- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 3 days ago:
I’m probably just old but it’s always faster to type :) than it is to find the 🙂, same goes for every emoji really.
Also they convey slightly different emotions
- Comment on Terrorists 4 days ago:
You’re responding to a Nazi. Reread their comment, they’re saying all the people being illegally arrested are rapists and murderers
- Comment on Assetto Corsa Evo devs quietly changed Steam description, paving the way for Early Access price hike 1 week ago:
Ain’t no way that’s a real person, who tf could possibly type that out and click post without a moment of introspection
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
Uhh I guess it’s kinda like that, minus you knowing you farted. Imagine the dog barked and ran but you genuinely had no idea why that happened. As a joke you go “dang that was like I farted so bad even the dog couldn’t stand it!” But now everyone heard you say you farted, so any time a dog barks and runs away they call it “Rowbot’s fart.”
Dark matter may not literally be matter of any kind at all. All we know for sure is that objects with a certain amount of observable matter are, for some reason, behaving like they have much, much more. But also not with any consistency; sometimes it’s like 30% more, sometimes they act like they’re twice their size. We just call it dark matter because “dang it’s like there’s a bunch of matter we can’t see.” But we don’t really know what’s causing the discrepancy.
To be fair, it’s not like we’re totally clueless about it, but as of yet no single hypothesis has any concrete proof.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
Like I said, watch her video. She goes into lots of detail and gives a much better explanation than I could ever hope to. But here I go anyway:
The gist of it is that “dark matter” isn’t really an attempt to explain anything. Like, theory of gravity, we have some good rules, things accelerate depending on mass and proximity to other things. Theory of dark matter? Not so much.
Dark matter is a problem in the sense that it’s an observable phenomenon we can’t really explain. When we observe really far away stars and galaxies, they interact in ways that imply far larger amount of matter than what we are actually observing. So where’s that matter? We don’t know! Dark matter! But unfortunately that nomenclature and the many ideas surrounding what does cause the dark matter phenomenon have deeply clouded the conversation.
Dark matter is not a theory of how things work. It’s a problem to be solved.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 2 weeks ago:
Watch her dark matter video. And the follow up. But for the love of God, dodge the comments. SO MANY people read the title of the video and then went to make comments calling her wrong, even though she spent like an hour specifically addressing the arguments they make.
Dark matter is not a theory. It’s a problem. Fuck!
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
No u
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
Depends on how much other media you consume. If you’re forced to get a VPN anyway I bet you’re more likely to start looking into pirating everything else, too
- Comment on Rate my breakfast 5 weeks ago:
Make sure you microwave the can first
- Comment on Valve have just updated the Source 1 SDK on GitHub to the latest code based on Team Fortress 2, effectively making TF2 code source available 5 weeks ago:
Valve has made attempts to take down projects that follow those rules. TF2Classic is the example that comes to my mind since it’s the main one I’ve played, but I know there are several others. In TF2C’s case, they tried contacting Valve to find out why they’d been hit with a C&D, never heard back, and eventually quietly resumed development.
Some kind of miscommunication between legal and the devs? Maybe internal drama? Maybe they didn’t really pay attention and still aren’t aware TF2C is back up? Who knows. Still happened tho.
- Comment on Fedora threatened with legal action from OBS Studio due to their Flatpak packaging 1 month ago:
Kind of an odd and short article. Gives a decent rundown for OBS’s complaint but doesn’t even attempt to explain why the Fedora devs would be resistant to fixing a borked package.
- Comment on TFW you think you got away with it for 137 years but then the cops come knockin 1 month ago:
Just to be pedantic, the “let alone” turn of phrase is meant to imply that the second thing has a higher standard. So in this case it should be corrected to “this wouldn’t hold up in a Victorian age court, let alone a modern one.”
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 1 month ago:
test !
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 1 month ago:
Bit of both. I don’t think they were trying to link the communities; just making clear what instance they were on. I think the correct nomenclature would be to put ! in front of them, like !
