- Comment on Saint Luigi 2 months ago:
He may not be from my side of the Venn diagram but we still have the same grievances shared in the center of the graph.
- Comment on These dames wanting inclusivity 2 months ago:
Well, he didn’t say persuasion, at least…
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
It’s also shit. Animation only goes so far.
- Comment on Christmas cheer 2 months ago:
Did they sell out too quickly? That’s sick. I want one.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 2 months ago:
I know relationships are larger than small moments shared at gas stations. I had thousands of tiny, beautiful moments in and around gas stations, still divorced.
Life is a fluid, evolving thing. Who you will be ten years from now is not who you are now, but it’s also not something you have to deal with at the moment.
So, enjoy it while it’s there. Good for them. Those little moments are what life is about, if fleeting, but that just makes them all that sweeter.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
I’ll tell you what it is. Freedom.
We can make servers, host servers, have our own communities and set our own rules. Hell, I haven’t played a Valve server in five years.
Overwatch isn’t a matter of better or worse. It fails to do, at base value, what I value TF2 for, freedom.
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 2 months ago:
Same reason we have Barnes and Nobles in the states. I like to browse before I hit zlibrary.
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 2 months ago:
- Comment on Don't forget Big 3 2 months ago:
My dumbass is always over here going
…but if their phone is on the table, what took the photo?1000015123
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
They send BABIES to fight me!
- Comment on Don't forget Big 3 2 months ago:
sound of 20 Glocks hitting a table
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 months ago:
Yeah but Lemmy is full of wankers and it’s hard to tell who’s wanking.
- Comment on You need to accept yourself 2 months ago:
Hatemonger being the asshole and always getting the short end of the stick by the end of every episode is a good call.
you’re a bully!
cue hatemonger in the body of a child with no eyes, mouth, arms or legs, screaming
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 months ago:
Not even, it’s just comparing you to the average joe.
Who’s more suspicious? The dude who visits GitHub, has a Matrix account and visits the arch wiki every six months or the dude who mostly sticks to Facebook talking to his family?
FBI: …I don’t see anything
Yeah right.
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 months ago:
Shit take but ok.
If you want to feel inferior for not using Linux, there’s plenty of boards for that.
Hell, I’ll make you feel inferior right now if you like. How many comments do you want? I’ll go grab my tech meme folder and we can /g/ this place up.
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 2 months ago:
how’d you find the guy?
Easy. We had a list of the fifteen or so guys that did that specific part of the job, we got their IP addresses, watched them for a while, and as it turns out, two of them regularly use a VPN and send all of their traffic to Canada.
How long do you think it would take to figure out whether or not which one of these boys are harmless software pirates, or their man?
People do all of the work in the world without knowing that your preparation will blow your cover.
Have you ever visited TailsOS’s website off of a VPN? Could the Feds find out? Do you think the other guys have the same level of deniability?
That trail is not washing off.
- Comment on Shitposting 2 months ago:
You still think you’re fighting for the good guys.
you’re not of sound mind
I’m not the one who’s brainwashed.
- Comment on Shitposting 2 months ago:
I voted Democrat, illiteracy-boy. Go read the OP again, I’m just not apologizing for their fucking failures. Maybe if you weren’t so brainwashed by their virtue signalling, you could second guess them as well as you do the Republicans.
They’re both our enemy. Remember Biden denouncing Israeli genocide?
Me neither.
Remember Biden doing literally anything to curb wealth inequality or pull power from corporations?
Funny. Me neither.
Democrats treat symptoms with band-aids to keep you strung along, and apparently, it’s working.
Friendly rminder that FEMA already ditched NC.
- Comment on Captain Disillusion: SNL VFX Mystery 2 months ago:
Appearances are everything, after all. Why even fill books? Just sell covers!
- Comment on Shitposting 2 months ago:
Are you coming back with an argument or…?
- Comment on Shitposting 2 months ago:
Both sides are fucking trash. I’m not defending the cowards in blue ties that call themselves my constituents, but don’t have the gall to actually propel their own members up the ranks if they aren’t corporate Democrat lemmings that ignore genocide when it’s profitable.
Yeah, Republicans suck, but no sir am I calling those cowards my representatives. If Trump can walk through the Republican party and rebrand it as a fascist hellscape, then a firebrand from the Democratic party needs to sweep through ours and turn us back into a unionist, worker-powered party of the people.
Until then, they’re just broken, flaccid, garbage parading around as the left and giving billionaires handshakes and passes in the background.
Voted Dem btw, don’t even. I know the value of evil and more evil. It doesn’t make the former preferable.
- Comment on Frostpunk creators cancel "Project 8" and lay off staff amid concerns that "narrative-driven, story-rich games" don't sell 2 months ago:
- Comment on Frostpunk creators cancel "Project 8" and lay off staff amid concerns that "narrative-driven, story-rich games" don't sell 2 months ago:
This man is spitting straight fire.
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 2 months ago:
A standalone camera would be a better camera. A standalone media player would be a better media player. Emulation handhelds are better gaming systems.
Phones are useless for anything but making sure you’re abiding by your state-mandated privatized surveillance of choice.
- Comment on Frostpunk creators cancel "Project 8" and lay off staff amid concerns that "narrative-driven, story-rich games" don't sell 2 months ago:
man who normally buys “narrative-driven, story-rich games” forced to put his endless supply of money back into his wallet
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 months ago:
- Comment on Well, I guess that settles it 2 months ago:
Eat your nuggies, drink your honey mussy…
- Comment on Only for Nintendo game cube 2 months ago:
I like this and I really want to try it out… but if it picks up traction, won’t it be expected?
What’s stopping them from bulk-testing every file on a drive at face value?
- Comment on Diablo 1 and 2 devs secure $4.5 million for a new ARPG: 'We're going back to what made those early Diablo games feel so awesome but taking them in some cool, fresh directions' 2 months ago:
Walk up to area full of rather boss looking dudes, fuck em all up, take their gear and then spend 30 minutes ooing and aaahing over said gear has been a cornerstone gameplay loop for many games for decades.
It’s, dare I say it?
Works just fine for Borderlands, that’s been their model since inception.
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 2 months ago:
The point, tho, maybe, could’ve been donation.
Possibly, I’m reaching. Maybe OP means something else.