- Comment on Unstable 19 hours ago:
This is next level because only Charles Murray stans could be persuaded that molecular bonds imply emotional strength.
- Comment on The experiment requires that you continue 2 days ago:
The Milligram experiment is almost as big a humbug as the Stanford prison experiment.
When the study was run without a “scientist”, but instead a policeman or military officer, the participants who went full voltage dropped from 90+% compliance to 90+% refusal. This completely contradicts the supposed “findings” that people uncritically obey authority.
After the war, a whole cottage industry of psychologists and philosophers tried to answer why it was that ordinary Germans could participate in horror. Simple, but wrong explanations like “humans obey authority uncritically” were in high demand.
- Comment on Gonna need to refresh the page and hope for a easier one. 2 days ago:
How the hell is Brad Dourif not in this movie!? Was he busy with Chucky or something?
- Submitted 4 days ago to [deleted] | 46 comments
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 6 days ago:
Alcohol. Sometimes it takes 30 or 40 years to be effective. Not very good for murder, but wildly popular for suicide.
- Comment on Oh NOOOO 1 week ago:
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are in prison and want to communicate with the outside world without being detected, what are some ways to hide a message within an innocuous letter? 1 week ago:
Just use a contraband cellphone. That gives you access to powerful encryption.
- Comment on Maureen Dowd Ate an Asinine Amount of Edibles Once 1 week ago:
Dowd is right. There should be some kind of standard so you understand dosage. When I try an edible, I eat a tiny amount and wait an hour. This isn’t because I’m smart, it’s because I’ve had bad experiences with potent stuff.
I know how many beers or shots I can get away with. With edibles, it’s a gamble every time.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
That’s some of the most totalitarian bullshit I’ve ever seen come out of 'big 'tech. I’m not even sure Joseph Goebbels tried to control metaphor. This is 1000X more granular than the CCP banning Winnie the Pooh.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
There is an excellent Science channel on Youtube and Nebula with a Physics PHD who’s made some eye-opening content about harassment and misogyny in STEM and Academia.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
The best way to burn off bad faith is to ask them to apply their “standard” to a different scenario. “What do you mean video games have a woke agenda? You can’t know the intentions of game designers”. “How do you know that the media is biased against Trump”? “You can’t read their minds”.
- Comment on that about 1/1000 of your phones RF power output, and the distance is 384400km 2 weeks ago:
Well, according to my ex, even 30 or 90 seconds is an interval unworthy of consideration.
- Comment on this is art 2 weeks ago:
I believe Dashbo is referring to the original painting.
- Comment on that about 1/1000 of your phones RF power output, and the distance is 384400km 2 weeks ago:
To be fair, that’s an insignificant distance for light to travel.
- Comment on Proton GE 9-26 Released With Updates For Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, GTA 5 Enhanced, And More 2 weeks ago:
I don’t care who’s fault it is that hardware probably won’t work, just that it probably won’t work.
Setting these games up is an undertaking even when all the software and hardware works as intended. Hell, just pulling the equipment out of it’s storage is enough friction to keep me from playing sometimes.
Even after more than a decade of using Debian as a server, I don’t have any confidence in my Linux knowledge. So the proposition here is tons and tons of homework with no guarantee that I can find a workaround or cobbled together solution. What I can be guaranteed is that if I get everything working, it’ll be a slightly to moderately worse experience.
Again, I’m not saying Linux is bad or even at fault for these issues, but these issues exist and I it’s valid that some people don’t wanna deal with it.
- Comment on Monopoly Go! was the most profitable mobile game of 2024. 2 weeks ago:
I like to remind the chuds who think that game quality is the same thing as sales that the greatest game of all time is Clash of Clans. Elden Ring, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and BG3 are pathetic in comparison.
- Comment on Proton GE 9-26 Released With Updates For Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, GTA 5 Enhanced, And More 2 weeks ago:
That’s great! But what about HOTAS support? Pedals? What about TrackIR?
DCS and all my gear are the biggest obstacle to dumping Windows.
- Comment on Do new US Tariff on Steel/Aluminium apply only on the metal weight or on all the engineering work to design the metal part ? 2 weeks ago:
The tariffs on metal doesn’t apply to finished products, only raw material.
- Comment on Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable about many Americans constantly calling people "black" and "white" and making such a big thing about it? 2 weeks ago:
So I’m a 21 year old from Germany
When, as a people, or a nation do unprecedented crimes and evil, it rings out through history, carried by the parents and given to the children. Racism is still a topic for discussion because it’s still a problem. I’m sure you understand.
- Comment on Wankpanzers 2 weeks ago:
What joke? I didn’t know how transmissions worked in EVs and now I do. People who think curiosity is worthy of ridicule guard and protect their own ignorance like a treasure.
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
There should be a parallel kennel show where only mutts and strays are allowed to enter. They should have categories to dunk on “pure”-breeds, like lowest vet bill or dogs over 14yo.
- Comment on How can a military buy fighter jets that the seller has kill switches for? 2 weeks ago:
“kill switches” don’t make any sense. Nobody would buy weapons knowing they had one, so you could only use it once before your export market tanks.
And why on Earth would you program weapons that deactivate upon receiving a signal? Obviously this would suck if our adversaries (who are all technically sophisticated) learned how to alt-ctrl-del our allies’ equipment.
- Comment on Wankpanzers 2 weeks ago:
How does a “transmission” work in an electric vehicle?
- Comment on Reminder that even if you're dead you can still be useful 2 weeks ago:
It’s wild that they promote the length of the book. Is that real?
- Comment on Homer Simpson irl 2 weeks ago:
Measuring the volume of a skull was once a valid way to determine intellect. We make fun of people who believed that, but IQ is arguably a worse instrument, and certainly no better.
The problem is you can’t measure intelligence any more than you can measure charm or beauty. All instruments who claim to do so are doomed to embarrass the people who use them.
- Comment on Homer Simpson irl 3 weeks ago:
If we could just let go of the Yakubian myth that more brains = smarter, this wouldn’t be so surprising.
- Comment on The landlord special 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 3 weeks ago:
If you accept someone unilaterally, your sending the message that they matter more.
- Comment on Marketing likes to change the name of shared file folders when they get new information. 3 weeks ago:
That sentence only needed the first word to be mildlyinfuriating.
- Comment on I ❤️ birbs 3 weeks ago:
This is so funny; I wish birds were real.