- Comment on Mr. Grey, can I go to the bathroom? 2 weeks ago:
- It’s good if you have interest in the language.
- I might sound harsh, but the performance of most English VA cannot compare with Japanese VA.
- Comment on Murica 2 weeks ago:
Not even that. You have no idea how many bikes I found abandoned on the side of the road that needed just a minor fixing (about 3 now).
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 1 month ago:
Unless you buy useless stuff just to avoid shipping, it’s still money spent toward something you would have bought later (possibly for a higher price, on retail). It counts on future savings.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 1 month ago:
- Comment on Trust the process! 1 month ago:
They do eat raw chicken in Japan, but I guess you have to treat it the same way as raw fish to be sanitary (fast freezing for 24h to kill parasites and bacteria).
- Comment on Hope you had a great christmas 2 months ago:
Oh, yeah. Exaggerating your symptoms is the only way to make doctors take your condition seriously. Unless you are a pregnant woman, or a cancer patient. Nordic healthcare is sometimes frustrating in small ways.
- Comment on Hope you had a great christmas 2 months ago:
In Scandinavia they have a policy to minimize the use of antibiotics, even on people, to prevent antibiotic resistance.
- Comment on I wonder why people litter in the USA? 3 months ago:
I might be wrong, but I assume that the food packaging is a necessity because of the extreme humidity, otherwise it will spoil very fast.
- Comment on I wonder why people litter in the USA? 3 months ago:
In Japan it’s almost impossible to find a trash can on the streets and yet people don’t litter. The problem is the culture centered around consumerism and waste.
- Comment on i found her 3 months ago:
Uuu, iii, uuu.
- Comment on THANK YOU 4 months ago:
Considering the size of an ant and the picture, I’d say at least 50x
- Comment on Sugar vs baking soda to neutralize acid in canned tomatoes? 4 months ago:
I live fairly up north and can confirm that fresh tomatoes do taste like water, even in summer.