Their meat is oily and diseased?
Controversial question
Submitted 2 days ago by to [deleted]
Comments 2 days ago 2 days ago
You could also end up getting brain worms that way. 2 days ago
We can just make vaccines from autistic people 2 days ago
To flip Curtis Yarvin’s script, they’d make better biofuel to actually be useful. 2 days ago
What about Morty-style psychic shields? 1 day ago
And you would probably get high on ketamine from consuming it as well. 1 day ago
We could brand it as Special K and introduce a meat line of products 1 day ago
Some project 2025 authors were joking about making biofuel of the elderly and disabled… 1 day ago
Generous of you to assume they were joking rather than testing the waters. 1 day ago
People like that don’t joke about those kinds of things. They use the guise of humor as plausible deniability for their insane beliefs. 1 day ago
Just use livestock if you’re hellbent on that? There’s not enough humans to make that economically viable… Hell, why am I taking this seriously, it’s obviously not a serious proposal, right? 2 days ago
Look at history. You need a tipping point, but more importantly, you need organised masses and a vision/visionary to get behind.
That’s how Lenin got in power. It’s how the French decapitated their king. That’s why there was a rally at the White house when trump lost the previous election but nobody is doing anything against him now at the states while he dismantles the country. 2 days ago
Correct, but there is a lot of nuance.
Indeed, when things get bad, the public is willing to take risks. When everything is good enough, they don’t revolt.
However, successful revolts do require intelligent and capable leaders.
What the rich have realized, is that if they ensure smart and skilled kids get picked out of the drudgery and get comfortable working for the rich, then the exploited class will not really have anyone to lead them.
Put another way, in 1908, every factory had a few leaders workingnat the lowest levels. And they are the ones who spearheaded strikes and such.
Nowadays, society is really stratified in terms of skill.
Anyone who grew up poor, but had talent to organize, probably ended up in some kind of middle management or professional job and makes 2x the average. 2 days ago
Iran, 1977, mass demonstrations that were often kicked off by communists snd socialists.
Iran, 1988, communists, many who were invovled in the revolution, are being executed by the Islamic government. 1 day ago
This is a great point that I haven’t heard before, and it seems intuitively correct. Considering overall economic mobility has gotten worse over the decades, I suppose one way you could validate this is by looking at the stats for economic mobility differentiated by… academic success? Measured IQ? Skill acquisition? None of those are good isolated indicators but maybe there’s a good measure where you can say “economic mobility increased for skilled people over time, but decreased for less-skilled people over the same time period.”
This is not a criticism of your point, by the way. I think you’re right. Just wondering exactly how right. 2 days ago
in 1908, every factory had a few leaders working at the lowest levels. And they are the ones who spearheaded strikes and such.
(I can’t be the first person to have this thought so someone please chime in and tell me where to learn more.)
The scale of housing and factories was different in 1908 though. These days factories are giant complexes in the middle of nowhere with supercommuters that don’t live anywhere near each other or the factory so don’t have the same opportunities to fraternize and organize in their homes and taverns. I don’t know how workers can overcome this massive hurdle from the modern era. 2 days ago
I’m not advocating it tbh
They probably taste like shit and cocaine 2 days ago
Wow you really picked two of the worst possible examples. French Revolutionaries decapitated so many officials that they ended up decapitating the previous wave of French Revolutionaries, then Napoleon and the Church took over. 1 day ago
My example was about how people get together to make revolutions happen, not wether they were good/bad or what ended up happening after. I chose those examples because in both cases a revolt was long time coming but people couldn’t do it until they were organised 1 day ago
I so fucking love this so, so much 2 days ago
You say the larger of the two, but the majority of the USA voted for fascism and an absurd number of people just stayed home. It’s hard to grow a resistance when you simultaneously believe the simple folk are getting exactly what they deserve and asked for. 2 days ago
I’m not sure the majority voted for Trump considering all the election interference and Elon Musk’s fuckery. 1 day ago
Yes, there is a strong case that voter suppression won him the race in 2016 and 2024 2 days ago
Voting stupidly doesn’t turn a working class person into an owner class person. We still outnumber them, it’s just that most of us have been tricked. 1 day ago
oh my god im sick of this ‘the democratic party cannot fail, only be failed’ bullshit. I remember the 2000 election, where these chucklefucks, the same leadership we had in 2024, literally the same people in charge, handed over a presidency that they won because the fascists threw a fit.
and I’m not confident, given some of the comments musk’s son has let slip and the years of always-confessional fascist whinging about election interference, that people DIDN’T properly vote for the absolute piece of shit the dems tried to run, again.
the fact they were willing to ratfuck the candidates the american people wanted, time and time again, since god damn world war two, suggests that these assholes are more willing to risk fascism by putting incompetent figureheads in charge than deal with moderate center left reformers-from henry wallace to bernard sanders-suggests they would not have fought for us, just like they didn’t really fight for us from 2020-2024. these were not our people in washington, and expecting our slavish devotion was insulting when they gave us nothing in return, largely letting the fascists run free. maybe, if donald trump was such a threat, and he was, and open fascism was such a huge fucking deal, which it is, they should have run somebody with at better chance of winning an election, nodded to things that energized americans, or played hard ball during the campaign?
