- Comment on The fact that this is a real image is infuriating 5 hours ago:
When the first major migration from reddit happened and people didn’t yet know about mod logs there was a whole lot of blatant misrepresentation of what was or wasn’t said that got someone banned by an instance. A lot of hastily deleted comments and accounts as well. So tales of tankie moderation are usually in need of a hefty grain of salt.
- Comment on The fact that this is a real image is infuriating 6 hours ago:
Mainstream coverage seems to have been trying to tell everyone everywhere not to believe their lying eyes.
Some appear to have modified their reporting to actually say it was a Nazi salute however, ostensibly under pressure.
- Comment on If you shop by unit prices, double check the math! 1 day ago:
Only if it is a 2 pack of 1kg containers. I know costco does that often so I imagine walmart might too. (And if that 2-for-12 runs you a total of 4 kg.)
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 1 week ago:
The necktie needs a line of horizontal stitching along the chest as it puts a lot of vertical focus on the duck. The bowtie balances out the vertical stitching with its horizontal orientation.
Also/alternatively a vertical seam up the neckline might help with the neck being noisy with the stitch and tie.
- Comment on Is Soviet playground! Is fun! Go play on playground while Papa reads Pushkin. 1 week ago:
Where’s my brutalist hempcrete future I was promised?
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
the vocal ones there seem to have a superiority complex against ml, hexbear and lemmygrad.
Those vocal ones who tend to call ‘genocide denial’ and ‘genocide apologia’ have a track record of supporting Israel in Gaza or outright glorifying Imperial Japan and chinese warlords. They’re well aware of the absurdity, which is the point of their drive to enter leftist spaces.
The same folk tend to enter lgbtq and trans spaces to gatekeep definitions there–where they also get banned and then complain about it.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 1 week ago:
What would ya’ll do without each other though?
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 week ago:
My utility company spams me with warnings to reduce consumption to save them money in surge events while also shaming people for being in the top 40th percentile of consumption because they’ve got all these empty houses not using power to compare to.
- Comment on Checking in 1 week ago:
In this case Piglet is the Banality of Evil incarnate.
- Comment on Anon is a winner 2 weeks ago:
My spouse has been relistening to the books on tape recently and so I have been hearing it by proxy.
The narrators really put in the work to make some flimsy writing seem engaging. Like in one of the later books there’s this significant scene where some evil magic makes an evil visage of Hermione. In the subsequent chronological scene the real Hermione is super angry at Ron and not once does the writing reference or make a connection with any of the imagery between the two.
- Comment on Racism nas gone too woke! 2 weeks ago:
A lot of racists love race. It is why they’re racist. Race is what means certain people belong in certain places and others are not.
It also obscures class consciousness: the underlying reason racism is such a popular political tool for any given ruling class.
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 2 weeks ago:
Also the subesquent SpeechNow decision that pulled out the stops AND created precedent by citing Citizens United.
- Comment on Anon goes out of bounds 3 weeks ago:
I personally did not lose a whole crate. A few times with a certain set of crew some product was left on the beach uncrated and caught in the incoming tide. Keeping pace with the tides was a big part of the job so it was mostly a rookie mistake.
A few times some crates spilled or flipped on the lift and haul up onto the barge when you were chest deep and lifting over your head, but I only ever lost maybe a dozen in the six years I did it. A full crate actually sinks at a fairly slow rate so if you lose your grip you can just let it drop and scoop any floaters trying to escape.
Now I did have to dive couple feet a few times for a sinking crate but nothing far out of reach of my headlamp. Definitely spooky though.
- Comment on Anon goes out of bounds 3 weeks ago:
I used to work in aquaculture and would often work low tides.
Just so happens the best aquaculture beaches are intertidal shelves. I would often be walking the beach hauling crates of shellfish to a barge that would be perched over 20+ foot deep water.
During the salmon runs the Orca would come right up to the water’s edge.
