- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 1 day ago:
Be careful who you trust and only post things online that you wouldn’t mind everyone in your life seeing. Never trust the internet.
- Comment on A Good Night's Rest 3 days ago:
You’ll be resting with the scallops
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
America had an election and made its choice. Democrats want to transform America into Europe 2.0 but most Americans do not want that. We have a binary political system so that only leaves one other choice. It is what it is.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 1 week ago:
We had an election and Trump won fair and square. All you can do is regroup and get prepared for the next election.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Who is the victim?
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Only if the accusations are true. It is just a post on the internet, there is no proof any of this is true or factual. Don’t be in such a hurry to harm others and damage their lives.
- Comment on Anti-acknowlegements 1 week ago:
Never let the actions of others dictate your future. If you have a goal never never give up.
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
There is great opportunity in America. People all over the world still want to come here for a chance to compete. Bow down before the great Eagle, cawcaw!! Sure we have our problems but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. The border to leave stays open btw.
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
Long ass vacays is true, I’ll give you that one.
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
Yes move to Europe with stagnant economies and 60% tax rates. There are evident reasons why the EU isnt competitive, it’s not a secret.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
Let me ask you a simple question. Why does America pay to build and run hundreds of military bases and military outposts all over the world? Financially why does America do that?
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
The relationships we have with these countries aren’t sustainable. This is how our relationships work. We are their military. They buy US manufactured weapons and we build military bases on their land so if they are invaded American soldiers will be killed and the US will be forced into war. In return they have very small militaries and are able to pay for things like universal healthcare and free college for their people. Problem is the amount these countries said they would pay they don’t. Our advantages: 1. We can close the hundreds of military bases all over the world and bring our people home and stop paying to run them. 2. With the amount of money saved we can offer better services to our people(if you can get past the corruption)
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
No china’s gdp growth is actually the lowest in Asia. India, vietnam, & Indonesia are the top expected performers. Japan and South Korea will stay with the USA even if we lose the super liberal countries.
- Comment on Controversial question 3 weeks ago:
The same socioeconomic class has been continuously the main benefactor of America economic policy for 50 years regardless of which party is in charge. Idk what more proof you require to accept the oligarchs run the system but you believe whatever you need to to make you feel safe and secure.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
Trump obviously wants to sever those relationships and forge a new path forward. I like Europe, it’s a beautiful place, but I don’t want to live there. SUre the super liberal places hate us now EU, Canada, and UK but South Korea and Japan will stay with the US. Asia has most of the projected economic growth and that is where our future will be.
- Comment on Controversial question 3 weeks ago:
So what you are saying is that the oligarchs rule the system and your solution is to continue voting in that same system in which you are being ruled?
- Comment on Controversial question 3 weeks ago:
The same people who have historically bankrolled and controlled Republicans also run the Democrats. It’s kinda hard to “fight the system” when the oligarchs are the system.
- Comment on Erasure 5 weeks ago:
Why would your bio be on the NASA website? What does that have to do with the exploration of space or technological advancement?
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 1 month ago:
America held an election. Democracy made a choice. All those that stand against democracy will also be judged by history.
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 1 month ago:
Love that old Wolfenstein.
- Comment on Tough question 1 month ago:
Nft son.
Still has a chance for success in the future Believes in controlling his own fate Is tech oriented Can still lift heavy objects I can call him “lil-bruh”
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I dont think Elon Musk is a nazi. I’ve never seen any evidence that he is a nazi nor have I ever seen any presented. I think he is an asshole that harasses people for his personal satisfaction. He is so rich that no matter what happens he, his children, and all their children will all enjoy the highest quality lives available. There may also be some chemical addiction mixed in there as well as some mental illness.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Is that a human scalp behind the toilet? WTF is going on in this bathroom?
- Comment on If the US dissolves for whatever reason and goes into a state of anarchy what would happen to the rest of the world? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
If you break into a home you get what you deserve and that includes insults and\or deletion.
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 3 months ago:
Tell me more about these naked fascist media sites. Do you have any examples?
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 3 months ago:
Why does he have to be taken in by “fascist doctrine”? Maybe he just disagrees with your worldview. Get him a book on personal finance and investing. Obviously he will be taking care of you when you’re elderly.
- Comment on Tony Todd Dies: ‘Candyman’ Star Whose Hundreds Of Credits Include ‘Final Destination’ Films & ‘Platoon’ Was 69 4 months ago:
Candyman NNNOOOOO!!
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 4 months ago:
It’s always about the economy. Every election period.
- Comment on Why are people doing this at voting locations in the USA? 5 months ago:
Just sad people wanting attention that you are giving them