Wishing for my death or a World War. Either will do. Because FML or this world.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 7 hours ago:
I think so. My sister has been contacted by Forbes that she can pay for a spot on the list. There was a cheaper option for just the nomination.
- Comment on pew pew 5 days ago:
The probability of an asteroid firing in very low, but never zero.
- Comment on At this rate, why not. 1 week ago:
Not just a lot of exposed rock surface. But also, there are energy costs for pumping water to the exposed surface. Factoring in the efficiency of the carbon removal from the water, I find it hard to believe it is a good solution.
Wouldn’t it be better if we focus on better sources of energy? I am no expert, but I know about it more than a common man due to my academic background in civil engineering.
- Comment on At this rate, why not. 1 week ago:
I don’t know. What do you think is the concentration of CO2 in the sea water? I am just not convinced.
- Comment on At this rate, why not. 1 week ago:
Carbon sequestration is not going to solve global warming. CO2 is less than 2% of atmosphere. Even if you pass a shitton of air through the strata the difference will be negligible.
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 1 week ago:
Smoking cigarettes for health benefits is like messing with an angry bear, so that you can have a jog.
- Comment on Anon is a philosopher 3 weeks ago:
"And I, too, felt ready to start life all over again. It was as if that great rush of anger had washed me clean, emptied me of hope, and, gazing up at the dark sky spangled with its signs and stars, for the first time, the first, I laid my heart open to the benign indifference of the universe.” this quote by Camus in “The Stranger” always get me. Points out the absurdism of searching for a meaning in this vast, complex and more importantly indifferent universe.
Of course, Nietzsche felt different. He thought we still had an obligation to do great.
To me personally, taoism seems to provide a happy middle ground. Do what you can, try what you want. In the end success or failure brings some pros and some cons. Life is all about navigating the water current. Sometimes, you take control and other times you let the water carry you. It is all about knowing when to do either.
- Comment on Anon is a philosopher 3 weeks ago:
Nietzsche particularly said that we should all strive to be the best versions of ourselves, something he called “uber-mensch” an idea, which I believe was hijacked by Nazis.
He was a nihilist, but he also urged everyone to create their own values and follow it to be the best you can be. But, then he was also a disgusting sexist. People are complicated.
- Comment on This one is going to be controversial 3 weeks ago:
I actually love the combo of jalapeños and pineapple on the pizza.
- Comment on Hierarchy of needs 1 month ago:
Reminds me of scones at a cafe in my city. I definitely go there once a week or two. The owner is now a good friend of mine now.
- Comment on May be atomic habit forming 1 month ago:
Thank you. This is the only thing that makes sense to me.
- Comment on May be atomic habit forming 1 month ago:
Can we just not talk about productivity for a second? I just want to live and breath. Not hustle and die.
- Comment on Anon's sad story 1 month ago:
Pic related.
- Comment on Anon on hobby communities 1 month ago:
This happened to me yesterday. There was a discussion thread on whether Attack on Titan is on par with great literature. I personally agreed with the sentiment and I explained in a comment, why I think so. I got downvoted because it was counter to generally accepted stance in the comment section. I was just trying to foster discussion. They didn’t even argue against my views, just downvoted me. But, I guess that is internet for you, people don’t want to have discussion. Most people are just seeking validation for their views. I am sure I am guilty of it too.
- Comment on Anon gets plastered 1 month ago:
I only work hard for myself. Contributing to open source bcoz that is the one that gives me satisfaction, even if not the money.
- Comment on Anon gets plastered 2 months ago:
Bosses love to think that they know it all, but they operate on limited info like everybody else. This just shows how stupid it is to work hard for a job, when everything is based on impressions and not on any kind of objective measures.
- Comment on magic box rule 2 months ago:
Also, these beige boxes used to be white.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Louis Pasteur is rolling in his grave, watching them raw milk drinkers.
- Comment on Literature reviews be like 2 months ago:
So much literature, but not a gap that can work on to be found.
- Comment on Anon doubts WW2 Germany 2 months ago:
Yeah, certain people can only feel superior to others to cover up for inferiority within themselves.
- Comment on Is it worth it?? 3 months ago:
“There is no free lunch.”, is a saying in ML research.
- Comment on Pants 3 months ago:
Depends on the programming language.
- Comment on Asshole Lab Rat 3 months ago:
Has anyone wondered that maybe rats are the ones actually conducting experiments on scientists? I read about it in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy-
- Comment on Anon cuddles with his first gf 3 months ago:
What is this gf anon is talking about? I thought they are mythical.
- Comment on Called out 3 months ago:
They are one and the same, right? Right?
- Comment on Femboy or FEM-boy 4 months ago:
FEM-boy, duh.
- Comment on Just So 4 months ago:
It’s all self-evident.
- Comment on Incels 4 months ago:
Finally, a place for me to go and live. I would call it mopey land. Me and the seals will be best friends.
- Comment on Anthropologists: "You motherfuckers!" 4 months ago:
A lot of factors influence behaviour. I highly recommend a book called Behave by Robert Sapolsky.
- Comment on Proof!! 4 months ago:
Do you mean to say that winged penis things were pretty common in those regions?