- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
As the husband of a woman with a PhD, let me assure you that I have witnessed several of these first hand when I travel with her to conferences.
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 1 week ago:
stay save
Will, that doesn’t feel vaguely threatening at all…
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
but if i let things happen, a woman is gonna be always around me lol. and i will have to make plans for her and deal with stuff. then a family reeeee.
You don’t have to have kids if you don’t want to. My wife and I are in our 40s and neither of us want kids. Society will try to make it seem like that’s just what normal people do, bit screw that noise. Do what makes you happy.
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 2 weeks ago:
I’d argue that Elizabeth Holmes fits the bill.
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 2 weeks ago:
Elizabeth Holmes?
- Comment on Florida opens criminal investigation into Tate brothers 2 weeks ago:
He can’t pardon state crimes, only federal ones. At least that’s true according to the Constitution, but we know how this administration follows that, so who knows.
- Comment on Why aren't all rooms holodecks? 3 weeks ago:
Not everyone wants to sleep in a death trap.
- Comment on What Happens to Capitalism When None Of Us Have Any Capital Left? 3 weeks ago:
Don’t worry, they’ll find same way to harvest any hard-to-access value you still have in you.
- Comment on Skyblivion, the fan remake of Oblivion in Skyrim's engine, nears completion 4 weeks ago:
WTF are you smoking? It was not “specifically designed to break the mod”. It was specifically designed to coencide with the Fallout TV series on of Amazon prime.
- Comment on why are they called “popular girls” if they’re typically not friends with anyone outside their small friend group? 4 weeks ago:
Popularity isn’t about the number of friends they actually have. It 's about the number of people who want to be associated with them. It’s a subtle, yet important, distinction.
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 4 weeks ago:
And even if they were included, we have clocks on Mars now that would be out of sync.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 4 weeks ago:
Come on man, I’m going to start exercising again any day now, I swear!
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 4 weeks ago:
I used to do this too. Until last year.
I was at home, playing with my cat Leo, when in a span of 30 seconds, he went from being perfectly fine, to not being able to move his back legs, and yowling in pain. I needed to get him to the emergency vet quickly. The car in front of me pulled this, driving slow, blocking the road, not letting me get around him. Unfortunately Leo didn’t make it, and that driver’s behavior played a huge part in the lasting personal trauma I’m still dealing with.
The thing is, you don’t know why they are driving the way they are. Maybe they are an ass hole, but maybe they have a medical emergency. It isn’t your job to enforce the traffic laws. I know I’ll never do it again though
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 5 weeks ago:
Keep (checks math) 3 more teens open in chrome.
- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 5 weeks ago:
He’s already made a few “casual” remarks about ending the FDIC. That would crash them pretty quickly.
- Comment on Playing Dragonsweeper because of Ars' article. Did I have any way out of this without guessing? 5 weeks ago:
I do not understand how to play this game at all.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
The number is structured though. Some positions represent things like the geographic region you were born in, others relate to the year you were born. That drastically cuts down the available numbers as the entire range isn’t available in all situations.
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 5 weeks ago:
I’m waiting until I can play the entire game at once instead of chapter by chapter.
- Comment on Is there any way I can realistically send a message to Donald Trump and have him read it? 1 month ago:
You think he reads?
- Comment on Why is OCR for handwritten content still that bad? 1 month ago:
Command confirmed. Executing order 66. Stand by.
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 1 month ago:
I can always tell that a game has given up when their “updates” are all about what the community has built in the game, rather than what the developers have built.
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 1 month ago:
Yeah. That’s almost as bad as claiming someone is racist because they performed a Nazi salute. Ohh wait …
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
Don’t pretend they have no control. They could band together and refuse to play by the restaurant’s rules. Things would change pretty quickly.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 1 month ago:
As for game-play, they added Souls like invasions in SE5
Ohh, now I remember why I didn’t buy SE5…
Can that be turned off?
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 1 month ago:
I didn’t even know a new one was coming! I love surprises like this. Thanks!
I just hope it’s actually good…
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 1 month ago:
Illinois has a use tax, commonly called sales tax, which is NOT VAT.
Read up on the differences here:…/vat-vs-sales-tax-where-the-difference…
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 1 month ago:
There is no VAT in America. Just sales tax at a state and local level. VAT is a very specific method of taxation that isn’t the same as sales tax. I’m still not sure how you are relating that to Google either though. Google sells very little compared to someplace like Amazon.
- Comment on Would this be a red or green flag? 1 month ago:
I’m just happy she can use a computer to that degree.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 1 month ago:
If you do something horrible by accident, you apologize for it. The fact that he hasn’t, tells you everything you need to know.
- Comment on Would this be a red or green flag? 1 month ago:
Depends, was this all her game, or did she find my existing game and insert herself into it?