(But when I clicked “link a community” in Voyager like I did just now, it both added the ! and then formatted a link directly to blahaj in standard brackets+parentheses so tbh idk)
- Comment on AI Traning 1 month ago:
Other people have used the words you wrote in other contexts before, therefore you stole their words.
Oh God, so did I! I’m doing it right now! I’m going to jail!
- Comment on GTA Vice City Nextgen Edition Drops As a Standalone Package In Response To Take-Two's "Cruel" Move 1 month ago:
Whoops sorry, tried to post a magnet link but it didn’t work for some reason. Too long maybe? Anyway you can grab the torrent file from moddb here
- Comment on Shipping fandoms when it's Season 5 and their OTP hasn't sailed yet [Day 59] 1 month ago:
God damn it I can’t believe they ended lower decks by giving Rutherford his eye back for no reason instead of him and tendi finally opening up to each other
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
The problem becomes even more stark if you assume parties A and C win 25% and 26%. Heck, let’s make B even more unpopular with a 34-35-31 split. There is an incredible amount of movement required to make a new party dominant and competitive in our fucked up system.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 2 months ago:
The plural of anecdote is “in my experience”
- Comment on Noble gases 2 months ago:
A steadily growing portion of American education is about rote memorization instead of critical thinking because we tied testing to funding and true/false is easier to grade
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 4 months ago:
Leaving it to rot for 15 years was far more unjust than a slightly less “revolutionary” game. And the concepts they show in the new doc are cool as hell! I would have loved to shoot at blobmonster! They just decided singleplayer FPS games weren’t as profitable, and that’s fine, I guess. They’re a company, they want to make money. But pretending they were somehow doing us a favor by leaving the cliffhanger for long is utter nonsense. Especially since they wound up simply retconning it so the whole wait was pointless anyway!
- Comment on Do the ultra-rich consume popular media? 4 months ago:
Or he watched one (1) JJ Abrams movie and is just trying to use the cool kids’ space jargon in an attempt to get people on his side
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 4 months ago:
When I look at the steam store Portal has a price tag of $9.99.
Portal didn’t come out until 2007 with the orange box, which also had hl2: episode 2 (and tf2), but the base game of hl2 came out standalone in 2004. This giveaway is a celebration of hl2’s 20th anniversary, so maybe they’ll do a portal giveaway in 2027.
- Comment on Do you really want it in your body??? 4 months ago:
Actually, that’s an avocado
- Comment on Tencent collaborated with Snoop Dogg for Fortnite, officially adding the 'C-Walk' as a dance, a notorious gang sign for the Crips. 4 months ago:
99% sure Lemmy has a higher average age than any social media other than maybe facebook
- Comment on I just need to keep it steady 4 months ago:
I had one of these and somehow it also picked up a radio station, so no matter what I played it’d be mixed with some random techno music
- Comment on Anon plays DnD 5 months ago:
Roll with disadvantage, the NPC is fucking pissed at your genie logic and desperately wants to kick your ass
- Comment on There can be only one winner 6 months ago:
Melatonin actually has a scientific basis. It’s a naturally produced hormone that will have an effect on most people, but being a hormone, ymmv. Homeopathy is pure quackery from top to bottom
- Comment on Facebook 6 months ago:
That might be because they actually aren’t binding in many cases. Courts have held that if the contract can’t be reasonably expected to be read or understood by the people it “binds,” it’s not really enforceable, and 99% of EULAs are ridiculously long and legalese-heavy. But that doesn’t change the fact companies can and will treat them as such until challenged in court, and they’ll almost always be allowed to refuse service to pretty much whoever they want.
So you’d be right here; grandma’s post about not giving Facebook the right to her data is meaningless. Don’t want Facebook to have your data? Don’t use Facebook!
- Comment on Why does Halo 2 look worse than Halo 1? The shadows. Or well, the *lack* of them. 8 months ago:
Agreed. High res is not the same thing as good graphics. The Halo 1 remaster is another great example of that; the og graphics look SO much better