- Comment on The Nightshade Family 1 day ago:
… what? No, they’re all nightshade plants. Not the same plant, mind, but still the same family.
- Comment on no ragrets 1 day ago:
TL:DR, mental conditions, health issues, and bandwagoning by unscrupulous breeders who cross any breed with poodles to “be the first”
- Comment on Never before had I felt intensely jealous of a tapir 2 days ago:
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 4 days ago:
What the census means by “Urban area” generally boils down to is “the majority of the labor in this area working in a place with more than 50k population”. That is a better metric than “what’s the population of this city/ town/ community” since you can have small towns inside urban areas that are going to feel dramatically different than a small town with no direct connection to a nearby population center, but the small town in podunk Nebraska would have far more in common with a small town in podunk Arkansas than a nearby suburb.
- Comment on Netflix culls staff at Oxenfree developer Night School Studio 1 week ago:
Well, ya see, gotta reduce the number of companies. The less companies, the more the line goes up
- Comment on my version is better 2 weeks ago:
Nah, my shit is borderline unintelligible madness.
- Comment on nope don’t like it 2 weeks ago:
Nah, no point in taking about pure fiction, mate.
- Comment on Trump and Musk Hunt for Corruption, Very Selectively 2 weeks ago:
They’re not hunting corruption. They’re targeting things they don’t like and calling it fraud. Stop letting them frame their crimes as legitimate
- Comment on Gottem. :) 3 weeks ago:
False. If the mass vanished via magic, the effect would ripple out at the speed of light. Source, gravity waves which move at the speed of light.
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 3 weeks ago:
But did you consider the letters from Paul? I can assure you, powerful rich people are definitely right according to Paul. Or, if not wrong, can be saved merely through their faith.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 3 weeks ago:
“Sneezing isn’t normal”
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 3 weeks ago:
They had a hard time selling Keira Knightley as her double because of it, but then George Lucas discovered padding.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 3 weeks ago:
It’s supposed to be CO2, not CO.
- Comment on Uncanny sandwich 2 4 weeks ago:
Holy shit! The word of Gods! I understand now! Stand with me, my comrades. The time is nigh. THE TIME IS NIGH!
- Comment on When you see it.... 4 weeks ago:
Yep. The warbled surface defects are a dead giveaway
- Comment on i'm no watermelon 🍉 5 weeks ago:
Justice league is where the screen grabs are from source and the text is from a text, as far as I can tell (link I found to the text as an image)
So yeah, not in the show.
- Comment on i'm no watermelon 🍉 5 weeks ago:
Justice league is where the screen grabs are from source and the text is from a text, as far as I can tell (link I found to the text as an image)
- Comment on i'm no watermelon 🍉 5 weeks ago:
This isn’t in the show
- Comment on The Gators of Florida have had enough of this BS weather 5 weeks ago:
AI slop should be labeled as such
- Comment on You're turning VIOLET, Violet! 5 weeks ago:
Megaplier? Is this Mark’s cousin?
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard appears to receive its final update 5 weeks ago:
Shame all anyone talks about is the bad writing
- Comment on MFW people don't like my comments or posts 5 weeks ago:
Jokes on you, I liked this
- Comment on Punk circa 1200 AD 5 weeks ago:
It’s the movie, but for kidnapping the princess.
- Comment on Massive dumps 5 weeks ago:
Their coffee is burnt tasting, why would you want it?
- Comment on Can we all agree on THIS 5 weeks ago:
… the end of the queue? You mean after working hours?
- Comment on Halp. 5 weeks ago:
Actually nipples
- Comment on Hold on! 1 month ago:
- Comment on Until Dawn Movie - Full Trailer 1 month ago:
It’s just a prank, Hann
- Comment on Until Dawn Movie - Full Trailer 1 month ago:
No, it wasn’t. This has the serial killer from Until Dawn, but that appears to be it for similarities (as fast as I can see). No Wendigos either.
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 Dev Larian Says Its 'Full Attention' Is on Its Next Game, 'Media Blackout' for the Foreseeable 1 month ago:
So, Patch 8 is preparing for stress testing later this month (from what I’ve seen), so that would imply most development work is complete and they’re doing testing and bug fixing right now. That wouldn’t require most of their resources anymore.