- Comment on Might be fun idk 4 days ago:
USA super bowl champs yet again, other countries cant keep up 🫵🤣
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 1 week ago:
dudes a mechanic im sure OP gets plenty of strength training from that. could use another cardio activity tho when mountain biking isnt an option
- Comment on okra stealing whore 1 week ago:
we really dont have unique experiences in life
- Comment on spidey senses 1 week ago:
ive never played dead space past the tutorial but im guessing thats how dead space happened
- Comment on Elder Scrolls creator Ted Peterson is “glad that people are wanting to break away from” watered-down RPGs as he works on an epic Daggerfall successor 2 weeks ago:
daggerfall is so messed up that the legitimate strategy to beat the game is go in and out of dungeons and waiting for the quest item to randomly appear next to the front door
- Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 2 weeks ago:
but i saw it happen in the barnyard movie
- Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 2 weeks ago:
…do other countries seriously lack that much respect that they don’t even tip their landlords? my god what a shithole the rest of the world is
- Comment on Would you like to finance your hot chocolate with a loan set at 69% apr? 2 weeks ago:
thats what the title is referring to. as in, not what is in the image itself. the image itself is showing the same product for the same size yet the “kids” version is almost a dollar cheaper than what everybody else would usually get
- Comment on Would you like to finance your hot chocolate with a loan set at 69% apr? 2 weeks ago:
the title references something else than the image
some places allow you to pay for stuff over a period of time, so you can actually be financing something like a pizza
- Comment on Would you like to finance your hot chocolate with a loan set at 69% apr? 2 weeks ago:
the kids size and the smallest size are the same size but a different price
- Comment on Multiverse 2 weeks ago:
except in the universe it is feasible and exists
- Comment on Multiverse 2 weeks ago:
because you arent in the universe that has that paper
- Comment on Anon tries stand-up comedy 4 weeks ago:
recently played cards against humanity and everybody got fucking destroyed by the guy sleeping everytime he put a card down
- Comment on Favorite retro games? 4 weeks ago:
i still play backyard baseball
- Comment on oopsie 4 weeks ago:
the best trolls rarely spoke. one of the great troll artists of kongregate forums had only 50 comments yet left a lasting legacy
- Comment on Skyrim teaches a Lemmy user about fascist propaganda 5 weeks ago:
appeal to nostalgia fallacy
you cant bring up something so old and expect us to care anymore
sunk cost fallacy
youre argument was already destroyed (by yours truly bows) further attempts at arguing are fruitless
- Comment on Skyrim teaches a Lemmy user about fascist propaganda 5 weeks ago:
wrong information fallacy
bethesda did not make new vegas, obsidian made new vegas. bethesda made fallput 3 which is what fallout new vegas is built on top of
- Comment on Skyrim teaches a Lemmy user about fascist propaganda 5 weeks ago:
this comment makes zero sense. nobody said anything about the best, nor about restaurants or hamburgers or anything even CLOSE to that
- Comment on Yet they know what dishware I'm looking for... 5 weeks ago:
top marks for not tryin
- Comment on Yet they know what dishware I'm looking for... 5 weeks ago:
what is the definition of really really deserve it?
- Comment on Maybe next year 5 weeks ago:
switch the months around and youve got yourself a chicago bears meme
- Comment on Anon wants American companies to make a good RPG 1 month ago:
guess you’ve never played it recently, otherwise you’d never make this comment
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 1 month ago:
if fo3 is a shit game then so is new vegas. cant stress that enough
- Comment on Someone is already crying in the walk in, so can't go hit it in there. 1 month ago:
i do this before every movie in the theater. always a blast
- Comment on american culture 1 month ago:
most of the time someone says something wasnt taught in school its because that person straight up didnt pay attention in class
- Comment on american culture 1 month ago:
simpsons did it first
- Comment on Anon hates Apple 1 month ago:
stonewall queers? im unfamiliar with that term but im imagining stonewall jackson
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 1 month ago:
bad as in michael jackson bad
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 1 month ago:
on xbox with its time tracking, i think rock band 4 takes the cake with uhhhh i have no clue maybe 100 days? i cant check right now
unofficially rock band 3, i used to play it 8 hours a day everyday
- Comment on master manipulators 1 month ago:
thats even worse why would you suggest that you trying to get me shot on sight?