- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 5 hours ago:
You rang?
- Comment on Is there a good way to buy chrome lettering in the same font as the brand's original lettering on the back of the car? 18 hours ago:
I’ve never actually successfully made anything shiny with that type of “chrome” spray paint. But they can give it a shot.
You’re right that most car badges are plastic anyway, covered with a thin veneer of that flaky chrome effect stuff. I have no idea if it’s actually chrome or just some kind of shiny plastic, a hot-dip process, some kind of PVD or sputtering, or what.
- Comment on Is there a good way to buy chrome lettering in the same font as the brand's original lettering on the back of the car? 1 day ago:
This is one of those jobs that seems tailor made for 3D printing.
You may not find the font you need exactly, but you can probably doodle something up that’ll be close enough to get the point across, especially if you can get a good scan or image of the letters you have got, and copy them (and their style).
3D print your parts (in ASA/ABS or a fairly heat resistant material is probably a good idea) and use copper electroplating spray on it and then nickel plate the shit out of it to make it silver and shiny. Nickel plating is easy to do at home (unlike chrome plating) and pretty tough to screw up.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 1 day ago:
I already own that exact some Kuru Toga, so this one’s a no-brainer.
Anyone who deliberately picks the Sharpwriter or the Bic needs keeping an eye on; we need to keep those kinds of people on a list.
- Comment on Minecraft's 'Vibrant Visuals' Upgrade the Start of a New 'Graphical Journey' 3 days ago:
Minecraft has a long and storied history of cribbing features from modders and integrating them into the official base game. This includes hoppers, light senors, pistons, slime blocks, several of the types of trees, armor stands, displaying maps in frames, quite a few mobs, several of the current biome types, and probably a whole bunch of other stuff I can’t remember offhand.
So yeah, stealing the idea (even if not the outright code) from shader mods would be completely on brand, and not at all unexpected. It’s up to the player base to decide how they feel about this, but honestly it seems nothing short of kidnapping babies and setting them on fire would get any significant portion of people to turn away from Microsoft’s stewardship of the game, given how hard they’ve tried to screw it up post-acquisition and yet it continues to print them money.
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 4 days ago:
All modern dishwashers do indeed have some type of water heater.
Additionally, your Euro is showing. American dishwashers are almost without exception designed to be connected to a hot water line rather than cold; Typically your home’s water heater is more efficient (or at least cheaper) at heating water than the dishwasher itself is, and certainly faster since the majority of homes have a storage tank heater that can be expected to already be full of hot water. The less heating the dishwasher has to do to the water the better it’s energy consumption rating will appear, which the manufacturers love. (Offloading the energy requirement for heating the water to your central water heater also shifts the cost/blame to the water heater and away from the dishwasher, allowing them to put a smaller number on that yellow Energy Guide label, even if taken from the big picture view this is prima facie bogus.)
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 4 days ago:
Well, there’s also this.
I believe Maytag once ran a commercial back in the '60s or '70s or something that implied you could cook a turkey in their dishwasher as well, boasting how powerful their heating element was for the dry cycle.
I should also point out at this juncture that an awful lot of dishwashers these days including almost all import brands (Bosch in particular, also LG, Samsung, Asko, Miele, Smeg, etc.) are “condenser dry” machines and don’t have the heating element for drying anymore. You’re unlikely to cook anything satisfactorily in one of those. You could hope for the wash water being hot enough to do it, but I’m not playing any bets. Maybe you ought to select the sanitize rinse option…
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 6 days ago:
This is basically ubiquitous on many public lands, specifically here in the US. The term is “carry in, carry out.” Bins accumulate trash (obviously) which in turn is an attractant for rodents, bears, raccoons, etc. which causes its own problems. Wild animals should not be artificially fed by human trash. Trash can also be blown out of cans, or scattered by animals. Overall, especially for low traffic environments, the best plan is to have people take all their trash out with them.
TL;DR: Pack out your trash.
- Comment on Chrono Trigger Is Timeless 1 week ago:
Getting the full experience from Chrono Trigger specifically, unlike most other similar games, is getting all of the endings. The New Game+ mode will help there.
Chrono Trigger has 18 endings, if I recall correctly, including various permutations. Plus one additional one in the rereleases from the DS version forward. Some of them are only very subtly different from each other depending on which combination of character side quests you fully completed, and they all vary depending at which point your manage to defeat the final boss in the main story sequence. Several of them are significantly different interpretations of the future (or the past) post the defeat of the final boss with various for-want-of-a-nail factors causing huge changes to the outcome.
You have quite a few opportunities to fight the final boss up to and including immediately after discovering the first time gate all the way back at the beginning of the game. (Do that in New Game+ with an overpowered Crono, though, unless you want to get steamrolled instantly…)
- Comment on A Weekly Occurrence at Work 1 week ago:
Mostly not finding the entire stack of towels either soaked through with water, toppled over into the sink, or scattered all over the floor the next time someone uses the bathroom.
And, you know, not making our business look completely janky and unprofessional since clients can also use this restroom.
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 1 week ago:
Ha-ha, your box of counterfeits is small…
- Submitted 1 week ago to mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world | 8 comments
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 1 week ago:
It’s explicitly against Amazon’s ToS to incentivize reviews, or write/modify reviews in exchange for any kind of compensation. This includes the typical business card included in the box with the product pleading for 5 stars and promising “free gifts” or store credits. When I still used Amazon, any time I got one of those it was the only thing I mentioned in my review.
