- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 weeks ago:
I used to be the pride of my family for having finished college. Now it’s demonized by them.
I feel for the students of today. College was an important time for me. I experienced a lot of new ideas, my mind was opened. I didn’t get to do much in grad school, but my first four years of college changed me and I wouldn’t be the same without those experiences. The way the situation is escalating we may see colleges completely locked down or even abolished.
- Comment on People never understand the sacrifices I make for them. 4 weeks ago:
A bit of an exaggeration but a lot of people will never understand that some people do not have much of a social battery left at the end of the day.
I have had so many people including rl friends, exs, or people I used to play online games with fail to understand that I don’t have that much energy in the evenings or even on the weekends sometimes. There’s dealing with my boss, dealing with my coworkers, dealing with people from other firms. Sometimes through teams, sometimes through the phone, sometimes in person.
- Comment on Based Red Dead 2 months ago:
I feel like people might have. I vaguely remember when it first came out that there was someone on youtube uploading videos of them assaulting the woman’s suffrage protester and they got taken down after blowing up.
- Comment on This is in a small convenience store where you can buy food things and heat them up while in the store 2 months ago:
Clearly they’re just practicing their science, trying to pay homage to Hennig Brand.
- Comment on Switching teams in middle of a match!? 2 months ago:
Nah, they’re into that. They just won’t admit it publicly.
- Comment on Shitposting 2 months ago:
Hard to say. Her public attitude towards a lot of issues is fantastic but she comes from money. She wouldn’t be able to pursue her personal interests and campaigns without the wealth she has.
- Comment on Anon is an engineer 3 months ago:
Didn’t go to any of mine outside of high school because I was a kid and my parents could force me on that one. By the time I finished grad school I really felt like I was just another person in an increasingly growing rat race. It’s not even that I haven’t accomplished anything so much as I haven’t accomplished anything particularly unique that sets me apart and grants me intellectual value.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
I mean good but is no one worried about the kid not having any issues with taking someone’s life? Maybe I’m missing out on some extra pieces of info, but it is a bit concerning even if it is an intruder.
- Comment on Ahahah, it's too late Batman, I've already released an uncountable amount of PFAS into Gotham's water supply! 3 months ago:
In how many universes has Lex been president? I remember as a kid there was one where he won the presidency and had the flash executed. Superman responds by going full authoritarian and executing him in return.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
Essentially just be a renaissance man. It’s much easier to do when you’re younger. I could’ve ticked off over half the list 10 years ago, but now it’s just reading, cooking and writing. I don’t have the time or energy for much outside of work these days.
- Comment on Curves 4 months ago:
Easy. Anywhere the white cells touch will form a curve if you’re not looking at them directly.
- Comment on Oh Shit 5 months ago:
Not surprising. Israel had the tech to bug everyone’s phones.
The Israeli NSO group which is a day 1 hacks group developed the Pegasus spyware and found lots of creative ways to get it on peoples phones. They also solid it later on to just about anyone who was willing to pay.
- Comment on Got caught 6 months ago:
Tbf it’s rare to see normal people posting on social media in 2024, at least everyone I see is fucked up in some way.
This might be a bold assumption on my part but I would say most normal people do not have the energy for the craziness that occurs on a lot of socials now.
You want to engage and be a part of the community but it’s just far too exhausting in many cases. Easier to just browse most of the time.
- Comment on Average game chat censorship 6 months ago:
I really don’t think that this was necessary.
- Comment on YouTube now vs then 6 months ago:
Guessing by kids we’re talking about young children and not teenagers because old YouTube was practically made for teenagers. The more popular layouts people used back then often had the same aesthetic as myspace pages. There was more gaming content on the site than anything else, followed by viral vids (=3).
There’s a lot to dislike about the modern structure of the platform but as a grown adult I appreciate that there’s a much larger variety of content now which was essentially what the shift in design was supposed to achieve.
- Comment on When shitposting becomes constiposting 6 months ago:
From the context it was obviously an offhanded joke,
Ah so that’s the thread in question. Was wondering what post it was and honestly, I suspected that one of being rage bait.
The original image seemed like it was missing context so I figured OP was gonna come swinging in later against any comments saying it was extreme with the additional context.
- Comment on Anon's gf is unfulfilled 7 months ago:
4 years and one canceled marriage 3 months prior. 5 if you count the fact that I took her back twice before realizing she was always going to be like that.
I feel you even if I wouldn’t say I’m entirely happy.
- Comment on Crystals 7 months ago:
At this point people can believe in whatever they want as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. Someone believing in a bunch of crystals and burning their money on them is a lot less harmless than other beliefs that I won’t mention.
- Comment on Hail our true supreme leader 7 months ago:
Thank you. This really is just asking to pour gasoline on the fire.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 7 months ago:
I hate how true this is.
What’s worse is that many of the people who didn’t fall into that trap have been waiting to responsibly have children later, which I also don’t want. Finding anyone down here that is interested in being child free down here is a challenge and finding someone who doesn’t expect to have a busy life to make up for it is even more difficult.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
It’s a shitposting meme. The poster has this pinned on their twitter: Image
That said… I have heard horror stories about poor theater staff finding cucumbers after the 50 shades premiere. Some of it was just people memeing and trying to prank but I’m not entirely sure about all of it.
- Comment on this one goes out to the urban planning nerds 7 months ago:
It’s like a lot of things in life. It depends and it can be complicated.
Upfront costs for infrastructure besides the panels themselves is expensive and in places where electricity is already cheap companies won’t bother.
You also have to conduct tests to ensure that the grid and transformers can handle more power, and if they can’t then you have more infrastructure that needs upgrades.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t do this. We really need to in the long run but it isn’t something we can simply snap our fingers and do instantly.
- Comment on i'm on a boat!! 7 months ago:
Forgot about that banger.
- Comment on Who here likes Ratatouille? 8 months ago:
Guessing this person made some sort of mistake.
A lot of people on Fetlife for example know to vet their partners thoroughly so they don’t end up with a serial killer and to be careful with the information trail they leave on there.
- Comment on History is written by the victors 8 months ago:
Even if you look past the cruelties committed, it’s still disappointing.
I’ve read a variety of books on various wars and those that we were involved in were mostly disappointing in regards to tactical decisions. Everything after the revolution either feels like a fluke or just simply feels as if we brute forced our way through with resources until the post WWII era where various campaigns failed due to guerilla warfare. I’m oversimplifying but especially early on in its life the country’s militia was a bit unimpressive.
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
I like ironing my clothes though and if you show up to a formal family event with a shirt that looks like you rolled around in it, then I will offer to iron for you before the next time.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 10 months ago:
Knowing my luck they would both turn on me if I was in that situation.
I do appreciate how there’s more women in online games now though. FFXIV has a lot of women, and it’s great because I don’t have to be that guy anymore and deal with identity politics if someone acts out. There will probably be another woman in the group who is equally annoyed by whatever bad behavior is going on and call it out.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 10 months ago:
This is an online forum. You can’t tell me not to respond or not to discuss something. Doing so isn’t misogynism.
You want to see misogynism? Go hunt down the guys who treat women like objects in the OP. I don’t know what you want from me.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 10 months ago:
Everyone involved is at fault yeah. Don’t know what you want me to say.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 10 months ago:
Would have been nice if more of the women in mmorpgs I played growing up were like that. Too many guilds were torn apart intentionally by women who damn well knew what they were doing and knew that at least one of your staff members was easy to twist around their fingers.