- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 3 days ago:
Even little babies know the difference between mommy and daddy. The shift in attitude that’s required to reform transphobia (I know) means digging into the basement of how you think of yourself and the people you love. This is threatening, it’s scary.
For the conservative, a trans person should not exist. It contradicts the ‘natural’ hierarchy or is a rebellion against God. So their must be an alternative motive: sexual perversion. So you connect the dots between “scary” and “sexually deviant” and pedophile is the natural result.
Calling a trans person a sexual threat soothes the dissonance by shifting the identity “trans” into something where the repulsion and fear make sense. Pedophilia is a box where you can put people whom you fear and hate them actively without the need to examine your own motivations or ever, ever have to look at it from a trans perspective.
- Comment on ACAB, no exceptions 3 days ago:
You never see cats working with the police.
- Comment on THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL, DIPSHITS 5 days ago:
Eratosthenes is a word I can only hear in Carl Sagan’s voice.
- Comment on What's the difference between a hostage and a prisoner? 5 days ago:
Just a reminder that Hamas is the recognized government in Gaza. Israel reminds us of this fact constantly in it’s attempts to justify their collective punishment. But I see now that Hamas have Schrodinger’s legitimacy.
The framing their going for is worthy victims vs. unworthy. It’s a pillar in the project of acceptable mass murder.
- Comment on Not the same 5 days ago:
- Comment on In the 1985 movie Teen Wolf, when Scott Howard turned into a teen wolf, would he have had a human penis or a wolf penis? 6 days ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
There are computers made bespoke for Amish people. It’s basically just a desktop loaded with a word processor and a spreadsheet program. You could easily cook up something like this with a Linux distro and an older laptop. Maybe even a Chromebook.
I think your kinda shooting yourself in the foot by fucking with Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook. Those things run on dopamine.
- Comment on OSHA is woke 1 week ago:
OSHA did 911.
Think about it. We know that the buildings were destroyed in a controlled demo. The whole point of a controlled demo is safety. What kind of a diabolical organization would murder 3,000 people using the best safety practices???!!!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
“Cannot speak for my intentions” is gas-lighting. Of course mind reading isn’t a thing, but It’s perfectly reasonable to infer intention from action. If not, serious crimes like murder would be impossible to prove.
There are people in by life that have difficulty telling the difference between something that can’t be known with precision, and something so mysterious that any explanation is as good as any other. Some people are vulnerable to this kind of thinking.
- Comment on Say it. 1 week ago:
I’m making tempura bugs for dinner. On a night when everyone else gets nachos and pizza. Don’t you feel sorry for me?
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 1 week ago:
The intake of a jet engine can kill birds a dozen at a time. The exhaust can drive them extinct. A turret would be just showing off.
- Comment on what if another country staged a coup in the US and deposed trump? 1 week ago:
A foreign country can’t stage a coup, only foment one. If your looking for expertise, there are a bunch of CIA guys about to be unemployed.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 1 week ago:
IIRC during the third Crusade, the Christians slaughtered 60,000 Jewish people before they even got out of Germany. The beef goes way back.
Some people will say the origin is Christ’s death. But even reading that story it’s clear that Europeans and Israelites weren’t on good terms then either.
It’s hard to find a “cause” for a belief that isn’t rational.
- Comment on idijt 2 weeks ago:
Nothing is more on brand than a language pedant making grammar mistakes. What do you expect of person who thinks memorizing rules is the hallmark of intelligence?
- Comment on How realistic is the threat of the government remotely manipulating digital devices you own and planting evidence? 2 weeks ago:
The concept of framing someone implies that there is an honest court to fool into convicting an innocent person.
The government already controls the courts, why make it complicated?
- Comment on When every boy dreamed of being an executioner when he grew up 2 weeks ago:
I see that the AI image generators have cleverly started obscuring fingers. But the doll’s haircut looks less plastic than the boys’.
- Comment on America roleplay, anyone? 2 weeks ago:
I recently watched the movie Leave the World Behind. Spoilers, I guess. The central premise of the movie is that when confused and scared, people will turn on each other. However, the named characters, when faced with that fear and confusion are impressively decent to each other.
IDK if that’s meant to be optimistic, ironic, or just bipolar.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 2 weeks ago:
IDK about the options available, but I’ve found that choosing a wired keyboard can bring the price down significantly. This is no trade-off because I wouldn’t use a wireless keyboard anyway.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Japanese developers on Steam can’t receive revenue from adult games due to Japanese banks blocking transfers 2 weeks ago:
This from a country that has the same attitude toward pedophilia as Richard Dawkins.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 3 weeks ago:
Red Dead Redemption 2.
OK hear me out.
Sure the game’s setting predates the Nazis and there are none to kill in the game. However, there is an entire inexhaustible faction of Confederates to murder. But even better than that, the game gives you several opportunities to stumble on a Klan meeting.
These encounters are special because they’re a sandbox for creative butchery and guiltless massacre. Even the game’s honor system looks the other way while you toss a gallon of liquor onto the burning cross, dousing the Grand Dragon and all his Cyclopses, sending them in a screeching panic, fully engulfed, off a nearby cliff just like that dude in Lord of the Rings.
- Comment on Mass Effect 5: BioWare Doesn't 'Require Support From the Full Studio', EA Moves Some Staff to Other Teams 3 weeks ago:
Can you imagine if Hollywood worked like this?
yea, we moved Stephen Spielberg and some other senior leaders to different rolls. He just seems he’s a better fit for the “Cliffhanger” project. We just don’t envision that Amblan Entertainment needs our full attention now and they have all our confidence going forward with their “Schindler” property.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 3 weeks ago:
OP’s argument is a fallacy so common it has a formal name. But I don’t want to get “all logical” and put anyone’s scalp at risk.
- Comment on Steven Seagal Movie Out For A Kill Is So Lazy He Fights Sitting Down - Worst Movie Ever 3 weeks ago:
Their should be a word for the type of actor that can’t slide into supporting rolls as they age and become parodies of themselves. And it’s not just action stars. Kevin Costner has been trying to lead an epic Western for like 40 years.
- Comment on Taking some time this morning to contemplate life and just realized THIS 3 weeks ago:
Evolutionary psychology, or that the idea that our behaviors can be traced to our genetic past, has almost no scientific basis.
If you study it, you’ll find nothing but “just so” hypothesizes with no evidence or hope of experiment. And as Popper reminds us, unfalsifiable claims cannot be science.
Many people will reject what I say because our obtuse ancestors out-bread the rational thinkers.
- Comment on Turning myself in 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on GTFO 4 weeks ago:
The air is full of nitrogen with trace amounts of carbon. The soil is rich in carbon but nitrogen poor. Plants draw carbon from the air and nitrogen from the soil.
- Comment on Dave Chappelle Stand-Up Monologue 2025 - SNL [17:01 | JAN 18 25 | Saturday Night Live] 4 weeks ago:
I read once that Chappelle pays off-duty police for security.
And I couldn’t help thinking that he’d become a character from his show: A black American who’s mind is so captured by wealth, so out of touch, that he actually pays the pigs to follow him around.
Comedy comes from being able to see the world clearly, and Dave stuck his head in a bag of money and hasn’t pulled out to look around once.