Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
- Comment on It's a cylinder 6 hours ago:
Master Cylinder!
- Comment on Definitely wasn't late to work making this 7 hours ago:
…big black crayon…
Take your fucking upvote and *get out *
- Comment on Definitely wasn't late to work making this 7 hours ago:
They also make their toddler drink exclusively from a garden hose.
- Comment on In Warning Sign for Hollywood, Younger Consumers Are Choosing Creator Content Over Premium TV and Movies 7 hours ago:
Ehhh, I would say it’s the age old rule that 90% of everything is crap, it’s more just that it has cranked up to like 97% of everything is crap.
Severance and Common Side Effects stand as two shows that recently ran (Common Side Effects has one episode left this season, and Severance season 2 wasn’t quite as good but still thoughtful) which are very, very good. I’m just here for Joe Bennett’s American Chibi style of art.
- Comment on Definitely wasn't late to work making this 7 hours ago:
Mr. Chili’s Wild Ride
- Comment on In Warning Sign for Hollywood, Younger Consumers Are Choosing Creator Content Over Premium TV and Movies 8 hours ago:
This just in, media reporting on social trend that started at least a decade ago. More tonight at 11.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 8 hours ago:
Because they’re a fucking idiot, duh.
- Comment on Definitely wasn't late to work making this 8 hours ago:
Why do you hate colored construction paper?
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 8 hours ago:
Derek getting mad laid now.
- Comment on Going on Reddit today be like... 1 day ago:
True, but that’s also flooded with people who don’t read the rules and think it’s for getting advice from lawyers about their own legal issues.
- Comment on Going on Reddit today be like... 1 day ago:
I think it’s honestly because of the older stuff starting to finally reach public domain age, and they want new versions that will retain copyright for authors life+100 years all over again. They’ll lose access to the copyrights to the originals, but they’ll still be able to copyright any new variations they make while they are still in ownership of the originals.
- Comment on Going on Reddit today be like... 1 day ago:
Some people subscribe to certain subs to just hate-read reddit, I guess.
- Comment on Ant brothel 1 day ago:
- Comment on I really fit in here 1 day ago:
When you live in an absurd world, the only way to survive is to embrace the absurd.
- Comment on ive always wanted to do this, with annoying customers 2 days ago:
One of my best memories is going to my local Radio Shack because I needed something plus I had a crush on the girl who worked the counter.
While there, she took a call and answered like she was supposed to:
“Thanks for caling Radio Shack. You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.”
After a brief pause for the other person speaking:
“Why is that a dangerous slogan, sir?”
Another pause:
“We never said it would be an answer you liked.”
- Comment on infected by the fediverse 2 days ago:
I would have gone with BeanJeans.
- Comment on Enshittification 2 days ago:
I mean, that’s part of it yes…
…but also overall food has gotten better, more diverse, with better flavorings, especially if you make it yourself.
So on one hand, a modern twinkie isn’t as good, but on the other hand, there’s far more tasty options than just a twinkie now. Hell, even those similarly styled and packaged Mexican treats (like a Bimbo Nito for example) appeal to me more than Hostess treats of any kind.
But I’d still rather go for something locally made that isn’t packaged and filled with preservatives. I am lucky to have some nice Mexican bakeries nearby.
- Comment on Why don’t wireless connections (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) use anything between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz? 2 days ago:
To be fair I was really lazy and just grabbed the first one I saw with “not” inserted into it.
- Comment on Why don’t wireless connections (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) use anything between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz? 2 days ago:
- Comment on Why don’t wireless connections (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) use anything between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz? 2 days ago:
- Comment on Katamari creator says he left Bandai Namco to develop games with people from other countries 2 days ago:
The worm one was Noby Noby Boy.
I think it’s interesting to note here that he was the Director of the first two Katamaris, Director/Designer of Noby Noby Boy, but from there on out is just a designer. I think it shows that not only does he want to work with other people but that he doesn’t necessarily want full creative control as much as he values the input from others in creative ideas.
Which also makes it a little frustrating that all the games are still marketed as “From the Creator of Katamari Damacy!” while it seems like he’s just another designer on a team and he’s happy with that. More like the businesses use him as a marketing gimmick, maybe?
- Comment on Katamari creator says he left Bandai Namco to develop games with people from other countries 3 days ago:
The soundtrack alone is still a must-play for me.
This one seems like it’s going to have a similarly great soundtrack.
- Comment on Katamari creator says he left Bandai Namco to develop games with people from other countries 3 days ago:
I am so hyped for this weird game!
- Comment on Idioms 3 days ago:
English idiom in the vein of Polish shit idioms:
Stack wishes in one hand and shit in the other and see which ones piles up first.
First time I heard a variation of it was Mike Nelson on MST3K.
- Comment on Lost Media from Kids Shows II 3 days ago:
My favorite kids show with lots of lost media:
The Moxy Pirate Show on Cartoon Network. Only a handful of episodes are available on the internet.
Moxy was a short lived cartoon mascot for Cartoon Network, and he was voiced by Bobcat Goldthwait. His sidekick, Flea, was voiced by Penn Jilette and by Chris Rock in the pilot.
For the longest time, I thought this show was just a fever dream that I made up in my own head. Further, I had a vague memory of Moxy being a bobcat, not a dog… I mean, he’s voice by Bobcat, I guess. I think maybe my mind mixed up this and Disney’s Bonkers Bobcat, which was on the air at roughly the same time. Moxy is clearly the better show. Disney shows of the time were trash. Also Bonkers was a fucking cop and I mean ACAB, you know?
I finally found Moxy after getting bored one day and scrolling through Bobcat Goldthwait’s IMDB page.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Hung Cock
- Comment on YouTube cracks down (again) on ad blockers. 4 days ago:
Knew this was coming when this happened less than two weeks ago.
- Comment on The System Shock 2 remaster comes out June 26th 4 days ago:
I just want it to still have co-op so I can play with a friend who uses a different skill tree and we can complement our skills.
- Comment on papa I need the borger 5 days ago:
- Comment on Meta: “We're Still Investing Massively In VR Gaming And Don't Plan To Stop” 5 days ago:
Like Musk, Zuckerberg is just trying to create a world where people actually like him.