I will never forget seeing the sheen of at least two Orca a few feet away from me pacing the edge. Could just feel them watching me. They stayed away from the motorized pump on the barge but once I’d go out a hundred or so feet to where the diggers left crates I’d sense them in the dark.
- Comment on After a disastrous opening, The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim heads to digital on Dec 27th 4 weeks ago:
I feel like if they had made the bold move to animate in a more stylized fashion it might have fared better. The fairly generic anime look implies a fairly generic storytelling, accurate or not.
- Comment on Everyone is Wrong About Mexican Coke (Even Johnny Harris) 4 weeks ago:
Youtuber in constant pursuit of Voice of America money.
- Comment on Everyone is Wrong About Mexican Coke (Even Johnny Harris) 4 weeks ago:
“Even Johnny Harris” is not adding anything. Do people think Johnny Harris is an authority on truth or something?
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 4 weeks ago:
Thankfully as we’re all breaking into our 40s, we have finally reached a point our society expected of us by 25. All it took was the slow deaths of our families.
But our kids are gonna be fucked! Thanks boomer for telling us that should make us feel better like it apparently did your generation.
- Comment on Looking for answers 5 weeks ago:
Non-violence is often and most effectively a direct threat of imminent violence.
Or as a promise for the cessation of ongoing violence.
- Comment on Hey is Sharing Luigi’s Manifesto on Social Media Actually "Glorifying Violence"? Because Reddit Said So 😭 5 weeks ago:
Drone kill footage is like the reciepts of investment, if not the product itself.
- Comment on Skoolie from Temu. 5 weeks ago:
Those are some load bearing bumpers.
- Comment on Writing tip: just start brain dumping 1 month ago:
I had an english professor that actually demanded an intro like this. He said write ANYTHING as long as you can hook the reader and link it to a thesis statement, and there is no bar to that link.
- Comment on Why don’t more people start profit-sharing companies or co-ops? 1 month ago:
In the one example with the grocery co-op: I can assure you, few if any, of the people involved with the co-op were Marxist-Leninists, let alone comfortable with Marxism or the ‘S’ word. So that was kind of a critical flaw in any Marxist-Leninist theory in practice.
A lot of people practice forms of community action without having any sort of class consciousness. A wealthy philanthropist can offer a bunch of money with strings attached and people will jump at the promises without second thought and rarely keep up with the follow-through.
Point I was making nonetheless was these operations tend to exist under seige from competing and profiteering interests. If I remember correctly the grocery co-op was having issues making the skyrocketing rent payments for the commercial lot. That was the problem the money solved: the one created by the landlord.
So in a sense I was saying ‘the pressures of capital tend to be too great’ than money being tempting or greed from the community.
- Comment on Why don’t more people start profit-sharing companies or co-ops? 1 month ago:
They are run out of business, most simply.
The operation that does not focus their profits on building further capital and establishing monopoly will fail in the arms race of those that do.
For example: there are countless community and public efforts establishing childcare and pre-k through pooled resources. They are in direct competition with things like Bezos’ childcare academies. (Personal anecdote: they bought out my kids’ building for public pre-k and evicted them.)
And a successful co-op will get pressure to be bought out like a start-up. (Often starts as a great way to expand! Then the expansion changes the culture, the new location feels corporate and the original location is later shut down and left vacant. -Also personal anecdotes for a grocery co-op and an employee owned operation I once worked at.)
- Comment on The greater good 1 month ago:
Dude seems pretty sanguine about being put in this position in panel 1.
- Comment on shoe 1 month ago:
AI wishes it could do this.
- Comment on Meme. 1 month ago:
On the virtue that the username’s instance doesn’t matter? Sure.
I doubt that is the aim of the meme’s take though.
- Comment on Anon has the spirit 1 month ago:
Back then in the Seattle area the radio statios KISW and especially KNDD put grunge on heavy rotation.
They still exist but they’ve all been bought out multiple times and have been a part of the same conglomerate for at least a decade.