I do remember the campaign, by the way. I have the curse of all lefties everywhere; I can remember thirty or more seconds into the past. I remember them pulling back on winning strategies like ‘hey these guys are weird deranged little freaks’ and ‘this fascism thing doesn’t sound very nice’ because presumably they were more concerned with their ability to be weird little freaks once they took charge, and their ability to do fascism-lite once they were in charge, than with making sure the real thing didn’t happen. and maybe that’s why they didn’t lock trump up when they had control. maybe that’s why they didn’t cover the white house lawn in gallows on january7. maybe that’s why they wouldn’t have fought an election result like 2000, if it had occurred, and let the fascists just have the win if it came to that. again.
cut the shit. the democratic party is done. it’s over. they will not resist, because they don’t want to, because they would rather side with fascists than the most mild social reformers, the most mild corporate regulator not-quite-communists, the most mild prison abolitionist not-quite-anarchists. they were never going to resist.
move the fuck on. do something real rather than spending your time trying to blame the failures of your duplicitous masters on the people you think should be your natural allies. maybe try joining us. 1 day ago
We have 2 options.
Make things better or make things worse.
It’s really that simple, guy. 2 days ago
It’s hard to grow a resistance when you simultaneously believe the simple folk are getting exactly what they deserve and asked for.
It really shouldn’t be since that’s just the beginning, they’ll be coming for everyone that says a single negative thing about the king and his cronies. 1 day ago
The same people who have historically bankrolled and controlled Republicans also run the Democrats. It’s kinda hard to “fight the system” when the oligarchs are the system. 1 day ago
Then you would agree we should remove money from politics and…
Oh! Whats this? The DNC passed campaign finance limits in 2002 which were overturned by the conservative SCOTUS in 2010 “Citizens United” decision? Huh, wow, thats crazy. 2 days ago
Not even a majority of voters, let alone a majority of Americans. Just about 30% of adults in the US voted for trump. We still outnumber them. 2 days ago
And 40% didn’t think it was important enough to even vote 2 days ago
Actually yes, a majority. Trump lost popular vote in 2016 but won it in 2024. 1 day ago
Guns. The answer is guns, Lrrr. 2 days ago
I’m vegan - I compost the rich. 2 days ago
Remember, even herbivores are opportunistic carnivores on occasion. ☺️ 1 day ago
For self-defense it’s actually okay. 1 day ago
Vegans like you make me interested in veganism. The diet seems to have some beneficial effect on the sense of humor.
TL; DR I laughed my a** off, thank you! 1 day ago
Happy to be inspiring :)
TL; DR you just made my day :* 2 days ago
It’s OK, they consent to it by being rich. 2 days ago
Because eating the rich will accomplish nothing if you don’t also change the underlying system that created them in the first place. And good luck getting everyone in the non-rich class to agree on what that change should look like. 2 days ago
What if the rich kept getting eaten until they figured out a system that the rest of us were satisfied with 2 days ago
Evolution 101 really. 1 day ago
The 2% inflation target that excludes all investments you mean, so that we must consume more every year otherwise interest rates collapse and we gush out money like a sprinkler as the rich load up on debt with their inflated collateral? 1 day ago
We’re the only people who have to worry about having a conscience and morals. 20 hours ago
And prison 2 days ago
can’t afford teeth in this economy 2 days ago
Because that’s canabolism 2 days ago
which is bad, mkay. 1 day ago
It’s bad for your metabolism. 2 days ago
Because they taste like shit.
Better to leave them outside for the polar bears to eat so they stop starving to death. 2 days ago
too much damn gristle 2 days ago
Because the rich don’t affect much in our current monetary policy, its the velocity of money that matters rather than the quantity.
If they start buying out every grocery store then interest rates rise and their asset prices fall. 1 day ago
you just dont get it, do you? :DDD 2 days ago
You’re half right… monetary policy is a huge source of inequality, but that’s because congress obeys their rich owners.
If there was some way to opt out of their monetary policy, then you’d think it would already be catching on. 😉 2 days ago
Because much of the working class is easily bought 2 days ago
And even more is easily fooled. 2 days ago
Because they’re passive Americans? 2 days ago
Dont go away. Coming up next on love Island… 2 days ago
Jail. If it is we legal it wouldn’t be an issue. 2 days ago
What if I were to tell you we’re larger than the cops too 1 day ago
I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m saying why it isn’t done. No one wants to risk it. Or death. 2 days ago
You can’t jail the entire 99% the hardest part would be there’s only 1% to go around. 1 day ago
For sure. But the math of those that dont want to risk jail or death is like 99.9 of the 99. 2 days ago
Mostly because our ability to organize and unify against the wealthy is overwhelmed by the wealthy’s tools to keep us factioned and distrustful of each other. Hence the necessity of the fascist enemy within rhetoric.
The problem is, we humans are simple emotional beings who are really credulous when it comes to being told stuff we want to hear, and the wealthy have crafted messaging catering to this bias and wishful thinking (hence “you are the chosen people and have to massacre all the others who are spiritual flesh-eating zombies”)
That sounds way cooler to the lumpen-proletariat than “you’re just another commoner, but if we work together we can topple the people who hoard all the stuff and make a fun themepark for everyone!” 1 day ago
ngl I’d turn against my fellow man if I, exclusively, was offered a couple mil untaxed income instantly from a billionaire 4 hours ago
You’re not alone. Karel Čurda turned in Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš for assassinating Reinhard Heydrich (The naziest nazi of all the nazis, also the chief implementer of the Holocaust. Also the only assassination effort implemented by the Allies). Čurda got the reward of one million Reichmarks for betraying his own sabotage team.
Čurda would then be hanged for high treason in 1947. 1 day ago
make sure you get paid up front, dude. these people do not keep their promises. money is also a promise. don’t trust that shit either. 1 day ago
Well that couple mil is gonna be completely useless if we go into a depression or worse suffer a total economic collapse.