- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 1 day ago:
My road to stop nailbiting was “cover your nail in foul-tasting liquid, and make sure to get a new one every day because you will get used to everything”. And that took a year or so.
So I love that better options exist now, but you’re absolutely right that self-medication is pretty much always a bad idea.
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 1 day ago:
I love that this works, but this is basically black magic to me.
- Comment on ONE OF US 1 day ago:
I doubt he’s working backwards. Those heavier elements decade before you get halfway through blinking. And most of them kill while doing it.
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 1 day ago:
I like BCAAs because they taste good.
They might be right, but you’re objectively wrong
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 1 day ago:
Wait what? You take a pill, and it stops nail biting???
- Comment on your brain on day 3 of planing a magnetic loop antenna 2 days ago:
It hold more than one human if you’re sufficiently motivated
- Comment on 7th-inning stretch 3 days ago:
This sounds WAY too dangerous. Better just tape a sign to your gun, the American Way!
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 3 days ago:
If I had to explain some of my in-group chats, it would be complicated and awkward, but not life-destroying.
- Comment on Trump supporter Rick Fuze was arrested in CA for using a stun gun on peaceful protesters outside a Tesla dealership. The woman kicking this guy’s ass is a retired professor with 16,000 citations. 3 days ago:
16 THOUSAND citations.
She’s approximately 260 times more successful than me, AND kicked this guy’s ass. Fucking hell, I’m so envious right now.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 3 days ago:
They also have the second least reliable military in NATO.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 3 days ago:
They should immediately change them back. Fuck Turkey. It’s not like you can get kicked out, which is why Turkey is still in.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 3 days ago:
“an unfortunate and voluntary relocation”, according to Turkey.
But everyone else can summarize in a single word, it starts with a G
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 3 days ago:
Well, there’s the human rights violations, the denial of the genocide they committed, the complete fascist tyrant that’s ruining their country…
- Comment on Struggling 4 days ago:
I’d be amazed if 10% of reddit mods were women, honestly.
- Comment on adhesive tape to the buttocks 5 days ago:
and someone with a PhD was like “Well, you know what works for me…”
I do workplace safety and hazardous materials, so occasionally I get to start a talk with “This room has more doctorates than nostrils, so it should be easy”. And then I have to explain things like “Dangerous liquid goes into the dangerous liquid sink” or “No, you can’t remove the mask to scratch your nose, even if it’s really really itchy”.
- Comment on unleash your humanities 6 days ago:
Win win!
- Comment on Why Did Elon Musk Go After Bunkers Full of Seeds? 6 days ago:
Because he’s evil and stupid
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Dad could teach their child to cook though
- Comment on You're* 1 week ago:
Woah woah fucking woah, that is TOO far. A Welshman? Fuck you
- Comment on Free Him! 1 week ago:
They do this for a lot of small animals. My vet has a little cage with an adjustable top you can push down to reduce the volume, that they use for small animals
- Comment on tickle tickle 2 weeks ago:
It probably depends on what they were used for. I’m dutch too, but I did chemistry and civil engineering so I never used animals myself.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
There’s always rivalry between physicist and biologists. Or chemists and biologists. Or biologists and biologists. Damn biologists, they ruined biology!
- Comment on tickle tickle 2 weeks ago:
Im in the EU, and quite a few of the biology students had labrats as pets.
- Comment on Anon is a reader 2 weeks ago:
I haven’t read it, since it’s MLP, and also since it’s apparently 2000 pages, so I can’t tell you. But I do want to know
- Comment on CherryTree Introduces Star Trek: Deep Space Nine-Inspired "IYKYK" Raktajino Mug 2 weeks ago:
They’re 30 bucks…
- Comment on Anon is a reader 2 weeks ago:
Even the wiki is semi-cursed
- Comment on Anon is a reader 2 weeks ago:
Woah woah woah, sonichu is a totally Original Character (do not steal), that has nothing to do with either of those!
- Comment on this is a meme about me 2 weeks ago:
Exactly. Give them a bunch of setup, let them set it up as normal.
Then tell everyone to resize the second pictures and move all images from the side of the page to the right. Then see who does it first.
- Comment on Fire Damages 4 Tesla Cybertrucks in Seattle 2 weeks ago:
It’s mighty chilly outdoors when taking pictures, balaclavas are you friend
- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 2 weeks ago:
In 2025 they just mean “if either of your parents was a citizen when you were born, you can be too”