- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
There’s been enough that “Do you play War Thunder” is a security risk question that the US military asks during job interviews.
And they just keep happening…
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
I mean, have you seen what we wear in the US? American flags are on basically every house and half of the shirts, hats, and pants.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
I’ve been going through the pictures on my phone recently and found the perfect one from COVID:
The cars make it more realistic, anyway.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
As somebody with a bit of learning on the matter (it’s amazing the hats you have to wear to prove you deserve to live - from anthropologist to biologist to archeologist), it’s interesting to see how the language of the community has evolved as our scientific understanding of sex vs gender has.
The term started as transsexual, and there are older people who refer to themselves by that term, but by the 2000s the term had shifted in favor of transgender, noting the recognition that sex doesn’t equate to gender that happened around that time.
Then came the use of cis as well as AMAB and AFAB (assigned male/female at birth) in order to better describe the complexity involved around the fact that a doctor has to declare you one gender or another when you’re born, and the easiest way to do that with the highest likelihood of being correct is based on sexual characteristics - namely, what genitalia you have. So cis is used to describe people who have no reason to disagree with the doctor’s assessment, and there’s a lot of discussion around where intersex people fall in the community (do they fit in the trans umbrella term?).
People like Dunning-Kruger up there are basically arguing that isotopes don’t exist.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 2 weeks ago:
I don’t have a PhD, but my understanding of the basics is this:
All people start out developing as female in the womb before a certain point where a large dose of testosterone caused (usually) by the Y chromosome activating (basically the only time in life that it does apart from starting puberty AFAIK) causes the proto-labia and vagina to push outwards and form the ball sack and enlarging the clitoris and urethra into what we know of as the penis. This is why you can see that line down the middle of your ball sack; that’s where your labia fused together. It’s also why the tissue that makes up your ball sack is biologically identical to the tissue that makes up the inside of the vagina. It’s an outie vs. an innie.
There are many reasons why this wouldn’t happen “correctly” since biology is more a wonder of things somehow working at all after evolution is done with them rather than a perfectly designed, well-oiled machine. Sometimes the Y chromosome simply doesn’t activate, or it does, but the person has androgen insensitivity and so the testosterone doesn’t do anything, or they develop as female but have testicles where their ovaries should be, rendering them infertile but otherwise a perfectly normal woman. Sometimes a person is XX, but they experienced a higher than normal amount of testosterone during development and developed male instead of female.
And that’s before you get into the issue of intersex people, who are often surgically altered as babies when they’re born by the doctor to match with the genitalia that the doctor thinks should be the “correct” one. In a number of places, the doctors don’t have to ask permission or even tell the parents after.
Also, your definition of cis male is slightly off. “Cis” is the opposite Latin prefix of “trans,” meaning a non-changing/stable state of being, and in this case it’s used to mean that one’s gender identity matches up with the one that you were given at birth. It ultimately has nothing to do with what genitalia you have, and it’s simply an identification saying that your sense of gender matches up with the sex that the doctor declared and that you therefore aren’t trans. It’s an after the fact solution to the question of what to call people who aren’t trans and comes from the use of trans to identify somebody who transitions from one gender to another.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
Related: Image
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
NVIDIA ass DLSS, unfortunately.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
Rereading my comment, I think I left out the double negative, so you were right to be confused.
If I had to try and diagnose the issue, I think it comes down to the fact that I have an early 2060, which means not just an old card, but an old card with less VRAM. Consistently, I find that DLSS drops textures down to the lowest possible setting or constantly cycles between texture resolutions every few seconds when I can get a consistent 60 fps on medium settings in most games at native 1080p. It may net me a few extra fps, but the hit to quality simply isn’t worth it if I can’t make out what’s what with the texture popping.
Another possible culprit would be shader caching since games are more and more demanding that you use an SSD to stream directly from the hardrive, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to get that deep into it.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
Add DLSS to the list. I’ve never had an experience where DLSS didn’t make my game run better. It always makes the textures worse and the game run worse than just setting it to native resolution and a specific texture quality.
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
Okay, Karen.
Tell me you’ve never worked a shitty “essential employee” job without telling me you’ve never had the kind of megalomaniac managers that these jobs attract.
- Comment on Poor guy 3 weeks ago:
He’s also an illegal immigrant who stayed on an expired visa.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
I absolutely agree, though I know of at least one other place that tried it and had issues because nobody knew who the candidates were or what their positions were, but IIRC, there was some context to it that made it a “well, of course they had problems” situation instead of people just being too lazy to read up on the candidates (though that is a very real but solvable issue). Like there were 10 districts on the ballot with 6 open seats in each, and they had about 30 candidates per district or something crazy like that.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
But thanks to the two party system, what effect does it have? And I’m specifically talking about the voting day of the presidential election here, not primaries or other elections. Because that’s where those efforts will have the most impact. Not that the Dems deigned to give us even the illusion of a primary this election (or in 2016, truthfully), but so many of these people seem to shake their fist once every 4 years and then go to sleep like cicadas awaiting the next presidential election.
I don’t blame people for hating the weak candidates that the Dems consistently push forward to maintain the old guards’ leadership positions, but I do blame them for looking at the alternative and saying “I’m okay with the possibility of that man winning if I don’t vote or vote third party.” The chance of a Trump victory and all that it entailed was a line in the sand that they were willing to cross.
As a trans woman, I blame them for saying, “Your life is not worth biting the bullet for.”
