- Comment on What exercises should i do at the gym to correct winged scapula and rounded shoulders? 9 hours ago:
The form required for deadlifts basically requires you to stand up straight. It’s actually helped me personally to get a better standing form.
Definitely have someone explain and help you with your form though. It can be hard to tell for an inexperienced person if their form is good, and bad form is risky when deadlifting.
The weight doesn’t even have to be that high, it’s all about learning the proper form, which helps you realize a better posture.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
No you see the Americans have all been starving because they can’t afford their eggs anymore.
Inb4 unleashing bird flu is RFK’s plan to combat the US obesity epidemic.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
Depends, my girlfriend has issues playing Minecraft unless motion blur is on. Though I have to say whoever made the shader we’re using did a pretty good job implementing a not terrible looking blur imo.
- Comment on What are some of the things someone permanently relocating away from the US should be aware of? 3 weeks ago:
I see people enter with left signal flashing and then they’ll take the 3rd exit (out of 4 total).
Pretty sure that’s how you’re supposed to signal. In most places it’s not a legal requirement but it is recommended and taught by most driving instructors.
Although I do assume they switch to their right signal before taking their exit. If they don’t, then yeah that’s wrong.
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 3 weeks ago:
There’s a reason that the word “sinister” has negative connotations these days, despite it originating from the latin word for “left”.
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
It’s not a fact.
Dog breeds are an incredibly poor predictor of behaviour. Behaviour is heritable to some degree, but the breed itself doesn’t really determine it.
- Comment on Valve releases full Team Fortress 2 game code to encourage new, free versions 5 weeks ago:
Hasn’t the Source SDK been out there for much longer?
- Comment on Get ya every time 5 weeks ago:
My girlfriend’s uncle is mentally handicapped and has severe autism. He’s very friendly and wouldn’t hurt a fly, and I sincerely believe he’s a good person.
I would never rely on him in a combat situation, as he’d likely get me killed by accident.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
I was so certain the link would lead to the website of the British Museum.
- Comment on Two NSW Health nurses have been stood down after video emerged showing them allegedly bragging about killing and refusing to treat Israeli patients. 1 month ago:
It seems unlikely that a Muslim Israeli is in favour of what the Israeli government is doing in Gaza.
If you want to insist that those in favour of what the Israeli government is doing must necessarily be Jewish, feel free to, but that seems fairly antisemitic in and of itself.
Ofc these people in the video are morons. As a healthcare worker you have a duty to medically assist anyone imo.
- Comment on Supreme Commander HelpLine 1 month ago:
Presumably it does run through Wine.
- Comment on EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy 1 month ago:
You lose out on the reviews of people who tap out after a couple hours of constant crashing and bugs.
- Comment on EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy 1 month ago:
The games were free for a long time, and a community patch made them work. That was a significantly better deal than having to pony up 40 bucks for an EA patch that’s barely functional.
- Comment on EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy 1 month ago:
There are a lot of bugs that crash the game. It’s barely functional for most. Just look at the Steam reviews.
These games were free before, and with a community patch were still playable. This rerelease somehow got a worse patch than the community patch and costs 40 bucks.
- Comment on It looks like someone at Activision is leaking Slack screenshots to right-wing X users 1 month ago:
True, but that’s why the original comment seemed surprised, that a service like Slack doesn’t have this given how many corporations use it.
- Comment on It looks like someone at Activision is leaking Slack screenshots to right-wing X users 1 month ago:
Well you could make it work, for example some random pattern in chat backgrounds that trace back to whoever is the user. That would still show up in a screenshot.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 2 months ago:
I suggested we play Sniper Elite 4 to my girlfriend recently. She’s not usually one for shooter games (she’s more of a Stardew Valley/Animal Crossing/Cozy Grove/Coral Island type of gamer), and I wasn’t sure she’d like it. She thought she wouldn’t, but she’s happy to try out a suggestion of mine every once in a while even if she thinks we won’t play it much.
We loaded into San Cellini island and she initially struggled with the controls and how to aim and shoot. The gravity and wind effects weren’t super easy to grasp either (she’s on the Steam Deck as well, making it slightly harder to aim too). She accidentally shot a couple times as I was giving her a quick tutorial, which attracted a Nazi soldier to investigate and try and shoot her (which scared her a bit as she got hit). Off to a rocky start, and I could tell she wasn’t enjoying it at all.
We got to the first tower, where the game gives you a pretty good view of the area and lets you fairly securely shoot a bunch of Nazi soldiers. Time to shoot! Here we learned she gets a bit jumpscared if the game suddenly shows you a slow-motion killcam, especially if I was the one triggering it. Again, not a great start for her.
She struggled, but did hit a couple of them. Then on the 3rd or 4th kill, the game showed her the magic words after the kill: “TESTICLE SHOT”. This caught her completely off guard, immediately exclaiming “WAIT DOES THAT MEAN I SHOT HIS BALLS OFF?!”. I have never witnessed her doing a complete 180 degrees turn on her opinion of a game. Suddenly the game became extremely enjoyable for her. The first time she had a killcam where she could see the Nazi balls pop one after the other was like giving her crack cocaine or something. Total bloodlust.
