- Comment on The pilot episode of Futurama 'Space Pilot 3000' premiered 26 years ago today on March 28, 1999. 13 hours ago:
my god, a million years
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
why are you calling me slurs? what did i do to deserve this?
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
maybe check what sub youre in next time
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
why arent you explaining motherfucker then?
and funny how your mind goes straight to homophobia or misogyny, when there are other interpretations for cocksucker
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
pussyfucker isnt an insult ive ever heard but motherfucker is
cocksucker reminds me of the prison mentality of making someone your bitch so thats where im getting the power play from
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
i never thought of it as a homophobic insult because plenty of straight bi etc also suck cocks, if ive ever heard cocksucker in a homophobic context ive always heard a certain slur right after it
to me, cocksucker reminds me of a prison dynamic, where its more about the power of making someone suck your cock vs them being just gay for sucking cock
but at the end of the day it dont matter we’re all just arguing about an insult homophobic or not i dont think its a good use of our time to continue to argue about its semantics
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
im comparing an insult to bootlicking. jesus christ you people really feel like arguing over absolutely nothing
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
thats not what i think im explaining the insult
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 3 days ago:
its still at the end of the day giving pleasure to another. giving the key word: power thing. its the same atmosphere as bootlicker
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 3 days ago:
its because hes submissive. its a power thing not a gay thing
- Comment on What TV series have the best intros? What TV series have the worst intros? 4 days ago:
not sure why it got so much hate, i was expecting s8 to be terrible and it wasnt 😂
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 4 days ago:
freaks and geeks. unbelievably stacked cast but the network never gave it a dedicated time so no one knew when they could watch it. then it got cancelled before they aired half the episodes citing poor viewership
- Comment on Porn on Spotify Is Infiltrating the Platform’s Top Podcast Charts 6 days ago:
id say theres much more offensive ones out there than joe rogan. hes very surface level
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 6 days ago:
sounds like the hook for a movie
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 6 days ago:
honestly youd be pretty hard pressed to find a country now that wasnt previously stolen
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
who just leveled up?
- Comment on What movie was this for you? 1 week ago:
i saw iron man 3 before any other marvel film 😂
- Comment on What movie was this for you? 1 week ago:
thats what it was billed as and its what deadpool is, not sure why some people use that as a negative for the film
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
hire a dude to lean on a post 12 hours a day occasionally saying “well met kinsman”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
make real life whiterun from skyrim. i saw land for sale as a kid and that was my only plan if i had bought it
- Comment on Not the gift that I really wanted 1 week ago:
did they hook up
- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
pronably rock band 3 i played it non stop until rock band 4 came out
and then theres skyrim which i cannot stop replaying every year
- Comment on My name is Lemmy. I made the Lemmy. It was difficult to put the codebase together 2 weeks ago:
my name is the fucking mimic oh yeah
- Comment on Sounds like a place I'd love to work for 2 weeks ago:
place i worked at had a 3 month stretch of mandatory overtime, so 6 days of working, then they added in sunday too for a couple weeks. never bothered to show up for any of them then left for a different job
- Comment on For your consideration 2 weeks ago:
i love this
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
my uncle learned driving with a manual and he said it scared the shit out of him because anytime he went up a hill hed start going backwards trying to get to the next gear 😭
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 weeks ago:
with no shoes?
- Comment on fireflies 3 weeks ago:
i thought there was a group that actually made small fires in forests for this reason. im pulling from a severe backlog in my mind so im just going to comment this and someone can tell me if im wrong or right 😂
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 4 weeks ago:
liars debut album is an odd one, on vinyl the last 2 bars of the last song are on the part of the vinyl that repeats, but on cd they just repeated those 2 bars for the maximum length of a cd and now on streaming that song is like 5 minutes of music and 25 minutes of the same 2 bars