Born with a lead spoon in my mouth.
- Comment on David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists | MTV News 18 minutes ago:
This isn’t Bowie really saying “MTV”, he’s talking to America. Blues? Let’s let the racist Clapton represent that. Rock and Roll? Why Elvis Presley! Rap? Ice-Ice Baby!
It isn’t that MTV is the first to do this, it’s a consistent pattern of Americans taking from a culture and then sanitizing and whitewashing it for their own profit. Of course we can always blame profits. I’m sure setting up concentrations camps is profitable too.
- Comment on David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists | MTV News 1 day ago:
People have trouble criticizing things they like. Fact of the matter, America is racist and if you don’t cater to racist you run the risk of “outrage” and “scandal”. Listen to the Vanilla Ice interview where he’s asked if he thinks it’s weird that he’s the face of rap…
Woke is an insult somehow, but listen to how cringe these unaware people sound.
- Comment on Which co-op first person shooters would you recommend? 1 day ago:
True, I forgot that I bought that myself. My mind went to XBox emulation because I’ve been messing around with it. It’d be interesting to hear a comparison between what runs smoother: Halo 1-4 emulated or through the MCC.
- Comment on Which co-op first person shooters would you recommend? 2 days ago:
If you know how to sail the high seas and emulate things, Halo coop is easily my fave.