- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
It’s better to say ‘‘Yes’’ and fail then to say ‘‘No’’ and succeed. Presentation is everything in a workplace.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
I have had this exact talk with my kids repeatedly and probably will again ''the internet is a PUBLIC place, if you wouldn’t do or say things you wouldn’t be comfortable doing in the quad at school or in the middle of Walmart, DON’T do it online. You wanna have spicy conversations, do that in person or over a phone line and if someone secretly records that, you can press charges!
- Comment on Was a TV show you like ever ruined by the addition of a particular character to the point that you had to quit, or nearly quit? 4 days ago:
When it actually happened, I stopped watching it. Never seen bothered with an ep after that.
- Comment on Wonder what it tastes like 4 days ago:
Sorry buddy… to wanna go look at some Georgia O’Keef paintings instead?
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 4 days ago:
The US immigration system has been broken for decades, as a everytime a Democrat tries to fix it, the Republicans refused, to the point the democrats started getting Republicans authoring laws to fix the problems, and AGAIN the Republicans refuse, then we had Republicans author their own bills 100% and the Republicans REFUSED to fix it.
People as fucking stupid as you are why. ‘‘Well why didn’t they just follow the law’’ because THE SYSTEM IS INTENTIONALLY BROKEN YOU FUCKING IDIOT, FAMILIES ARE GETTING DESTROYED AND PEOPLE ARE DYING WHILE YOUR DUMB ASS FAILS TO PAY ANY ATTENTION PAST ‘‘oh gee golly why didn’t they just do it legally’’ 90% + of immigrants come on legally. How do they get illegal? They need a hearing. With an immigration judge, where are those? Oh… we don’t have enough by the 100s. How far back is the backlog for immigration hearings? Oh its thousands of cases? Who represents people who need representation that our laws require they have? No, no, we don’t have attorneys, that’s not important. Just have the 5 year old that no one has any documentation on represent themselves? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense let’s do that.
Wait in line property? BUILD THE FUCKING LINE!!!
- Comment on Enshittification 5 days ago:
I’M SO RACIST I THINK CAPITALISM WORKS!!! – You for some reason.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Yeah DO NOT commit insurance fruad. It’s a really bad idea. You will get caught. There’s about 100 different ways to get caught and you won’t figure out half of them, and what’s worse is that the money will point REALLY big red arrows at you and if you can’t defuse that attention, your doing time.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Oh you REALLY need to call up and see if they will cover it. They will fight you like hell on this kind of situation.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Do NOT set your own car on fire. They will notice every marker pointing at you! Instead, incompetently park in a visible area that is poorly lit at night, perhaps a Trump sticker. Maybe an anti-trans or pro racism sticker! Really REALLY scummy stuff. Get a custom plate that says ‘‘YBMC’’ or something else horrid. Really egg them on. What you really want is a total stranger you have never interacted with. Police fail to identify 90% of crimes that don’t have a personal motivation to known victim and perpitraitor.
- Comment on pain plant 6 days ago:
I have called shenanigans.
- Comment on pain plant 1 week ago:
This is a low shenanigan…
- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
It’s my OCD struggle to just play a character and not min max. It’s so tedious and insane.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
A lot of geneticist are DEEPLY against trying these things. This guy’s lucky so far in that his actions haven’t caused serious problems, we really don’t know how adjusting genetics can backfire, but according to the professionals the risks are very very high.
- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
Fucking Mannimarco was SO disappointing. You’re chasing down this rouge faction of necromancers, corpses nailed to the walls, spooky as shit, rumors of The King of Worms fly, you finnally make it to him, and he’s an Altmer in a cave in a brown robe all ‘‘I’m an immortal who used to be in the Psyjic Order, was there when magic was first passed from Mer to Men, I single handedly invented enchanting, soul binding, and raising the dead, You have to fucking PRAY to me to make black soul gems!’’
And you lob an arrow at him from across the room and he says the same things ever Altmer in the game does and falls over dead. Like… really? I was expecting ANYTHING to happen in the fight at all.
They could have just made him a litch with some thralls and a health pool and damage output high enough to make it seem like a boss fight. I’ve had more trouble assassinatiing pirates.
- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
Did you know on the original FFX on PS2 if you pay more than 9999 hours the hours played flips over to 0000 again?
- Comment on Elon Musk’s Role in Dismantling USAID Likely Violated Constitution, Judge Finds 1 week ago:
You can’t just invent new extremely powerful and unquestionable government organizations and staff them with unverified people demanding full loyalty and the ability to dismantle every government agency that regulates those exact same people’s highly subsided businesses while they also continue to operate their businesses? I mean. It sounds entirely illegal, but I didn’t get an honorary degree from Pepperdine for being a cool party boy.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
Yeah that whole conundrum, if you have the money to buy new games you don’t have the time to play them, if you had the time, you wouldn’t have the money to buy them.
- Comment on Are old people usually attracted to other old people? 1 week ago:
I’m 40, and I’m really only attracted to people my age, maybe late 30s, but much younger than that and I’m really not into it. This has been pretty consistent my whole life, of course I had crushes in school, but after being a teen probably around 22+ I Really wasn’t interested in teens. But 30 I was not interested in 20s. If I had to find someone, which I’m really not anticipating, I wouldn’t bother dating someone younger than 35-38 through whatever 45-50 range.
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
Yeah, hopefully, but Americans are really bad at fighting back, and easily swayed with very dubious conceits.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
It’s because humans in the wild would lose teeth by that time and need more.
- Comment on Anon uses Windows 1 week ago:
I’m certain they do this maliciously.
- Comment on Getting older 1 week ago:
He’s a guy??!
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Half way through the Hidden Figures movie I started to realize that the racist sexist people in charge really deserved to lose to the Russians.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
You think old men in academia are up to date on their misogyny? Why?
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
I know it never happened around me personally, I’m tall and mean looking, but working in service for over a decade and most people don’t know how bad it is. You learn that the restraining order needs to happen BEFORE it gets worse not as it gets worse. And none of that protects workers traveling to work. You can’t let anyone walk alone to their car alone after close, and if a guy comes in and asks for an associate with those creep vibes, and they aren’t known to the associate or a part of their private life in anyway, you need to aggressively fight it. On visit two looking for her, you have to pull her behind closed doors and report to the police he’s stalking and get a restraining order. SECOND VISIT. Anything less and you’re letting to go way to far.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Maybe instead of meaningless platitudes actual change would be in order.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
Dude at some point in the 10s all cable just turned into reruns of C.O.P.S.
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
Many are leaving teaching all together, it’s a huge problem that’s going to have far reaching consequences for a lot more than 4 years. While they might not all leave the US, they are no longer teaching or practicing medicine in hostile states, Idaho has been forced to shut down hospitals and medical services.
Here in rural CA we’re also seeing medical access dwindle. A lot of things people don’t realize have changed are very drastic, being older I remember not even needing to think about buying produce and inspection it for bugs or rotting. Now, you have to check, and if you aren’t washing everything before you put it away from the store you are getting bugs. It’s gonna happen reliably, many services and newly built things seem shotty and badly done. We have been running out of competency for some time now, and if you’ve been alive long enough were clearly in decline.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, and people don’t get more serious about shoving racists and neo nazis face in it. Hitler was a meth head with a deformed penis who blew his brains out cowaring in fear as Mel Brooks drove a tank into Berlin. Dude was shit, and no he ‘‘at least did things for Germany’’ he ensured their destruction by being a military tactical dumbass starting all these wars all at once, then using all kinds of resources rounding up Jews, building factories to exterminate people, lowering their population as they ran out of soldiers. Do you know how fucking stupid you have to be to do things this way? No one was ever like ‘‘hay maybe if we just stop rounding up Jews with a huge amount of guys and building extermination camps we could have a few more soldiers and bombs to fight with’’ no. They just pretended it made sense and kept following his orders even when they new it was bullshit, AND they let him intentionally send units to their deaths for ‘‘not fighting hard enough’’ to win using his dumb fucking tactics. This guy was fucking stupid, the whole idealogy of following ONE dude no matter what is the most idiotic system of government possible.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 2 weeks ago:
By reliable accounts some of Hitler’s last words were him expressing that while sad he didn’t really improve anything for Germany, at least he killed millions of Jews. Hitler wanted the credit.