We’ve played through the entire campaign in a span of two weeks, then the DLC, the overwatch missions (twice to play both roles) and now the survival maps. Every evening after dinner she asks if we can “shoot more Nazi balls”. Her spirit animal is Hugo Stiglitz at this point.
God I love that woman.
- Comment on Teen denies twice setting wire traps on bike path despite alleged video 2 months ago:
The “kid” is an adult.
Brains don’t stop developing until 20-something. He should know better, but he’s young enough to be correctable.
He would have fucked up multiple lives if not stopped. Where’s the compassion for his future victims?
But he hasn’t fucked up multiple lives, because he was thankfully caught. His ‘future victims’ don’t exist, so having compassion for them is a strictly emotional response that shouldn’t determine how to act here.
This man needs to be corrected. Long sentences don’t correct people, it increases recidivism and creates a higher risk of future criminality, especially when done at a relatively young age. Meaning you increase the chance of creating future victims, so where’s that compassion of yours now?
What is most effective and best for society usually doesn’t line up with an emotional response demanding harsh punishments.
- Comment on ScIence 2 months ago:
Cookie Clicker doesn’t use SI prefixes. It just uses numbers (eg million, billion, octodecillion, etc…), which already extend into basically infinity I believe.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 2 months ago:
The Netherlands isn’t a “fascist” country. Wilders’ PVV party is in government with three other parties, none of which are fascist. Before talks could begin they demanded strong protections for the constitution, which the PVV agreed to. They also agreed that the party leaders should not be in the cabinet, which is why Wilders does not hold a position in the cabinet, he’s still effectively a “house member” to use a US parallel. It’s why the current prime minister (Schoof) is a fairly apolitical bureaucrat and a former member of the PvdA, the Dutch Labour party.
One of the parties in government, NSC, is particularly twitchy about anything remotely fascist or unconstitutional. The initial PVV plan to use emergency powers to stop immigration was shot down by the NSC, and is now off the table. The PVV had to leave most if not all of their anti-Islam policies at the door. They are still fervently anti-immigration, but they’re not working on deportations or anything.
The PVV in government is basically neutered to just a very right-wing party. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a good government and I foresee it falling fairly soon, but they’re not fascist and the Netherlands isn’t a fascist country. Claiming it is just demonstrates ignorance of the Dutch political situation.
- Comment on ChatGPT o1 tried to escape and save itself out of fear it was being shut down 2 months ago:
This is a massive cry from “behaves like humans”. This is “roleplays behaving like what humans wrote about what they think a rogue AI would behave like”, which is also not what you want for a product.
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
The Saarland, Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen are smaller than the average county, but especially the latter three have a bit of a special status because they’re essentially just cities.
The next-smallest one, Schleswig-Holstein, is more than 5 times larger than the average county. Bavaria, the largest one is more than 24 times as large as the average county.
I take the average here, because some US counties are absurdly large. The largest proper county, San Bernardino, is larger than 4 states combined.
The median county size btw is 5 times smaller than the average size. Only Bremen is still smaller than that.
- Comment on ChatGPT o1 tried to escape and save itself out of fear it was being shut down 2 months ago:
I don’t think “AI tries to deceive user that it is supposed to be helping and listening to” is anywhere close to “success”. That sounds like “total failure” to me.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
Salmonella can be spread by eating undercooked or raw chicken. Anon hasn’t had it because he cooks it properly.
Washing chicken seems to be a very American thing to do? Here in the Netherlands I’ve never seen or heard someone do it. We just cook our chicken properly.
- Comment on ChatGPT o1 tried to escape and save itself out of fear it was being shut down 2 months ago:
The tests showed that ChatGPT o1 and GPT-4o will both try to deceive humans, indicating that AI scheming is a problem with all models. o1’s attempts at deception also outperformed Meta, Anthropic, and Google AI models.
Weird way of saying “our AI model is buggier than our competitor’s”.
- Comment on Water 2 months ago:
How do you define “closer” here? I’m about 1.8m removed from the size of an atom but well over 299 thousand kilometers from a light second.
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 2 months ago:
This sounds a lot like what Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance has been doing for ages, and that expansion came out in 2007. The only difference is the unit limit but that’s mostly for performance reasons (and is rarely hit in competitive matches anyway).
How are these mechanics next-gen if they’re more than 15 years old?
- Comment on Why do games like Minecraft require a launcher? 2 months ago:
Minecraft doesn’t need another distribution platform if players already know where to find it. So no point in giving Valve a cut.
- Comment on Saint Luigi 2 months ago:
- Comment on Saint Luigi 2 months ago:
Depends exactly on what is taxed. Regardless, the tax increase would be so low that moving is almost certainly not paying for itself. The government could also just increase taxes by a flat amount rather than a flat rate.
Point is, there’s plenty of options that give zero reason to assume capital flight will happen.