- Comment on Mother 5 hours ago:
eeeh our whole evolutionary niche is to be so social that we’ll form bonds with a literal rock, i can’t see the vast vast vast majority of mentally healthy humans managing to do it, more likely they’d try to gently throw the child away from the danger and sacrifice themselves.
- Comment on How to Spot AI-Generated Scam Products 6 hours ago:
what also helps a lot is not using sites like temu and amazon
- Comment on Not the worst offender 9 hours ago:
you can expect into one hand and shit into the other, and see which one fills up first
france is one of the main imperial nations, i see no reason to whinge about anti-france jokes, just like i see no reason to whinge about british, belgian, dutch, or american jokes.
Hell i’ll swallow a decent amount of swede jokes, since we just wholesale made finland part of our nation and tried to colonize other parts of the world, we just didn’t particularly succeed…
- Comment on Not the worst offender 14 hours ago:
- Comment on Not the worst offender 1 day ago:
you do realize that saying these people are native french speakers isn’t exactly helping their case, right
- Comment on What TV series have the best intros? What TV series have the worst intros? 1 day ago:
I’ll always enjoy the intro to stargate atlantis just because the whole concept of the city (and it’s appearance) is so fucking cool, even with the noticably… Sufficient… CGI it’s so inherently neat that it’ll remain impressive.
- Comment on sussvival instinct 1 day ago:
“peptide-based protocol” is a pretty good band name
- Comment on adhesive tape to the buttocks 1 day ago:
you mean the prostate?
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 1 day ago:
unfortunately a lot of cats suffer from “stinky dummy” syndrome, it’s very sad 😔
- Comment on 🐙🐙🐙 1 day ago:
at this point i feel the only sensible answer is to use the most nonsensical form that still sounds normal
- Comment on 🐙🐙🐙 1 day ago:
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 1 day ago:
they need to be armed now??? jesus christ i’m so sick of modern products…
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 1 day ago:
Cats will do this with their fucking owners, they just assume we’re incompetent because we’re not catching any critters, so they have to catch them for us so we don’t starve.
Plus i’m pretty sure this is part of why many cats insist on joining us in the bathroom, they gotta keep watch while we’re vulnerable taking a dump. - Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 2 days ago:
haha yeah, why should we prevent deaths?
so like, would you just accept your entire family being shot as the natural way of things? if i throw you off a cliff that’s just… fine?
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 2 days ago:
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 2 days ago:
is there a fallacy for when you just make shit up?
- Comment on YouTube cracks down (again) on ad blockers. 3 days ago:
What’s been working for me so far is just hard reloading the page, after that it seems to forget all about it so long as i’m on the same tab, though it also works just fine to keep making new tabs and hard reloading every time.
- Comment on LUNGS WERE A MISTAKE 3 days ago:
obviously i don’t just blast myself with cold water lol, but that doesn’t make it pleasant.
I’m still standing there for 10 seconds in cold air with cold water splashing around me, plus i have to dial in the water temperature and for some insane reason humanity seems unable to design a water mixer that doesn’t go instantly from scalding to freezing. - Comment on Acetone: A Thread 3 days ago:
the ol’ dilute down the chute
- Comment on Acetone: A Thread 3 days ago:
sounds like they need to a
cetone for their sins - Comment on novelity 3 days ago:
- Comment on LUNGS WERE A MISTAKE 3 days ago:
100%, gym showers are so much easier because i’m already warmed up from the workout and the water starts pretty warm too
- Comment on pain plant 3 days ago:
i wouldn’t really count body mass as resistence, by that measure every single mammal bar perhaps the field mouse is resistant to basically every toxin.
- Comment on pain plant 3 days ago:
the only hot sauce i’ve yet to actually find appealing is sambal olek, somehow the heat in that just makes me salivate and kinda feels more like sourness, as opposed to everything else where it’s just pain and like… no real flavour? with sambal olek i can actually taste the flavour in it.
- Comment on pain plant 3 days ago:
meanwhile chinese cooking: i’ll have all 3 at once please
- Comment on It's not up for debate! 6 days ago:
idk, i feel i need more head
- Comment on Free Him! 1 week ago:
- Comment on Consider the following... 1 week ago:
counterpoint: non-monoculture lawns
We don’t have the practice of torturing our lawns here, so they have a bunch of species and in the spring you’ll see random flowers popping out :D - Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
“we weren’t sure, but now we know for a fact”
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
if only we had some sort of medication specifically designed to cause an erection