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Yep. Every time they’ve pulled farther right and lost, they’ve blamed the leftists for it for being too extremist in their policy demands or claiming that their issues aren’t as important, like in the case with Millennials and housing costs, student debt, climate change, etc. Despite trying to make some headway on those issues, they’ve always refused to campaign on them.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Inaction is still a choice, though. I totally understand the sentiment behind that choice and even agree that we shouldn’t be forced to choose genocide, but the alternative that we got is a man who not only wants the same genocide, but wants to accelerate it, put American boots on the ground to assist in it, and then turn the bloodied ground into resorts while also wanting to worsen life across the globe. So, by refusing to act, they didn’t oppose that man getting into power. They cared so much about genocide that, ironically, they enabled making that genocide worse by not acting against that possibility.
The biggest issue, though, is with the people who couldn’t be bothered enough to vote. Some, what, 40% of Americans never vote? Of course, there’s plenty there who can’t due to things like gerrymandering, but there’s a huge swathe of white suburbanites who simply prefer the status quo to actually improving things.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
No, they were never going to do that. They’ve already said that they learned their lesson, and in 2026, they’re gonna double down on the losing strategy that they’ve been running since Clinton was in office and run on building the wall on the Mexican border and deporting immigrants to court the moderate Republican vote that doesn’t exist and never would vote for them even if it did.
By the Presidential election, it’s already years too late to force them to actually do good things. Protest votes and withholding your vote have done nothing to stop the slide that led to Harris campaigning with Liz Cheney in tow in the 16 years that I’ve been voting. If you want change, it’s only going to come by threatening the position of the people in charge of the party and replacing the old guard with people like AOC. Whoever gets elected President does neither of those things. Unless Krasnov declares the Democratic Party a terrorist organization and has them all arrested as political prisoners. But then we won’t have to worry about voting ever again, just like he promised.
- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 3 weeks ago:
I’m in my 30s and still get this kind of advice occasionally when I’m job hunting from my retired parents. My mom still talks about “rising through the ranks” even though I’ve been telling her for a decade that that’s not a thing anymore. Nobody goes from mail room to CEO. And nobody gets a gold watch either.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 weeks ago:
Ad block software doesn’t work on Twitch anymore because they embed the ads directly into the stream.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 weeks ago:
Twitch also requires you to do a certain number of ads per hour/amount of ad time per hour in order to hit the partnership levels for decent pay. Otherwise, IIRC, Twitch puts their own ads in and the streamer doesn’t receive any revenue from the ads.
I think Thor over at Pirate Software did a video on it back when that whole “Twitch Adpocalypse” drama was happening.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 weeks ago:
This is exactly why I stopped watching Twitch. It was the only service I tolerated ads on. Until they hit a point where the frequency and number of ads were just unbearable and I haven’t opened the site since.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 weeks ago:
I believe there’s been a few like that. I think there was an eye contact one, but also one that required you to stand up during ads and another that counted the number of people in the room to make sure you bought the right number of pay per view tickets?
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
At the height of its power, the Nazi party made up less than that percentage of the population of Germany. It doesn’t take much to ruin it for everyone.
Case in point: US President Donald Trump, whose approval rating has historically hovered around 30%.
Those of us with front row seats to the shitshow hope you’re right, because even just last week, my dad was saying, “It could never happen here!” when I brought up how the playbook Trump is using is the exact same one that Hitler used.
- Comment on What's the difference between a hostage and a prisoner? 5 weeks ago:
Hostages are taken from their homes or jobs with the express intent to threaten their lives, and exchange them for a political outcome.
While this describes them perfectly.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 1 month ago:
And if you voted for Trump, you supported the Palestinian genocide and the genocide of American minorities through the silent violence of the oppression of Project 2025 (as well as everything else in there such as the destruction of the American educational system), increasing the global power of Russia by appointing a known Russian asset to the presidency of the US (and all the other Russian assets that he was going to put into power through his cabinet), and the murder of potentially millions of Americans through another pandemic event, like Trump did during COVID.
And if you voted for neither? You were okay with either option happening. You didn’t care enough about genocide to prevent other genocides from occurring as a consequence of the election.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 1 month ago:
Your message is true, but your stats are off. Trump only got something like 15% of the total voting population in the US and won by like 1.5% of the vote. Studies say that historically, 60% of Americans are more liberal than the government - and that includes when Democrats have been in power.
Conservatives are a minority, and the MAGA crazies even more so. They just shout really loudly to convince everybody that they’re a majority. The real issue is that 50% or so of Americans simply don’t care enough to vote against fascism or care more about maintaining the facade of order than freedom. Like MLK said, the biggest threat to equal rights isn’t the white supremacist, but the white liberal who cares more about a negative peace than true justice.
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 1 month ago:
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 1 month ago:
Rouge vs rogue is another good one. Also, aluminum vs ah-lu-mini-um.
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 1 month ago:
According to a US judge last year, “boneless chicken wings” does not mean the chicken wings don’t have bones in them.
- Comment on What emotion is this? 1 month ago:
Back then the game felt much bigger
You might wanna hook your phone up to a TV then.
- Comment on 🤡🤡🤡 1 month ago:
I speak Tumblr, let me translate:
Royalslimefather reblogged it from knifemilf, who reblogged it from someone else. The OP could be thousands of chain reblogs down, so it doesn’t matter who. But if you go back far enough in that chain, you get to Marine biologist shitposts’s response.
The way Tumblr works is like if Twitter had comment chains instead of quote-tweeting.