- Comment on Blobfish 1 day ago:
I had no idea, now I’m just sad.
- Comment on He's just eccentric 1 day ago:
This is so wrong it almost wrapped around and became right again.
- Comment on 'Captain America' star Anthony Mackie: 'We're lying to our kids' when we say success comes just from hard work—luck is key, too 1 week ago:
Good talk.
- Comment on 'Captain America' star Anthony Mackie: 'We're lying to our kids' when we say success comes just from hard work—luck is key, too 1 week ago:
No wonder propaganda is so effective. Someone can tell you to your face their experience, and people will just dismiss it out of hand.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
You can always take your trash with you instead of expecting someone else to take it for you. The culture of throwing shit away instead of reusing, and reducing, is so ubiquitous, that’s the infuriating thing.
- Comment on 'Captain America' star Anthony Mackie: 'We're lying to our kids' when we say success comes just from hard work—luck is key, too 1 week ago:
That’s still luck, not hard work.
- Comment on 'Captain America' star Anthony Mackie: 'We're lying to our kids' when we say success comes just from hard work—luck is key, too 1 week ago:
This is the dumbest take you could possibly get from this.
- Comment on Are old people usually attracted to other old people? 1 week ago:
Dunno, I find myself being less and less attracted to anybody more than 5-6 years younger than me.
- Comment on what are the chances of irreparable damage due to obstructed blood circulation during sleep? 1 week ago:
Nobody I’ve ever heard of.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Good talk, but clearly not gonna get anywhere here. Have a nice weekend.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Do some self reflection my dude. Toxic masculinity is not the same thing, not even close.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
The amount of dudes in this comment section who really aren’t getting it is astounding…
- Comment on identity theft 1 week ago:
At least they’re symmetric.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
The fact that you are so angry about what I have to say tells me I’m not.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
You don’t have to think its minimizing. I’m trying to tell you nicely that it is.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
While I agree, men face sexism too, in a different way. It feels like minimizing their experiences, to have someone come in here and say, well, actually, men face sexism as well.
I am a guy, for the record. I just finally started listening to the women in my life who have been telling me for years that they face this stuff.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Are you a woman? I’ve never met a woman who hasn’t had some experience with this. Sexism is everywhere, andnif you haven’t really experienced it, that’s bcz you’re a guy.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Yeah, it’s a sexist comment implying she isn’t either qualified to be at the conference, or mistaking her for a passerby who is unaffiliated, and should consider working there. Either way, I don’t find sexism funny. Dunno why anybody would, but hey, I’m just some guy on the internet, so you do you.
- Comment on tig ol bitties 3 weeks ago:
You know what, take your upvote and get out of here!
- Comment on tig ol bitties 3 weeks ago:
Your a leg man? Get out of here… the Andromeda galaxy is that way —>
- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 3 weeks ago:
Look Ireland has feelings too!
- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 3 weeks ago:
Ireland is barely in the picture.
- Comment on This job description for a job posting by Amazon 4 weeks ago:
Thanks, I hate it.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 5 weeks ago:
It’s called 401ks, literally anyone with a 9-5 job has one. The entire retirement system was designed to keep people invested in the stock market and betting on it.
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 5 weeks ago:
Crickets, as expected
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks ago:
This is complete hogwash speculation. You have no idea what would have happened to the North if the split had been permanent.
- Comment on pakistan women's day 5 weeks ago:
All religion is used to oppress people. Look a the state of the U.S. right now.
- Comment on Day 213 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 5 weeks ago:
If it was weekly I wpuldnt mind. It’s every day…
- Comment on Day 213 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 5 weeks ago:
I wish you would forget. I’m tired of down voting these stupid posts.
- Comment on Two big Final Fantasy remakes are reportedly still in ‘active development’ 5 weeks ago:
The weird multiverse story changes to ff7 remake are hot garbage that nobody asked for.