Comment on Shitposting 3 months agoHard to say. Her public attitude towards a lot of issues is fantastic but she comes from money. She wouldn’t be able to pursue her personal interests and campaigns without the wealth she has. 3 months ago
She spend her entire life since 15 as a peaceful protestor, she’s not on your side if you’re some “burn it down, both sides bad” idiot. 2 months ago
Both sides are fucking trash. I’m not defending the cowards in blue ties that call themselves my constituents, but don’t have the gall to actually propel their own members up the ranks if they aren’t corporate Democrat lemmings that ignore genocide when it’s profitable.
Yeah, Republicans suck, but no sir am I calling those cowards my representatives. If Trump can walk through the Republican party and rebrand it as a fascist hellscape, then a firebrand from the Democratic party needs to sweep through ours and turn us back into a unionist, worker-powered party of the people.
Until then, they’re just broken, flaccid, garbage parading around as the left and giving billionaires handshakes and passes in the background.
Voted Dem btw, don’t even. I know the value of evil and more evil. It doesn’t make the former preferable. 2 months ago
Thats a lot of words to announce yourself as a huge masochist. 2 months ago
Are you coming back with an argument or…?