- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 32 minutes ago:
I heard there’s a tariff on those Canadian pins and badges.
- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 33 minutes ago:
Sand the eggo.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 4 hours ago:
To narcissists everything is someone else’s fault.
- Comment on Why DO credit card companies make a stink about adult content anyway? 5 hours ago:
Probably that they don’t want to be associated with CP or teenage suicide. Aka “won’t somebody please think of the children”.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 1 day ago:
I mean most of these look pretty uncomfortable, 8 looks the most comfortable.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 6 days ago:
So either 1) you were wrong and now hide, or 2) you’re trolling, weirdly at that. Either way, that means you’re the one that needs to touch grass. Have at it, ciao.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 6 days ago:
It’s not because of efficiency or whatever you’re trying to say, military ranks especially have a long history of weirdness and changes in languages, pronunciation, and spelling. All not all 3 being in line.
Like wow it’s ok to not know these things, but you shouldn’t act all holier than thou. Ciao.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
I’m guessing you pronounce Colonel as Kernel.
- Comment on I can't believe they did this 1 week ago:
Hey that’s clever!
- Comment on How would you suddenly disappear and ditch everyone in your life without them noticing? 1 week ago:
Without them noticing? You’d have to start going low contact for awhile first.
- Comment on Anything is possible with passive income that exceeds your living expenses. Life: 1 week ago:
Don’t most ice cream trucks just have those individual sized cones, etc?
- Comment on Bluesky 3 weeks ago:
Newsworthy context?
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 3 weeks ago:
I read about this after I had the showerthought that dolphins have their nose on the back of their head. Apparently they evolved a ‘plug’ to separate the nose-lungs and the mouth-stomach. It was thought they couldn’t control it, but they found an example of a dolphin who had a damaged blowhole and figured out how to breathe from the mouth. But it looked like it wasn’t easy, iirc the dolphin had to basically swim fast and jump into the air to help to force it open. The dolphin wasn’t expected to live long.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
Me: “Surely it can’t mean that… Oh… Oh no. Oh fuck.”
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
It was a little joke.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Why did you ask if the removed word is removed?
- Comment on Didn't believe what I was seeing 4 weeks ago:
Well he won’t go far.
- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 4 weeks ago:
Oh that’s why Musk wants to go to space.
- Comment on Inspirational 5 weeks ago:
Are inspirational posters coming back?
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 5 weeks ago:
They took all the lessons learned from the Communist panic, the satanic panic, and the gay panic and apply them to the next target.
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 5 weeks ago:
Would my pet snake prefer to have their water dish topped up with cool or warm water?
This calls for an experiment!
I hypothesize warm water. Lowering their temp just to warm back up is probably hard on their system.
- Comment on They were taught how to use red by the Atlanteans. 1 month ago:
Bags? Must be aliens.
- Comment on TerminEATOR 1 month ago:
Termite Terminator.
- Comment on Gottem. :) 1 month ago:
The telephone: “Am I a joke to you?”
- Comment on Babyllionaire Musk got r/whitepoepletwitter banned 1 month ago:
You have too many p’s. Rapping is ok.
- Comment on Algae Rock! 1 month ago:
Wise men plant algae whose oxygen they will never breathe?
- Comment on Algae Rock! 1 month ago:
Biofuel is to make something to burn for fuel. Ethanol is a biofuel.
- Comment on Algae Rock! 1 month ago:
Sounds like we need to genetically engineer super algae.