- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
I’m on the fence about which is better. Portal 2 is an improvement, but also has its flaws.
Part of the reason I would argue Portal 1 was better is because it was so unexpected. I went in expecting “interesting puzzle game” which it is, but I did not expect to also get “excellent humor with strange horror vibes and incredibly good personality.”
If someone didn’t know what a Glados was I think the first one is better. I also recognize that many people who have never played Portal are well aware of Glados.
- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
Ender Lilies
It’s a mechanically strong Metroidvania with branching paths, hidden areas, and exploration, but what I love about it is the atmosphere and the juxtapositions is uses.
It is a crumbling decaying kingdom full of monstrosities, and the main character is an innocent little girl in a pure white dress. Lily does not attack, some of the monsters she is able to purify to restore their mind at which point they help her. So when you attack a monster appears to do the attack animation, while lily cowers a bit behind it.
One thing I love is when you are in a boss fight and shit is going down hard, the sound track is extremely chill piano music. The soft and beautiful contrasts against the harshness of the situation is a very compelling way.
The sequel Ender Magnolias is good as well. Mechanically there are some improvements, but I don’t feel like the atmosphere or world building is as good. That may be because I played Lilies and was used to it. If your haven’t played either I’d suggest starting with Lilies, and if you like Magnolias is worth your time.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
WINE works surprisingly well too. I’ve seen people talk about gaming on Linux using Lutris or launching it through Steam as a “Non-Stean game” but I just put my files in my WINE directory and have better success.
- Comment on Controversial question 2 weeks ago:
And 40% didn’t think it was important enough to even vote
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
The breadstick analogy was for unlimited not free
It was both. They were advertised as free, they are free, but there are limits despite them being free
Nothing free is unlimited.
Alternatively Americans have no freedoms at all because they all have limits.
Freedom of Travel? You can’t walk through a military base.
Freedom of Religion? No one is going to recognize your Jedi holy day. (Not to mention the government not recognizing the religious right to an abortion from Jews or TST.)
Freedom of commerce? You’re not allowed to purchase heroin or import things from Cuba.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
So he’s saying Schools aren’t allowed to let Nazis protest that minorities are allowed to attend the school?
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
If you say unlimited and then put a limit on it
When did the American Constitution promise “Unlimited Speech”?
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
If it has a limit, it’s not free
“Free bread sticks”
“I’ll take 100”
“Um… No. You can’t have that many.”
“iF tHeRe’S a LiMiT iT’s NoT fReE!”
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Either you have free speech or you don’t
Lots of countries have free speech with limits on it. It’s not uncommon and doesn’t mean Citizens don’t have freedom of speech.
For example:
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Illegal protests? Isn’t protesting legal? Freedom of speech and all that…
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 weeks ago:
It’s only a black hole if it comes from the black region of space. Otherwise it’s just a sparkling dense mass.
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 4 weeks ago:
Another confession?
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 5 weeks ago:
I didn’t accuse you of anything
Do you know what the word “accuse” means? You accused me of 7 things in this comment alone.
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 5 weeks ago:
What have I done that’s “unhinged”? Asked you a simple question?
This is an “every accusation is a confession” situation isn’t it?
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 5 weeks ago:
I’m unhinged? You’re the one complaining that there was no “real convo” and now you get all upset and aggressive when I ask a simple follow-up question to your statement. I thought you “knew what you are afraid of” but here you are immediately trying to deflect.
Are you afraid of direct answers and making clear statements?
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 5 weeks ago:
I also know what I am afraid of
Okay, what specific chemicals are you afraid of?
- Comment on Try going to public school 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? 5 weeks ago:
Trine is the modern day Lost Vikings. You just switch characters on the fly.
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 1 month ago:
For no reason in particular, here’s a PSA:
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 1 month ago:
There’s no way this should be a profitable course of action. If I was paying for no Ads and started getting Ads I would immediately cancel my subscription and go somewhere else.
Unfortunately too many people are good little consumers who just don’t care and it doesn’t even occur to them to stop paying and demand better.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
If you can disrupt businesses enough then the oligarchs holding Trump’s leash will start telling him to behave.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
What exactly stops him from having these people forcibly removed and/or their access to government resources cut, their paychecks held, their clearances revoked, etc? Who is in charge of those things that can stand up to that?
Trump doesn’t directly do any of those things, he would have to order other people to do so, and the risk of doing so is that if he encounters more resistance people start to notice that the emperor has no clothes.
The more people resist the more it encourages others to do the same. The president is not a king that can dictate commands, and the more people stop obeying the more Trump runs into those protections that stop him being a tyrant.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
Currently the consequence is they aren’t accepting the termination of their enjoyment and aren’t leaving.
If the consequence of not following the rules means it doesn’t get enforced then he cares very much.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 months ago:
“What is the overall compensation package?”
This should be discussed as part of salary expectations. In fact talking about the overall compensation is a recommendation to avoid giving a specific number when asked what salary range you are expecting. (“That depends on other compensation factors such as how much time off I get in a year and medical benefits coverage.”)
Doing this got me an extra $1000 a year as my starting salary at my previous job when their medical benefits were not as good as what I had at the time.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 months ago:
Toxic bosses need not post job offers. I would rather work at a McDonald’s…
Oh you sweet summer child…
As someone who spent too many years in fast food the bosses there are extremely toxic, largely due to the fact that it is one of the easiest places to find some nieve replacement for the person who doesn’t want to be on call 24/7 and work unpaid overtime.
- Comment on After the catastrophe of Concord Sony is reportedly cancelling other projects including a God of War live service game 2 months ago:
They’ll ask the AI what to make then ask the AI to code it and use AI art.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 2 months ago:
Nintendo bad for making QoL console releases? Again, Nintendo is not the only company to do that. PS4/PS5 Pro, the recent Xboxes, etc
Nintendo has a history of doing something different each hardware generation: Snes had the 4 button + shoulder buttons controller. N64 controller was designed for someone with 3 hands, DS had 2 screens, 3DS had 3d without glasses, Wii had motion controls, Wii U the tablet controller, Switch is a console and portable… Every system had something that made it unique. What’s unique about the Switch 2?
Nintendo is not able to compete with other consoles on power, it’s the unique hardware that gives a reason to own it over something else.They’ve put basically zero effort into shutting down emulators for consoles they don’t sell anymore.
Technically correct. If they hear a whisper of a ROM for Mappy Land on the NES they have their lawyers on speed dial. ( Me typing that sentence means someone from Nintendo is now watching this thread to see if anyone links to a ROM.)
- Comment on Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? 2 months ago:
People have built wands that can teleport you to parallel worlds, and the developers did not intend for that to be possible.
Alright, this has convinced me to give Noita a shot.
- Comment on Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? 2 months ago:
Seconding Inscryption. Excellent game. Read nothing about it and explore it on your own.