- Comment on Speaker Mike Johnson floats eliminating federal courts as GOP ramps up attacks on judges 5 hours ago:
Normally I just ignore or admonish articles about stupid nonstarter ideas like this, but this isn’t some fringe lone congressman: it’s the Speaker of the House. This shit is serious.
- Comment on Can't solve the captcha because I don't know what `undefined` is 18 hours ago:
My vote is just hit verify.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 23 hours ago:
I would pick 3 but I don’t think its ball pen and I have trouble controlling the strength when I press down on the paper.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 1 day ago:
The parties in control are not the type to regulate or fund programs, so no, not really.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 1 day ago:
You actually have to lure the hogs into a pen with multiple exits, drop the gates, and gun them down before they can manage an escape. You also should be very vigilant and listen well for any nearby hogs, the adult females tend to be smarter and more cautious but they’re the targets you NEED to kill.
Failure to catch all of the hogs will allow the others to learn and adapt to the traps, and failure to kill the females will result in their population continuing to grow.
Other effective methods are clap traps and spike pits but those don’t work well when you have children or other animals. There is also the M44 cyanide pill shooting trap made for Coyotes but idk if it works on Hogs.
- Comment on damn it'd look soooooo cool 1 day ago:
Vertical or Horizontal? Because it wouldn’t be symmetrical vertically but that would be better as far as the biological requirements.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 3 days ago:
Like a towel drying overnight, they all forgot about the previous Trump administration by the time the next one got here.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 3 days ago:
So you jut don’t believe that protests exist unless they all signed a sheet when they got there?
- Comment on Be honest and tell us what you see 3 days ago:
Is what I said
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 3 days ago:
Various articles
- Comment on Be honest and tell us what you see 4 days ago:
A Clown Triangle
- Comment on Spooky 4 days ago:
TBH I’m curious if their modernization will involve more sexism and classism on the internet or less average because the ones currently without internet are more likely the victims of those isms.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 4 days ago:
Japan has a large amount of unused labor in the current demographic breakup of 29% elderly, Japan has a large number of educated inviduals, and Japan has a large amount of capital even without infinite growth shenanigans.
Any failure to take care elderly even at 38% or even 50% would be a failure of the state as a result of greed or corruption. It’s a relatively simple task to accomplish. The year is 2025, automation replaced most other jobs a long long time ago.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Yes great tips, some crops are difficult to remove with tilling, burning, or winter in which case herbicides would be used which is likely very undesirable.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 4 days ago:
Apparently there were about 375,000 people protesting the Iraq War in New York in 2003 compared to about a million people marching for women’s safety in 2004 in DC
In the years since there have been about 5 protests the same or much larger than that. In 2017 2.3 Million people protested the Trump inauguration, and protestors also showed up for Trump’s 2025 inauguration which was held indoors for reasons including harsh snow. The exact number estimates for the 2025 inauguration protest and the 50501 protests are unknown at the moment, but it is occurring in all 50 states which is comparable to the George Floyd protests.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 4 days ago:
If Generation A has a higher number of people than Generation B then when Generation A dies off there will be a lower number of elderly in Generation B. It’s a temporary slump. It might last a decade or more, but it is temporary.
Right now a lot of skilled workers are fleeing to the EU, so Japan could totally capitalize on that. Or it can just educate its population to be skilled labor and give all the low skilled labor (if that even exists) to immigrants. Immigrants work hard for lower wages and are less prone to crime, there is no good faith argument against that.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 4 days ago:
The services’ costs are dependent on the number of recipients. They’re already in the slump of elderly being a drain on the system, it can only get better not worse.
The only concern of the population decline that I can see is the decrease in funding available for Military Expenses.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 4 days ago:
No, they’re absolutely not. Their GDP will majorly decline, but their QOL will stay the same or even improve and their GDP per capita also won’t see much change.
Birtherism is bullshit.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 4 days ago:
I hate China, but they absolutely are ahead of of the curve on science and technology. They still produce cheap worthless shit but that doesn’t change the fact that they also produce cutting edge shit which can be found nowhere else in the world.
- Comment on Divided and conquered 5 days ago:
The only way out of this is to vote blue no matter who, but a lot of so-called communists would refuse the call, and that’s why we’re losing. We’re not only divided by left and right, the left itself is being intentionally splintered by bad actors. The left needs to come together, play politics, remove Republicans from office, and only then will real impactful progressive reform be possible.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
Take a tupperware container set and test the water supplied to the field for PH value using a pack of litmus papers, then test the four corners and center of your field by scooping up some dirt, adding some water, and testing with litmus paper. Next, drain out the water and let it evaporate and look for signs of crystalization or condensates. Seal some of your soil samples to see if a healthy soil biome blooms in the sample, fungus and such.
A good healthy soil will have a strong biome. It and its water supply should be close to PH 6 to 7 for most tall grass and similar crops. There should be little to no saline in your soil, signs of that might indicate a brine pit forming in the water table near your land.
The most valuable crops are crops that you can process yourself rather than selling to a granary. For examples: milled flour, corn byproducts, alcoholic ingredients, or switchgrass fermented into propionic acid biofuel. The major downside to being your own processor is that you’re also you’re own distributor which is very difficult.
- Comment on Netflix Director Arrested for $11 Million Fraud, Spent $2.4 million on five Rolls-Royces and one Ferrari 6 days ago:
Where are all the fraudulent millionaires who could be doing some real shit like feeding Africa or building combat drones for Ukraine?
- Comment on Posting a Screenshot without context one time and never again 6 days ago:
Those Tankies are looking for me, that’s a certainty.
- Comment on Posting a Screenshot without context one time and never again 6 days ago:
Only one flex slot open, high tier items cost 6K, Divine Kevlar is basically a hard requirement for Dynamo Ultimate
- Comment on Posting a Screenshot without context one time and never again 6 days ago:
Thats been every haze since the nerf
- Comment on Posting a Screenshot without context one time and never again 6 days ago:
yikes tough crowd
- Submitted 6 days ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on I kinda do know but I'm posting this as a joke. 1 week ago:
There is a phishing trawler named Nicole in our DMs and the best of the best former discord mods have yet to locate and swat the scammer.
This comment is meant to be satyrical.
- Comment on I kinda do know but I'm posting this as a joke. 1 week ago:
Some chick who lives in Canada and some nerds got enough pictures of her to start a phishing bot.
- Comment on Caption this. 1 week ago:
It was an alright Adam Sandler film.