- Comment on If these mother fuckers are trying to make me pay for Healthcare to talk to fucking ChatGPT I swear to god ChatGPT is going to write me so many scripts for opioids its won't be funny. 15 hours ago:
I think he means billionaire assholes like him…asshole billionaires won’t be needed for anything in the future. So we’ll probably be reasonable and do the adult thing which is to properly discard them. Not the landfill. Nope. We should act local and have a proper billionaire incinerator. Sure a log will hear your home for an hour tops. But a properly dried asshole billionaire, that’s at least a good two hours!
- Comment on Methylene Blue sounds like the shit 15 hours ago:
Funny…a blue man and an orange asshole, destroying the greatest nation to ever exist.
- Comment on Methylene Blue sounds like the shit 18 hours ago:
I’m looking at its photographic properties. Just commenting on the huge pile of…it cures this and that including HIV, a big huge lie from sick evil bustards. The real stuff says you can get pretty cool blue diarrhea from consuming it.
- Comment on Methylene Blue sounds like the shit 19 hours ago:
- Submitted 21 hours ago to [deleted] | 8 comments
- Comment on View it in your room! 1 day ago:
Everything looks like a failed 3D print if you squint hard enough lol.
- Comment on View it in your room! 1 day ago:
But do you give people a room gift? Or a house gift? Why not? I mean, your house or apartment has many rooms right? That’s the weird word use. Why not… Would you like to see it in your shower or on your bed or at the park or underwater?
- Comment on View it in your room! 1 day ago:
I would bet Amazon is mapping your house. Using AI to figure out what you would buy.
- Submitted 1 day ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on Great Advice 1 day ago:
…continuing the list…
Are you okay babe? The tacos were good eh? Oh sharades? First letter is H, second is O? Ho…ho…oh S! You want Hos? I can’t believe you! Ho’s! OMG! Pita? Pain in the ass? Ho’s with pain in the ass? Mt God babe, you’re turning blue! Ooooo! Hospital! I get it! You choked on the tacos
- Comment on Dig this trench to protect your landlord's ability to gouge your decendants. 1 day ago:
I’ve seen many war movies where you just stick your head out of the foxhole and suddenly you get hit in the head in a very gruesome way. But very quick. Better than pissing off hulk and then getting your head grabbed and used to smash your body onto the dirt in full hulk rage. One thing not to do is to casually drink coffee or chocolate. That’s when they get you in the stomach. That’s a painful death.
- Submitted 4 days ago to [deleted] | 4 comments
- Comment on Win win 4 days ago:
A drone carrying a mini Molotov into the inside. Just leave the window open.
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 5 days ago:
Just saying, even this argument is a double standard. But OK. You gotta draw the line somewhere.
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 5 days ago:
It’s okay to do the same to poor Latinos. But catch a scientists and I’m out of here!
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 6 days ago:
At work I learned that cyanide is actually very dangerous because it accumulates its effects. Like you have a little now and a little later, then suddenly you can’t get up from bed so you call in sick. Its dangerous stuff.
- Comment on Ever wonder how the term "pink slip" came about? This is how you were fired. A pink slip on your desk. 1 week ago:
Why is at all misaligned?..oh I see what you did right there.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Sit around and be a land lord. The farmer slaves can just plant and harvest stuff for you oh lord of the dirt field!
- Comment on Late 1900s 1 week ago:
You guys remember when Sony made tiny handheld AM radios?
- Comment on RFK Jr.’s Prescription for Bird Flu on Farms: Let It Spread 1 week ago:
Yeah. He wants yo make plant based meats illegal.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Just recycle that shit! Here’s my…and address where you can recycle it to…
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
Ah yes! I understand the culture fully now!
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
How would you say trump is like Hitler? Do you have to describe the Holocaust in few words within a long ass German style word?
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Wow! I didn’t even know those things exited before reading the comments lol.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Egg…like literally everything has egg in it. Sorry I got interrupted mid post. But I’m gonna go read all the comments. Some alternative photography processes use egg whites or yolks to sub or apply a layer to the film.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
- Comment on The Tesla Backlash Is Biblical 1 week ago:
And to mark you as a target for accidental deportation.
- Comment on cherry pickers 1 week ago:
If you don’t get the joke: the cherry farm was planted over the graves of all the antivaxers.
- Comment on John 14:6 2 weeks ago:
I had to replace the bag on my spirit can.
- Comment on Thanks for nothing 2 weeks ago:
I got a lot less and I’m a lot happy with it. I was able to take it home little by little in one single drive home.