of Mary Somerville’s book On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences in the Quarterly Review 2 days ago
Normalise this. In the past women would have been accused of being unprofessional to have called men out like this. That’s the only reason why every woman doesn’t do it. 1 day ago
normalize it to the point that the anti-acknowledgements name names 1 day ago
This seems to be the Netherlands (TU Delft). Maybe it’s normal there. 18 hours ago
I don’t think so. Academia is still a pyramid system, and a lot of people want a post-doc or not burn bridges 2 days ago
Name dropping TU Delft is surprising to me! Would love to know more about Rachel and her work if anyone has the original source. 2 days ago
Yeah… Not that surprising to me. TU Delft hasn’t been doing so hot. They literally have it all. Corruption, harassment, nepotism. But if you are not a PhD student you shouldn’t be too affected by any of these. 18 hours ago
Thanks. I only heard about Delft from a woman studying there, and didn’t hear any complaints. I guess PhD students cannot run as easily, so they get the short end :( 2 days ago
Thanks so much for these links. I haven’t had time to look into Dutch sources. I have two good female friends doing their PhDs in other universities in the Netherlands in the sciences, and I’ve never heard anything even remotely close to this! They love their positions. 2 days ago
I’m curious there, too. 2 days ago
Shoutout to the physicists dismissing biologist experiment design as a whole instead of across sexual or gendered lines. 2 days ago
I read that as the subtext still being sexist because Biology tends to have more women in the field compared to Physics. 1 day ago
Nah, it’s classic university faction wars. Engineers say crap about architects, mathematicians sneer on physicists and so on… 1 day ago
My mom is a biologist and complains how physicists always come into biology, try to reinvent everything without looking at any prior work, and then fail to execute their (sometimes interesting, sometimes not) method 2 days ago
I don’t really understand how that one was a problem if they’re also a physicist, or even if they’re a biologist. Nothing wrong with some fun rivalry. 2 days ago
There’s always rivalry between physicist and biologists. Or chemists and biologists. Or biologists and biologists. Damn biologists, they ruined biology! 1 day ago
When I was at college us physicists would joke about the biologists and the chemists and the mathematicians and the engineers, and in turn they’d joke about us, and we’d all have a good laugh over it.
I suppose it would come down to the context and how it was said. 2 days ago
Fuck these misogynistic pigs, idiots like these need to be called out more often. It’s too bad she couldn’t give names out and completely humiliate and ruin them. 1 day ago
Only if the accusations are true. It is just a post on the internet, there is no proof any of this is true or factual. Don’t be in such a hurry to harm others and damage their lives. 1 day ago
As a woman, and having known many other women, I can promise you that none of what is mentioned is particularly far fetched. It’s sad, but we all have multiple stories like this. Almost any woman could put together a similar paragraph of incidents she has personally experienced. 1 day ago
As the husband of a woman with a PhD, let me assure you that I have witnessed several of these first hand when I travel with her to conferences. 1 day ago
A bit more, this is a chapter from a PhD thesis 1 day ago
We should absolutely ruin their lives. Fuckem 2 days ago
Fucking relatable.
No thank you to the hundreds of years of chemist men taking credit for women’s discoveries.
No thank you to the old white Persian man gate keeping chemistry from Ukranians and older women in my class.
No thank you to the sexist math book author who used shoeless women in a kitchen as a word problem example.
No thank you to Amazon for banning my 15 year account for calling the sexist math book author out in reviews. 1 day ago
White Persian? 2 days ago
There is an excellent Science channel on Youtube and Nebula with a Physics PHD who’s made some eye-opening content about harassment and misogyny in STEM and Academia. 2 days ago
She’s a great science communicator. Another famous Youtuber (Captain D) called her “the Jenny Nicholson of science” her Dark Matter video is my favorite, though her Gell-Mann Amnesia video is a “must watch” imho. 2 days ago
Watch her dark matter video. And the follow up. But for the love of God, dodge the comments. SO MANY people read the title of the video and then went to make comments calling her wrong, even though she spent like an hour specifically addressing the arguments they make.
Dark matter is not a theory. It’s a problem. Fuck! 1 day ago
Love her videos! Really opened my eyes to a lot of this. 1 day ago
Here are two videos on that subject that are great to start out with 2 days ago
I recently got recommended her channel. She’s amazing, like Jenny Nicholson but for science. 2 days ago
I appreciate her telling it like it is and not bowing to a pressure to please. 2 days ago
This just makes me sad. How can science advance, if we gatekeep one half of human population? In my academic career I have consistently found women to be smarter and better than men. Yet, these misogynistic ideas seem to persist. We deserve better than old farts with even older bias heading the institutions that make up our society. 2 days ago
It’s exactly that is why they’re kept down. Tiny men are afraid that they won’t seem as smart as the woman in the room.
