- Comment on Climate-denying conservatives after every year for the last decade has been the hottest on record [Day 105] 2 days ago:
But it snowed this winter! Once!
I’m a school bus driver and I have a coworker who is an avid climate-change denier. Here is an example of how stupid she is: she needed to borrow my bus for a run and I had it chocked. Since the chock was wedged solid under my front wheel, she decided she needed to use the crowbar to get it loose and tore the fuck out of it (and my front tire) in the process. It never occurred to her to start the bus and back up to free the chock.
She also 1) hates immigrants because they’re unvaccinated and “spread disease”, and 2) is anti-vax. I could never make this shit up in a million years. If you have children, consider that a lot of the people driving them to and from school are exactly this fucking stupid.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 2 days ago:
This is so dumb. They weren’t originally named after bird, they were named after a type of footstool.
- Comment on Bernard 4 days ago:
Larry David and Bernie Sanders are actually cousins. They got hooked up on that PBS show sponsored by
- Comment on Bernard 4 days ago:
the exhumed corpse of Jack Lemmon as Joe Biden
He’ll finally get that third Oscar!
- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 4 days ago:
I just wanna lose my gut
The most critical part of losing weight is counting the calories of what you eat, so you know exactly what you have to do to lose the weight. One pound of body fat is equivalent to 3500 calories, so if you can manage to eat at a 500-calories-per-day deficit you will lose one pound per week (most people lose scale weight at a faster rate than this when they first start dieting, but this is water weight loss and won’t be maintained in the long term).
Will drinking less alcohol and fewer sweet treats put you into a 500 calorie daily deficit? There’s no way to know unless you start recording the calories of everything you eat on a daily basis.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
They’re all just vector appliers.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
statistics can be abused
They can be abused, by people who understand statistics talking to people who don’t understand statistics. This is a good reason to learn statistical methods rather than reject them.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
Lol the fact that she even has a contract at all is because of unions.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
Wow, I did not know that! I literally have never heard the word “gasoline” before!
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
I’m not British - but I am a Physicist.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
Petrol. Gas isn’t even a gas.
- Comment on Comrade Krasnov is just a follower of Leninist tought ! 1 week ago:
Lenin was not shy about having people taken out back and shot. He just died before he had the chance to do it on the scale that Stalin later achieved.
Fun random Lenin fact: Russia never had a tradition of preserving and mummifying the corpses of their Tsars and religious leaders. Lenin (d. 1924) was “mummified” (in a truly amateurish fashion) because of the worldwide popularity of Tutankhamun, whose tomb had been discovered by Howard Carter in 1922.
Another fun random Lenin fact: Vladimir Putin’s grandfather was Lenin’s chef.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Liberals’ tears!
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
When I was in elementary school, we always had a table at the back where the advanced students would do more difficult stuff than the rest of the class while not being completely isolated. The table was always me and 5 or 6 girls. When we graduated high school, I was the top-ranked boy - and the 22nd-ranked student overall. I just took it completely for granted that girls were smarter than boys (although I did perceive the very strong anti-intellectual culture among boys which seemed more impactful than native abilities).
It wasn’t until I went to college that I started encountering the belief that men were fundamentally smarter than women, even though every college and university I’ve attended had more women than male students and the women had much better academic performance. That was my first taste of the power of group delusion.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
Not really relevant to the POS Musk, but: it is interesting how few people were actually involved in murdering such a massive number of victims. The Treblinka death camp by itself, for example, was operated for 18 months by a staff that consisted at any one time of around 25 German officers and soldiers and around 100 local workers. Using only a salvaged diesel engine from a Soviet tank, they murdered approximately 900,000 people. Had German defeated the Soviet Union, they could certainly have exterminated the entire country had they so chosen (though the long-term plan was geared more towards enslavement).
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
Hitler did some good things
FWIW I do think this is genuinely an entirely false statement. Usually, Hitler apologists will say either 1) Hitler rebuilt Germany’s military, or 2) Hitler rebuilt Germany’s economy, but neither thing is really true. Germany’s military was largely rebuilt before Hitler’s ascension in national politics - ironically enough, with the generous assistance of the Soviet Union. And Hitler didn’t rebuild Germany’s economy at all, he just ran things off of borrowed money and then did his level best to exterminate the people who had loaned it to him.
And not only did Hitler not do anything good, he ruined that fucking mustache for everybody for all time.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
an actively maintained storage system will last forever (as long as maintained)
I mean, this is really my point. This stuff isn’t going to be maintained forever and will eventually be lost - even if it takes 100 years or more. This idea of future archaeologists troweling their way through Facebook posts isn’t going to happen.
Even much of what we know about the first civilizations in Mesopotamia is only because their clay tablets - which were never intended to be permanent records of anything - were accidentally fired and buried when their storage facilities caught fire. It’s possible that some modern forms of media might be accidentally preserved and restored somehow thousands of years in the future, but it’s a bit hard to imagine such a scenario. Especially when we’re going to cook ourselves off the planet before then.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
they like to make nicknames by taking the first initial and the first syllable of the last name
Oh god, this is worse than the initials+jersey number thing.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
What forms of media are you taking about that have short life spans?
Things like tape drives and optical storage etc. Even if they have lifespans measured in decades (and these things typically don’t) that still means they have short life spans in terms of being recoverable in the future. A hundred years from now these things won’t be restorable.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
I would be ashamed to ever admit that I follow somebody whose explicit job is to influence me. Like, do people refer to themselves as “influencees”?
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
To me, reaction videos are truly astonishing. Like, the number of videos reacting to some thing typically outnumber the thing itself by the hundreds. People prefer watching somebody else watching something so they know how they should feel about it. It’s the modern version of the laugh track.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
Who wasn’t?
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
I dunno, I’m in my mid-50s and I feel like I’m about 100.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
The fun thing is that none of this stuff is going to survive long-term at all. Databases are backed up onto forms of media that have a very short lifespan. Only material that is endlessly copied forward (like DNA) will still be around, and nobody is going to pay for that kind of archiving. FWIW this fact make me happy.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
I watch NBA basketball and back in the day (1990s) there was exactly one player that was referred to by his initials: Michael Jordan. Nowadays fans use initials (with their jersey number occasionally tacked on as if that’s the cleverest thing to do in the world) for almost every player and it’s almost impossible to know who they’re talking about. For some players this is legitimate (e.g. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander is a mouthful so SGA is a good replacement) but for most it is not.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
I’m a school bus driver and my elementary school kids go on about somebody named “Queso” (sp?) on Youtube and I find myself constantly fighting the urge to see what he’s all about. It can’t possibly be good.
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
They have a uniquely terrible taste, but I don’t understand how just the way they’re cut could produce that taste. I think maybe they’re also soaked in lye or something.
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
My mom used to make liver every Thursday. She now denies that ever happened, which is hilarious.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Tuna are actually insanely efficient.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
I just bought a Raleigh hybrid on Craigslist for $50 and it’s now my main rider. It dates from 1999 but it was virtually unridden in all that time and required very little tuneup. As long as you don’t feel the need to consume all the modern bicycle total bullshit (e.g. electronic shifters, disc brakes etc.) bikes cost about as much as a nice dinner out.