- Comment on unleash your humanities 1 day ago:
And now you’ve moved your goalposts; first it was ‘convince me philosophy deserves government funding,’ now it’s ’philosophy isn’t a hard science and can’t show me on a graph why abortion is wrong’.
If you just don’t like the humanities receiving government funds, just say so instead of doing this song and dance about how it’s really about science and equality.
- Comment on unleash your humanities 1 day ago:
You’re pretty sure based on what? Even self-proclaimed pro-life philosophers admit their position is rare. Ethics itself easily argues in favor of abortion but not against it, which is one reason it’s available in virtually every secular state.
You are starting from your conclusion (philosophy isn’t worth funding) and working backwards to make that fit any new evidence presented to you.
- Comment on unleash your humanities 1 day ago:
Applied ethics is not ‘what feels like it would be the most correct thing to do?’, it’s writing professional codes of conduct, establishing criteria for who should be allowed to get an organ transplant, who should be considered for parole, what scientific experiments should be allowed to happen, if I listed everything affected by the study of ethics I’d be here all day.
I don’t want a random schmuck who’s never thought about any of this for more than 5 minutes writing any of that, and I sure as shit don’t want people voting on it. That’s how you end up with abortion bans.
- Comment on unleash your humanities 1 day ago:
Do you want anyone other than priests advising government officials on ethics? Then you want philosophy majors.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 1 day ago:
Same for Bic
- Comment on pain plant 4 days ago:
Oh, we’re not resistant, we’re just crazy enough to like the pain. Birds are resistant and don’t feel it at all, they can eat chilis like fruits.
- Comment on So jussi 4 days ago:
Fun fact: it’s actually a Mexican brand, that’s just the American branch logo. According to Wikipedia:
The name was formed as the combination of the Disney Bambi and Dumbo films names, which were the favourite movies of Marinela, Lorenzo Servitje’s daughter.
- Comment on How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration? 5 days ago:
In the long run, shutting up won’t save you from fascism. Every inch you give is a foot they take, and they will take and take and take if you let them.
If you’ve never wondered whether people living under dictatorships regret not exercising their rights more when they still had them, now’s the time to start pondering.
- Comment on Redditors told me to go to a therapist but I can’t afford one nor pick one from thousands available. What now? 6 days ago:
Check your local library and city/county department of health, they may run free or low cost group therapy sessions.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Have you considered going outside and asking people your questions in order to only get answers from ‘mentally healthy’ people?
- Comment on Americans, How do you pour soda into a cup with ice without the soda going flat? 1 week ago:
Honestly I’m thankful when someone puts the red flag above every comment themselves.
- Comment on Meta Seeks to Block Further Sales of Ex-Employee’s Scathing Memoir 1 week ago:
No link shows up for me?
- Comment on Studio Ghibli's "Princess Mononoke" is being remastered in 4K and re-released in IMAX on March 26th 1 week ago:
Alas, the closest to me is 3 hours by transit.
- Comment on Yall guess who showed up in my dms 2 weeks ago:
It’s definitely spam, people are just joking about it
- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
And playing games with overtime numbers to maximize taxpayer drain.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know man, I’ve seen an actual swarm of butterflies (it took days for them to fly through) and it was pretty fucking awesome.
- Comment on What is the minimum number of words needed to communicate 2 weeks ago:
I prefer Sandi Toksvig’s method: if you only know one word, make it “hospital.”
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 2 weeks ago:
Our fridge is 12 years old and we’re just hoping it keeps chugging on 🥲 Four more years!
- Comment on Does 'attempted murder' require a viable method? 3 weeks ago:
Without a body or even injuries and prosecution that depends entirely on proving a state of mind, you probably won’t find a jurisdiction who would give you the time of day with it. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
- Comment on a strong beak, of course 3 weeks ago:
Not just any tool use either, New Caledonian crows can make and use hooks. That might not seem special, but the amount of planning it takes to make and understand how to use a hook to retrieve something hidden in a nook is much more sophisticated than figuring out that you can poke something in front of you with a sharp stick.
- Comment on Is it OK for a baby's head to be rolled all the way back on its neck? 3 weeks ago:
It’s a joke reference to The Exorcist, which features a child whose head spins around due to demonic possession.
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 3 weeks ago:
Oh god, their hands are all melting together. Ewwww
- Comment on I disagree. 4 weeks ago:
Relevant Smithsonian article.
I’d probably skip on the animal fat and bitumen, but cedar, juniper, and cypress all smell pretty good.
Apparently the scent could also vary slightly depending on who was being embalmed.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 4 weeks ago:
It’s a tweet, but please don’t let that stop you from getting mad about it.
- Comment on Anyone know where this is from? 5 weeks ago:
Was it addressed to you? I’d be cagey about something LGBT related showing up addressed to me without anyone I knew sending it, but that might be overly paranoid.
It looks like it’s a zine made by some New York film company called A24.
- Comment on WHY 5 weeks ago:
I’m sure there’s etymological reasons, but in practice ‘la hospital’ being less pleasant to say (with two vowel sounds directly next to each other) probably contributed. Like how it’s el agua, even though any adjectives for it are feminine: el agua contaminada.
- Comment on HRT Harm Reduction Toolkit Game Bundle - $25 for 30 games 5 weeks ago:
In the collection description I guess it doesn’t, but if you click on any of the games included it’s clear that they’re tabletop role playing games (some even have it in the title icon). I can edit the post to include that if people think it’s misleading, though
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 2 comments
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 1 month ago:
I’m walking off into the woods if that happens. Dying in a week can’t be worse than that.