As a man, I try to be different. I mentor the women around me and encourage them to do more, be better. I successfully got one of my mentee to negotiate her salary just yesterday even though she felt uncomfortable doing so. Try to be the change we need 1 day ago
Never understood why some people so desperately need to be the smartest being in the universe. You’re a magic meat computers running on a system of hormones so complex that tweaking their balance just a bit can cause unforseen permament consequences. None of us have the right to call ourselves “smart”. Just chill and do your best. 2 days ago
I don't mentor anybody. I am not smarter than anybody and frankly I am always learning from everybody, at all levels of experience. 1 day ago
When I was in elementary school, we always had a table at the back where the advanced students would do more difficult stuff than the rest of the class while not being completely isolated. The table was always me and 5 or 6 girls. When we graduated high school, I was the top-ranked boy - and the 22nd-ranked student overall. I just took it completely for granted that girls were smarter than boys (although I did perceive the very strong anti-intellectual culture among boys which seemed more impactful than native abilities).
It wasn’t until I went to college that I started encountering the belief that men were fundamentally smarter than women, even though every college and university I’ve attended had more women than male students and the women had much better academic performance. That was my first taste of the power of group delusion. 1 day ago
But now they’re all “DEI hires,” at least in the US, so we’re fucked over here 1 day ago
Half way through the Hidden Figures movie I started to realize that the racist sexist people in charge really deserved to lose to the Russians. 2 days ago
It cannot 2 days ago
Now I want an anti-acknowledgment section in my dissertation too 1 day ago
Holy shit. Get em. 1 day ago
The amount of dudes in this comment section who really aren’t getting it is astounding… 1 day ago
is it not normal to assign stripper names to all the women you want to have sex with?
/s 1 day ago
This sounds like the University of Ottawa. Watching physics professors sexually harass the few women in our class was disgusting. 1 day ago
Start creating a list of them… 1 day ago
The university does this actually. It’s called the faculty list of tenured professors. 17 hours ago
I love everything about how she’s calling out the culture and casting it in Stone by being the first pages of her book.
Sucks it all happened. But proud to have it justly put on blast. 8 hours ago
Absolute legend 1 day ago
Unfathomably based. 2 days ago
I read the first sentence in that big paragraph and thought “wow, going straight to the biggest problem right out of the gate instead of building up to it, huh?” Then I kept reading and realized the entire paragraph was about that same thing. Holy shit, that’s a lot of sexism! 1 day ago
Reminds me of Sabine Hossfelder, a physicist, who had made some similar experiences.
Proof that educated people can still be immensely stupid and be utter human trash. 1 day ago
It’s sad that she decided to channel her experience into transphobia, as if punching down will somehow make up for all the punches she got. 1 day ago
Love the part on the video where essentially she says “I was given my first research position thanks to a grant for women. Also, there should be no research grants for women”. Piece of shit. 1 day ago
To be clear, you are criticising Sabine for saying there should be no research grants for women? If so, you perhaps misinterpret her meaning? 1 day ago
Does anyone have info about the lawsuit 1 day ago
can’t wait to experience that myself!! 🥰 18 hours ago
What she has been through is awful.
I wish though that more people knew the difference between an Acknowledgements page and a Thank You page.
This should properly be titled Anti Thanks.
Acknowledgements should only cover individuals and institutions whose contributions are a direct factor in the material body of the text. 13 hours ago
You should let her know so you can make your way into the next printing 4 hours ago
Bold to assume I’m not in this one. 1 day ago
Never let the actions of others dictate your future. If you have a goal never never give up. 1 day ago
Spoken like a true man. I’m a victim of sexism in STEM, now resigned to finish my degree in Japanese rather than deal with the awfulness that is men in Engingeering. 1 day ago
Simpler said than done. Of course I agree with you, but we need deeper changes in our society, in our behaviour as people. If you get told time and time again, that you’re worthless, can’t achieve anything etc. that’s going to leave a mark. Sure, encouraging to not let that dominate one’s thoughts is a useful skill. But it shouldn’t be necessary in the first place. 1 day ago
You can also have a chance to get out of such a negative surrounding, connect with people that respect you and do actions that raise your self esteem (back). 1 day ago
Victim blaming, classic 19 hours ago
What I read was “don’t let these bastards stop you”, as in “whatever they do, you have your place in science”.
It doesn’t mean “no change needs to be made”. Rachel didn’t give up, and was right about it, and it’s good she spoke up. 1 day ago
Maybe instead of meaningless platitudes actual change would be in order. 1 day ago
A dot point list would have made this more readable. Just saying. 1 day ago
If you are unable to read a paragraph, you need to spend your time getting a referral to speak with a neurologist, not commenting on Lemmy. 1 day ago
It’s objectively easier to read a bulleted list, but be a cunt for no reason 1 day ago
Not a physicist but fuck it is so relatable. 2 days ago
Acknowledgmen’t 1 day ago
Beautifully spoken 1 day ago
why is this rachel too scared to name names? 2 days ago
Ok but, awful as this is, “you should consider it” is funny, ngl 2 days ago
I don’t understand the “computer girl” one, did the technician think that her being a woman meant she was doing computer science instead of physics? 1 day ago
For anybody having difficulty reading the text:
Anti Acknowledgements
There have unfortunately also been people who have been less than helpful in my journey here. I wanted to acknowledge those too, because I know I am not unique in this experience. 13 hours ago
Dammit. Should have checked the comments first. 13 hours ago
Oh, uh, why?