I don’t know if anyone actually meaningfully enforces this, but quite a few things I’ve reviewed in such a way seemed to disappear from the site more quickly than usual.
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 1 week ago:
Yes, and it’s basically a given that most of this crap is counterfeit, unless it’s a scheme as dopey as simply ordering it from Amazon and shipping it back to you. Which still isn’t a guarantee that it isn’t counterfeit, come to think of it.
That profit margin for the drop shipper has to come from somewhere.
And this is coming from someone who deliberately orders counterfeit crap. (Yes, knives, how did you guess?) But if you’re okay with that you may as well buy it directly from whoever is making the knockoffs in the first place via Aliexpress or whatever and pay a lot less in the process.
- Comment on Sounds like a place I'd love to work for 1 week ago:
I have (briefly) encountered employers who literally believe the first one, though.
It’s a great way to get your entire workforce sick, that’s for sure. That’ll certainly keep productivity high, won’t it?
- Comment on Sounds like a place I'd love to work for 1 week ago:
Yeah, this is one of those damn fool things you see hanging in gift shops and other outlets of kitsch, unironically on display as if it’s still clever and nobody’s ever seen it before. Usually right along side the very similar plaque with the “Labor rates: If you watch / If you offer advice / If you help” canard, “Harley Davidson Parking Only,” “Complaint Department, Take a Number (Grenade),” and others of the same ilk.
- Comment on Battery tech really does move fast 2 weeks ago:
I see they also invented a new connector standard, Nano-USB Type C.
- Comment on Battery tech really does move fast 2 weeks ago:
I think your math is off given that just a typical US consumer full sized refrigerator can use ~650 kWh/year and still be considered Energy Star qualified.
- Comment on Patter recognition 2 weeks ago:
Damn it, Pirate Bay. Again?
- Comment on Samurai Pizza Cats - Official Game Reveal Trailer 4 weeks ago:
Maybe the rights went cheap. Or maybe you’re right.
For what it’s worth there was an NES game back when the Pizza Cats were originally notionally relevant. It was alright.
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 4 weeks ago:
Precisely that.
I will add that Sheila Broflovski (a.k.a. Kyle’s Mom) through her sheer incessant nagging (and also blame shifting away from herself and the other parents as spelled out in “Blame Canada”) misses the mark so far that she manages to incite a hot war with Canada that gets enough people killed to spill sufficient blood to fulfill an ancient evil prophecy that literally incarnates both Satan himself and Saddam Hussein’s revenant form back onto the face of the Earth.
Note that this not only predated Saddam’s actual real world death, but Matt and Trey also successfully predicted the eruption of the Karen trend, probably a good decade or so before it risen to the height – or sunk to the depths – it’s achieved today. Although senseless moral panics were well known and quite popular in the '80’s and '90’s already, to the extent that they not only managed to accurately predict the response to their own movie, but also parody it within the same movie.
- Comment on This used to be peak commercial humor 4 weeks ago:
I mean, at one point everyone blithely assumed that Mexicans found Speedy Gonzales to be racist and there was a (completely white-led) little backlash against him until someone got around to actually asking some Mexicans about it and discovered that he was actually broadly popular with that demographic.
- Comment on Skyblivion, the fan remake of Oblivion in Skyrim's engine, nears completion 4 weeks ago:
With Bethesda you can never really tell if it is deliberate malice or simply their typical blistering incompetence. But the end result is the same either way.
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 4 weeks ago:
I think it’s more that hysterical moral guardians and corporate boobs only see the traditionally casino-like superficial imagery of cards, dice, spades, clubs, slots, etc. and instantly knee-jerk themselves into declaring it “immoral” without actually bothering to take the twelve seconds required to experience the gameplay. At which point they would immediately realize that they are wrong.
This is Kyle’s Mom’s version of only reading the headline, or not bothering to look beyond the dust jacket and only screeching about imaginary content that exists only inside their own assumptions and based purely on the picture on the cover.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 4 weeks ago:
I’ve seen that some dude on here has the Netscape throbber (for Gen Z: that’s what the animated doohickey in the corner that shows your page is still loading and your computer has not frozen is called) as his profile icon.
Maybe you’ve just summoned him up, Beetlejuice style.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
Ah, yes. I made a slight edit; we’re largely making the same point.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
However in reality, the number of restaraunts which track tips and actually make up the $7.25 difference is functionally zero.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
That’s because the UK has stronger wage protections than the US. Here the Federal minimum wage for “tipped positions,” which are their own special category, is only $2.13 per hour. The management literally expects you, the customer, to make up for their payroll shortfall.
Related fun fact: The reason the US has such a tipping culture at all is, as usual, the result of post-slavery racism when business owners flat out refused to actually pay any of their newly freed black employees, and instead demanded their customers to do it for them. For those positions, tips were the only way those people got paid.
So yes, US business owners would absolutely force their employees to work for no pay if they could get away with it.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 1 month ago:
20 is a funny way to spell 40.
- Comment on I don't need no app 1 month ago:
And it wants permissions to:
- Camera
- Microphone
- Location
- Media
- Contacts
- Call History
- Read SMS Messages
- Make and Receive Calls
…And will throw an absolute hissy fit and refuse to load without explanation if you deny any of them.