I’m just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe.
- Comment on uhhh overleaf you say 1 day ago:
Brots don’t like to be associated with the European rabble 😬
- Comment on I got one..... 2 days ago:
What do these mean, who is sending them and why?
- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 5 days ago:
Can someone reply to this comment with pointers or guides on high-protein vegan/vegetarian diets for reducing body fat?
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 3 weeks ago:
Why have taxes based on income when you can tax accumulated capital instead?
- Comment on Controversial question 3 weeks ago:
Just use livestock if you’re hellbent on that? There’s not enough humans to make that economically viable… Hell, why am I taking this seriously, it’s obviously not a serious proposal, right?
- Comment on a strong beak, of course 3 weeks ago:
False Knees
- Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 1 month ago:
They’re not dating anymore afaik
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 1 month ago:
European nutritional labels use them (kcal). Where do you live that they don’t?
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 month ago:
Remember it? I work on PCs with DVI connected monitors every day.
- Comment on My chemistry professor after explaining that helium is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, and inert [Day 67] 1 month ago:
The most boring element is boron.
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 1 month ago:
Sure looks like it
- Comment on Don't make eye contact 1 month ago:
First mistake was burning a hot dog from 7/11
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 2 months ago:
Climate Crisis is my oreffered term. Gets the point across quite nicely.
- Comment on sometimes it be like that 2 months ago:
It’d be cool if you could format your findings in a way others can understand, though. That way we can learn from your research.
What is your field of study?
- Comment on I'm okay. Everything will be okay. 2 months ago:
A surprisingly large amount
- Comment on Anon falls down a shaft 2 months ago:
"And for my evil throne room, I’d like a massive bottomless pit where I can throw my enemies when I’m finished with them. I’m sure that’ll never come to bite me in the ass."
- Sheev Palpatine, ca. 3 ABY
- Comment on Chunky monkey 2 months ago:
I prefer not inserting particulates into my lungs. Edibles, dosed correctly, do me just perfectly.
- Comment on Now freeze and deep fry them 2 months ago:
Bruh at home, we bake batches of German bread then freeze most of it so it doesnt go bad. Once a loaf is finished we take the next one out of the freezer to deforst overnight. The bread is fine and I’d take it over store bought any day
- Comment on FREE SNOW CONES FOR EVERYONE! \(ϋ)/ 2 months ago:
Neither could I, simply due to the ick factor introduced by all sorts of shit accumulating under the nails. Imagine wiping with those.
- Comment on So many options, such excitement 2 months ago:
Yeah I’ve accidentally convinced myself I might have a brain tumor, a CT scan would be one of the only ways to convince myself otherwise. Problem is, they don’t just give those away for free.
- Comment on So many options, such excitement 2 months ago:
Drinking distilled water isn’t the best idea…
- Comment on Everyone is a critic 2 months ago:
I find it’s much cheaper and easier to just buy sawdust. If I sprinkle in a little siracha, I can’t even taste the difference!
- Comment on Just sucking some milk out of the strawsage 2 months ago:
Perversion of nature
- Comment on Actual shitpost 2 months ago:
Are you uh… free tomorrow night? Asking for a friend
- Comment on Anon airs out 2 months ago:
Does engaging and explaining such stereotypes count as spreading them?
- Comment on Ever since I've started running like a penguin with it's butt on fire I've saved so many precious calories 2 months ago:
Ergonomics =! Energy efficiency
- Comment on These dames wanting inclusivity 2 months ago:
‘Man’ refers to human individuals, especially adult male humans. So the word is pretty flexible, and can technically refer to any human regardless of age.
- Comment on These dames wanting inclusivity 2 months ago:
I don’t see what’s wrong with calling men ‘men’. I don’t mind it at all, seeing as it’s a descriptor of what I am using the English language. What’s your problem with the word?
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 3 months ago:
Light, gas, CVD and a dozen other processes make the inscription.
- Comment on Nobody will question you 3 months ago:
Look at that choice of axis scale tho