- Comment on Council housing when? 3 hours ago:
uh huh. I think the value of stuff should go to the people who made it, who can, individually or as (a) group(s) maintain their own fucking tools. or towards a broader project of building a society. I don’t think concentrating wealth or some edgelord bullshit about greed being good are sustainable healthy or sane ways to structure distribution of resources in a society.
- Comment on Council housing when? 3 hours ago:
because capitalism needs to function like cancer. shit’s built on old imperialist logics, where you must always be claiming more. red queen’s race bullshit. or cancer; pick your metaphor.
it must be profitable because while productivity increases, due to imperial conquest and advancing technology, the profits of the owning classes (remember; this is the literal definition of capitalism-value being produced by owners rather than workers. yes it’s insane, they are insane, this system is insane.) must also increase.
the fact the working class have no more to squeeze from just means we get closer and closer to slaves, which is maybe intentional, maybe just a cool bonus for them.
there’s a cool poem that explains it. check out part 2
- Comment on Council housing when? 15 hours ago:
no, and they’re eager to, but I think if they ever tried to not, things would go badly. that’s bad for the market and drives down everyone elses profits. there would be a lot of solidarity against them by the class of people that own the police.
- Comment on Council housing when? 15 hours ago:
capitalism is the idea that value comes from ownership, rather than labor. landlording is just the purest expression of capitalism.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 21 hours ago:
honestly im coming around on white genocide the past few months. kill the anglo, save the man.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 21 hours ago:
yep. death to america, comrade. may the ashes of the empire birth something worth the fucking space.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 21 hours ago:
yes, a terrorist group founded by bitter defeated enemies of america whose whole ethos is oppressing specific groups because they can’t cope with the fact they lost is the same as a group of people sick of watching their friends get murdered trying to make that not happen as much.
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 21 hours ago:
also, please send very well armed help. if you don’t liberate us, america will start invading soon. first it will probably be canada or greenland, but that shit won’t STOP at any point.
- Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
I wouldn’t know; I’ve never been invited to one.
- Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
maybe you should get on fucking board then. why didn’t you vote for delacruz? she would have been electable if you had voted for her.
- Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
fun fact: hitler said that you should read not to learn what the author intended, but to confirm what you would like to believe, only ever seeking evidence to confirm views you already hold.
- Comment on Poor guy 1 day ago:
in school? no; that would be communism. my teachers would have been crucified.
- Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
it’s equal parts frustrating and satisfying. a lifetime of cassandra, and no recognition when I finally get to scream “I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!” at the top of my lungs about everything, because still nobody wants to fix it and I’ve got nothing better to do.
- Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
read what I said. read what I actually said, please. stop replying to some imagined figure. go back and read what I said.
- Comment on Poor guy 1 day ago:
and he’s super high profile, has committed tons of crimes. why hasn’t ICE deported his ass?
I mean, I know why, but it would be a fun thing to ask on, like, CNN or something.
- Comment on Poor guy 1 day ago:
yeah but he’s from south africa before his guys lost the war.
- Comment on Poor guy 1 day ago:
which are both woke.
I’d argue you need a little more, but those things are also woke. the only thing that WOULDN’T be woke would be requiring all the internal wiring be done by children, who yearn for the
minesserver racks - Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
this is why nobody fucking likes liberals; you’d rather shit on the people you say are your allies, whose aid and support of YOUR plans at any cost and never benefit to them is your right bestowed upon you by god and his prophet, ludwig von mises, than raise a god damn finger, even on your keyboard, to stop the literal nazis gutting all your precious institutions.
the election is over. if you genuinely want to make things better; move the fuck on, and join a filthy commie or a damned anarchist in one of our projects. or you can just keep telling us its our fault and the fascists aren’t at all to blame.
- Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
people chose
technically true; dem elite ghouls are people.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 show that the future of RPGs is in games way more ambitious, weird and unexpected than anything Bethesda and Bioware have to offer 1 day ago:
none of what you listed is new
yes that’s exactly the point. two of these are from the 90s, one is from like 2001. old enough to have good credit and cheap car insurance. im making fun of the title.
morrowind isn’t really that weird
no, but it blew a lot of people’s minds so i put it on the list.
continues lots of the same themes
citation needed. not that I dislike it, it just feels like the name is tacked on to an otherwise lovely CRPG.
- Comment on Controversial question 1 day ago:
well, no, again, ‘paid’ implies money, which can just be declared fake. your accounts, the serial numbers on your bills, the provenance of the art or precious metals shipped to you. if you aren’t absolutely in control in that system, you are nothing, and if you outlive your usefulness, why should they let you keep your points and continue extracting treats from their pool of treats?
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 1 day ago:
I don’t even think he’d make it up.
- Comment on Spent half an hour on it. Felt good. 1 day ago:
im kind of shocked a show that was good got a second season on streaming.
- Comment on Hate crimes 2 days ago:
how would you know though?
- Comment on Hate crimes 2 days ago:
right. he is not The Most Racist Man Alive.
part of it is that straight cis and especially white men were targeted by nazi radicalization pipelines starting really hard in the 00’s on every major algorithm driven media platform, social and otherwise. queers mostly dodged that, partially because the character of modern racism tends to be paired with homophobia, and you can’t really nourish that socially without catching a lot of shit for being queer, but also because it just wasn’t targeted at us. they wanted little reinhardt heidrichs, not little ernst rohms, especially because the nazis had been working to recruit evangenlical christians for decades. evangelical christians: anti quer first, racist second. being racist and queer must be so fucking disempowering.
but also, we’re more resistant to it. part of the experience of being queer is stepping outside of norms, and to whatever degree swimming against the current, opting into a more marginal difficult position because it’s right/feels good/lets you genuinely survive without fucking killing yourself. and all of that makes being an open bigot a lot harder. not impossible, but harder. plus, we tend to be farther left politically because the conservative edifice of the nuclear family as nucleus of society has historically excluded a lot of us from society, and pushing that shit on someone who you want to fuck whose family threw them out is not a good way to get laid, even if yours was cool about it.
- Comment on Hate crimes 2 days ago:
queers are a lot less likely to do this shit though. for various reasons, many of them based around a much clearer self interest rather than some innate superiority. not that we aren’t also innately superior to the hets.
- Comment on Hate crimes 2 days ago:
speaking as a lesbian: I am not and have never dated the most racist man alive. QED.
- Comment on Hate crimes 2 days ago:
yes. it’s every heterosexual couple.
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 2 days ago:
lolno; space travel is hard. he’s never leaving earth, even for a recreational orbit.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 show that the future of RPGs is in games way more ambitious, weird and unexpected than anything Bethesda and Bioware have to offer 2 days ago:
I concur; we need more of this new breed of aggressively strange RPG’s, like earthbound/mother, planescape:torment, and morrowind.