- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 days ago:
Easy answer. The entire Government of Putin is working for shit Kremlin.
- Comment on Germany right now 1 week ago:
Your map is correct, but modern Germany does not have the Versailles Treaty, out-of-control inflation, an economy that was on it’s knees and the Prussian military influence that was hell bent on revenge for WWI.
- Comment on Germany right now 1 week ago:
There are more fucking neo-Nazis in the USA than in Germany. The shit AfD voters come from the Oklahoma and Mississippi of Germany, Thuringia and Saxony.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
Yes and and beyond screwed.
- Comment on Erasure 3 weeks ago:
Project 2025…
- Comment on Erasure 3 weeks ago:
Go piss in the wind! The US Green Party is not the same as the European versions, with exception to the turd and loser, Joschka Fischer.
- Comment on eggs in japan 3 weeks ago:
The Japanese sporting fans leave the stadium cleaner than before the match started. Cleanliness in Japan is taken to new level and the rest of the 1st World could learn from the Rising Sun.
- Comment on eggs in japan 3 weeks ago:
The US consumers are getting shafted.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Same here. The Google Pixel, but I think they recently eliminated the small version.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
St. Peter will deny her worthless greedy ass at the gate.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Where the fuck is Hegseth holding the Jerusalem Cross flag?
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Indeed, the USA is turning into the WASP version of 1979 Iran.
- Comment on Europeans watching US/CA relations implode 4 weeks ago:
Wait until the US MIC starts to feel the effects and I am uncertain which way they will lean to protect their interests.
- Comment on Europeans watching US/CA relations implode 4 weeks ago:
The EU and Canada see more doors opening up to counter the idiots running the USA into the ground.
- Comment on I am in the US and its gotten very political but as pretty much a peon do I just tune the stuff out thinking its fear mongering? Or should I closely pay attention to it? 5 weeks ago:
Plenty of good responses. I assume you are foreigner and I will give you one suggestion. Make sure your passport is valid just in case you need to flee the incoming disaster.
- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 5 weeks ago:
Every single independent voter I talked voted for Orange Nero. That is how they conceal their racist neo-Nazi bullshit beliefs.
- Comment on Yep, you did. 1 month ago:
Exactly like the PRC and Russia. WTF AmeriKa.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 month ago:
If the US military goes Nazi, then the USA is beyond fucked.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 month ago:
That mofo made it to the $20 bill. Sick.
- Comment on WTF 1 month ago:
Exactly, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. The entire Government of Putin is filled with these shitty neo-Nazis.
- Comment on Germany’s four-day work week proves to be a massive hit 1 month ago:
…and back to the regressive USA. Elon and the lunatics would relish the CCP driven 9-9-6 work week.
- Comment on Trømp 1 month ago:
I would welcome the Danes to takeover the USA.
- Comment on Can't throw me off the scent 1 month ago:
Ask the f’n Russians and Chinese, they might have a huge ass bundle hanging off an anchor.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
Complete the damn degree and then do what you want. At least your have a document to help you if the shit hits the fan.
- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 2 months ago:
Alabama eh. If she’s guzzling down the Orange Kool-Aid, I have zero fucking sympathy for her work related problem.
- Comment on Oh well... 2 months ago:
US labor Laws suck shit compared to the rest of the 1st World.
- Comment on Can't unsee 2 months ago:
Could you sprinkle a bit of Putin in that shit?
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 2 months ago:
Anonymous does have valid points.
- Comment on Four pianos. Four. 2 months ago:
I’m surprised the bed did not snap off the frame. That is some 3rd World shit.
- Comment on Well, I guess that settles it 2 months ago:
Thanks to fucking Patriot Act. The SS and NKVD bullshit should be repealed.