Your standard friendly nihilist from Finland.
- Comment on Always guard against living in the world of fantasy rather than undeniable facts 2 days ago:
Agreed, you dumb fucks
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 3 days ago:
never fails
- Comment on my dreams in colour 5 days ago:
Rule 34
- Comment on So jussi 1 week ago:
If you like that, google “Finnish national feminist writer”
- Comment on Be honest and tell us what you see 1 week ago:
- Comment on Produce tip for the savy shopper 1 week ago:
Had?.. HAD… what a ripoff!
- Comment on It's time to get out of the pool 1 week ago:
Just tight enough to be little bit gay, with plausible deniability.
- Comment on those who know 1 week ago:
Yes, we know
- Comment on Happy Birthday Emma! 1 week ago:
It’s A pony, not A BIT OF
Mom’s cheap.
- Comment on Arkham aslume 1 week ago:
Looks like escaped mental patient from the movie “Voyage of the Rock Aliens”
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Well US has shitload of soy now
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Too much Fox “news” will do that.
- Comment on I love popcorn. 🍿 Do you love popcorn? 🍿😄 1 week ago:
Only if there is no crispy habanero laced potato chips. Those will some day kill me by clogging my arteries, but it was a nice ride.
- Comment on Forget politics and enjoy your life 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, it kinda changes if the first sentence is “I saw a post from a dipshit neo-nazi suggesting the extermination of jews, colored and disabled”
- Comment on My name is Lemmy. I made the Lemmy. It was difficult to put the codebase together 2 weeks ago:
Lemmy doesn’t drink milk and never will.
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
Problem of remembering articles you red some time ago.
I had the wrong syndrome. Down syndrome does not appear in dogs. Correct one was Williams-Beuren syndrome
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
You heard about the theory that dogs are just wolves with their version of down syndrome, so they were more docile. We kept breeding that trait till it became standard. This was in the very beginning 30-40 thousand years ago.
- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
Oh, they’ll be driving them.
Must be fucking hilarious to stuff a big violent “customer” in the slanted back seat of a cybertruck.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
GenX should be wearing a flannel shirt with sleeves rolled up and long sleeved t-shirt underneath. Smoking was still cool then, so cigaret butts on the ground.
- Comment on Every morning when I read the latest news 2 weeks ago:
I don’t get shot, but I sure lose a few extra braincells.
- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
Good god, why are they standing so close to each other! Properly motivated person with nothing to loose could take them out and do some serious damage to the building, just with a stolen truck.
Not sure if those are real cops. Long time desk workers maybe?
- Comment on Yall guess who showed up in my dms 2 weeks ago:
I was going to warn about gazillion “send nudes” and dickpic messages, but I think I’m way too late.
- Comment on when your face is everywhere 2 weeks ago:
Oh c’mon. Man with the big head and small mind will have his feelings hurt.
- Comment on Spent half an hour on it. Felt good. 2 weeks ago:
I liked first season of Mandalorian, but right after that it slid in to that “if it moves and makes a noise, you should be entertained”-shitbucket.
I’m expecting that to happen with Andor.
- Comment on Dancing in the dawn 3 weeks ago:
Such a thing exists?
- Comment on Spent half an hour on it. Felt good. 3 weeks ago:
Dear Disney+
If you ever produce anything worth watching, be assured that I will be pirating it.
- Comment on Marketing likes to change the name of shared file folders when they get new information. 3 weeks ago:
Marketing and other managers with ocd.
One day all folders get numbering, so they are in unknown illogical order. Other day they’re renamed or some crap added in the end.
Every FUCKING desktop shortcut and email link stops working.
… and then you see the guy in the hall in low altitude flight towards some meeting to incoherently delegate crap he came up with and you wonder what would happen if you tripped him. Would he ever get up? Would the act of stopping cause him an aneurysm.
- Comment on When you refuse to get nothing out of your 8 hour drive 3 weeks ago:
First time somebody posted this long time ago it was a low res video in .avi-container, second time it was just a pixelated gif and now it’s just a shit quality image.
Is this how digital content erodes? Everything is repacked to oblivion and the original is buried.
- Comment on I don't wanna, but I gotta. 3 weeks ago:
Me getting ready to read the latest news.
- Comment on Well, I'll be damned 3 weeks ago:
Not old and sickly enough. That’s Conan O’brien.