- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 1 day ago:
I don’t think I agree with this one. There’s so much about lives lived in first world countries, with all the signals and information they are bombarded with, that is almost anti-thetical to our biology. I’m certain we are more mentally unwell than people living simply, especially in the past.
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 1 day ago:
I was all for it until he started razing the orphanages.
The first was funny. The fifth felt like he was pushing impropriety a little far.
- Comment on RIP (again) 1 week ago:
You get second PTO?
- Comment on What Did William Burrito Mean by This? 1 week ago:
That’s…not a counter argument. That’s not even disagreeing. You’re just saying it should be more.
- Comment on Anon finds a new way to get protein 2 weeks ago:
botulism has gotta drive the price down.
- Comment on Anon finds a new way to get protein 2 weeks ago:
Really? Figured it was raw.
…is the raw can cheaper?
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
Hey, you’re right! Why aren’t the mods executing OP!?
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
Well, I make home-cooked meals, at least.
- Comment on Kryptonite 2 weeks ago:
I want someone to kill Superman with a Kryptonite sling bullet, like David and Goliath.
- Comment on Anon finds a new way to get protein 2 weeks ago:
Didja cook it?
- Comment on It's a skill 3 weeks ago:
After about 2 years of practice, I can confidently say "I wish I didn’t have to practice this. "
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 3 weeks ago:
What’s the problem with staying in early access? It’s not like the games are squatting on welfare. Do they get anything from Steam beyond a placard that says “my game ain’t finished”?
The only thing is people deflecting criticism because of the “early access” tag. But if you want to introduce arbitrary term limits so you can win internet arguments about video game developer malfeasance, then you’ve lost me.
- Comment on AI slop 3 weeks ago:
Eh, it’s consistent because it’s not entirely right.
“Slop” was a term for pointless, shitty, “earn a quick buck”-motivated commodities way before AI kicked open the door. A synonym with “schlock.”
- Comment on Anon finds a hidden message in Shrek 3 weeks ago:
Didn’t even assume it was a lie. Just figured anon was ignorant.
That is also my default assumption.
- Comment on Sid Meier's Civilization VII | Review Thread 4 weeks ago:
I don’t understand why we let Civ get away with amputating gameplay from the end-of-lifecycle previous game to repackage as new DLC again? If they hit upon great ideas in an expansion, why is that not folded into the core product like most decent games do with sequels?
They started with a triangle for 6, slowly carved it down to a semi-smooth, functional circle, then turned around for 7 and said “how about a cube this time?” Stop reinventing the wheel and finishing refining it.
Honestly, the development mirrors my playthroughs of 4Xs: start with something funky and a lil different, struggle to make it work, and then restart when I’m close to done.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
You speak about people reflexively picking their teams. But what about people that reflexively put everyone they meet on teams?
I hold no allegiance to Team Testosterone but, if everyone who sees me says, “oh, yeah, you’re Team Testosterone. And also I know everything I need to know about you now.” It gets a bit grating.
It is safer for vulnerable people to make those assumptions and I won’t begrudge them their safety. But I don’t have to like how it invalidates the lifetime of interactions I’ve had and I won’t feel compelled to laugh when a offhand joke necessarily implicates me because of the team I’ve been assigned to.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
Probably wouldn’t, but some might be a bit miffed if someone said “shame men love crashing planes”. Even though it’s true most commercial pilots are men, so most plane crashes are done by men.
- Comment on I hate to admit that I’d probably watch this 4 weeks ago:
“Breed”, to me, reads as a biological process to create progeny.
Florida-mans fuck.
- Comment on Anon banters with a friend 4 weeks ago:
Just photograph the baby before and after the pub marathon? Use yer head, bruv.
- Comment on Can we stop asking people who are on the brink of death and suffering greatly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of able bodied people who refuse to stand up and sacrifice themselves for us? 4 weeks ago:
I believe it started like that because it “looks weak” and/or “effete”, e.g. wrist Who knows if another meaning has taken over it since like the early 2000s.
- Comment on It's coming 4 weeks ago:
You just voluntered to be mulch for the spore beds.
- Comment on Worth 5 weeks ago:
No, the “Nobody” is meant to show that the following line is a conversation started apropos of nothing.
A lot of memes don’t need a starting context and aren’t in the form of a conversation, so the “Nobody” is pointless and betrays that there wasn’t much thought put in.
- Comment on Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of SCIENCE? 5 weeks ago:
I think after it’s born, it’s just a murder.
And, honestly, calling it “the experiment” is pretty rough.
- Comment on Time travel is easy, it's just lame 1 month ago:
No, sounds like the solar system just got pushed out of phase with the rest of their universe.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 month ago:
That spelling is “ya[you] will” and I’ll brook no disagreement.
The OTS is “y’all” for “you all.”
- Comment on Threats 1 month ago:
This has decent format potential. But requires better 'Shop skills to make it look normal
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
I’m very certain Anon isn’t just saying “nah, my rig works” to them when asked.
Maybe closer to “LMAO normies wasting money. fuckin coomsumers, upgrading for AAAA slop! LMFAO” into conversations they weren’t invited to.
- Comment on Actual shitpost 1 month ago:
Where did it say he did butt stuff?
- Comment on Water 1 month ago:
I very slowly zoomed in on the actual words in the post.
Started off processing “molecule” as “mole”, “solar system” as “galaxy”, and thinking “ha, don’t know if that’s true but it sounds both plausible and neat”.
- Comment on 2025 trailer be wild 1 month ago:
Someone has to be driving to make roadkill. It just makes sense to drive up your own roadkill, if you’re looking for some.