- Comment on Anon is Turkish 21 hours ago:
People != their government
Except that they’re still mostly a democracy, and they vote for the shit.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 21 hours ago:
Lobbying from a small nation with no money, resources or military power, that doesn’t even buy our stuff and snuggles up to Russia for protection? I don’t really see how that would work. It doesn’t check out with the behaviour of US/EU other conflicts, like Israel or Armenia-Azerbaijan, where we immediately sided with the party that had oil/gas and bought our weapons.
I’m willing to have my mind changed, but the gut feeling doesn’t really point that way here
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 1 day ago:
You do realize that this hobby consists of nerds and pensioners, who sometimes spend thousands on being able to talk to other nerds?
If anything, you might need to politely stop people from over-sharing all the cool stuff they made… :D
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 2 days ago:
As always, the answer is “it depends” :D
Feel free to PM me or ask in a new post
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 2 days ago:
10W at 2m, 70cm and 10m. except for the 10m, which I have never heard anyone use, that fits pretty well with the idea of giving high school kids an aliexpress handheld to get them into STEM.
The ugly part is, you need to do the same regulatory and legal questionnaire that you need to do for the larger licenses.
“N Lizenz” in Germany, for reference
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 2 days ago:
My country just introduced a super-beginners license that can be done with basic high school physics. Of course, severe limitations, basically, a “Baofeng license”. Still great idea.
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 2 days ago:
The fuck? It seems I have been lucky. Most people here follow the “don’t argue politics” advice.
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 2 days ago:
Check out a local club. Literally, check it out. If it is full of arrogant assholes twice your age, leave. If they are cool but you don’t fit in, ask them for advice. There are so many retired radio operators who are doing it to stay “in it”, or retired engineers who finally have time and so on. Most of them are very happy to info-dump about their hobby.
- Comment on What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio? 2 days ago:
It is fine for ham radio’s original purpose: technical experimentation and connecting people. "Don’t discuss politics’ is a long-standing Gentleman’s (woman’s) agreement for a reason.
If you want to encrypt, go for the ISM bands. Lora, meshtastic, whatever happens at 433 MHz, hell even at 2.4 GHz a few 100mW will get you quite far with the right approach.
The difference is, your stuff will be type-checked. No experimentation, no building the crazy antenna idea that will be surelu fine according to your back of the napkin math.
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
What the actual fuck. You know, I lock the screen because I don’t want people to see what I am doing.
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
Add telegram, threema, another matrix client for that other server and WhatsApp for some old friends to it
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
Yeah, that is why it was justified to shoot protesters
If that’s what you think I’m suggesting, you need to work on your reading comprehension.
Are you suggesting it would have been better to just let the fascists seize power?
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
And this burden of proof is on the accuser.
I don’t doubt the stories, but a court would see it in a different way for a good reason. It’s hard to find a solution between slander and rightfully calling someone out.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
I can recommend looking into “science days” and stuff like that. It makes you a lot more hopeful for the future to see a lot of curious, open-minded 12-year olds.
And then they likely become the usual cynic adults, but hey, you tried.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Thanks. I only heard about Delft from a woman studying there, and didn’t hear any complaints. I guess PhD students cannot run as easily, so they get the short end :(
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
I don’t think so. Academia is still a pyramid system, and a lot of people want a post-doc or not burn bridges
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
Yeah, that is why it was justified to shoot protesters. Because of what might have happened. The people are clearly misguided, we need to roll over them with tanks to prove we are the true proletariat. A lot of governments built monuments to Nazi collaborteurs. That doesn’t mean jack shit. Hitler was vegetarian and against animal abuse.
- Comment on Testing a weird antenna in the park 1 week ago:
Everything is an antenna. Unless you want it to be an antenna, then nothing is.
- Comment on Testing a weird antenna in the park 1 week ago:
We don’t have a lab :P
Also, to measure the far field, you’d need a non-trivially-large anechoic chamber, right? I figured an open field is the next best thing, and the park is the next best thing to an open field…
- Submitted 1 week ago to amateur_radio@lemmy.radio | 6 comments
- Comment on After ordering the tech and general exam guides on Kindle, this is what Amazon thought I would like to read. 1 week ago:
My recommendation: find a local-ish club/chapter with sane people. The prepper nuts haven’t really invaded those here. Probably because that would require being social and working together.
- Comment on After ordering the tech and general exam guides on Kindle, this is what Amazon thought I would like to read. 1 week ago:
Only if you follow the rules. Those people don’t intend to follow the rules. They don’t want to help, they want to feel powerful.
If you actually want to help, at least on my side of the ocean they have official collaborations/trainings between ham volunteers and agencies for when stuff goes south. I guess the Arrl is (supposed to) organize stuff. But I know of local initiatives over here, where hams volunteered to put like repeaters on town halls and fire stations, just in case.
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 1 week ago:
I just dislike suffering without a cause. That might be more my personal view on things, though.
If I am going to suffer, then I want it to be for a reason. Like doing a fulfilling job well, or working out to feel better. Otherwise I could just punch myself in the nuts and meditate on my aching crotch.
On a side note, I don’t seem to feel hunger as strongly as other people. I mostly get tired, while other people tend to get agitated / pissed off. Maybe I should try fasting for a while just to find out how I react. But, then it would be for a cause again…
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
They are not, which is why they charge them upfront. But people with a residence permit or citizenship are much more likely to stay long-term.
I have no strong opinion whether that is the right choice, tbh. I see it at my Uni, a lot of foreign students study here and the majority then leaves the country again. Which is fair, but the idea of tax-funded education is, well, it’s tax-funded, so I am more or less directly paying for their education. Is that good/bad/worth it or not? I’m not sure.
Also, I feel like the majority of foreign students that come here just for a degree are already from wealthy backgrounds. I know I’m on dangerous “feelings, not facts” territory, but I get a lot of “rich kid who didn’t get into a good uni in their home country” vibes. The poorer foreign students are usually super smart and got in via a scholarship or the likes.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
how it punishes
gendernon-conformityFit the mold or die. Always the same.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
I’m curious there, too.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
To be fair, I see the argument. It is tax-paid, so you want to reserve it for people who are likely to pay future taxes.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 1 week ago:
If I may ask, what are the mainreasons people are homeless in the Netherlands? Mental illness? Drugs? Unwillingness to deal with “the system”?
- Comment on Before you act, is this right for the company? 1 week ago:
Yup. I can do that.
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 1 week ago:
Honestly, I’d bring water and food. Why starve and suffer when you can not suffer. I know, worldly attachments and shit, but I never got the part about intentionally suffering. That is just like those Christian zealots that self-flagellated for their sins, just more passive.
But other than that, it sounds like a dream vacation.