- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 17 hours ago:
Based on the other responses, better to be asking the question than assume he was stupid for asking it.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
KQ6 was great though. You’d go through and beat the game but notice that you’re many points short of the maximum and there were a bunch of loose threads that never got solved. It was the first game I ever played with two paths to the end and finding that second path was so good. Especially getting to play during one scene that was seen many times before as a cut scene, along with a puzzle whose solution completely changed the tone of the scene (figuratively and literally lol).
Though I don’t think I have the patience to do all of that again. I think I originally played that game over a period of months with no progress at all in many sessions. But I kept coming back to it as a kid.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
Yeah, I felt that way about GoldenEye after getting used to PD. GoldenEye was one of the GOATs in its day, but that day passed pretty quickly. Halo then further improved on the controls and CoD improved on the multiplayer mechanics.
When that GoldenEye for PC project released some years ago, I was excited to download and install it (because PC port meant it would get PC controls, which have always been superior to console controls, even after Halo fixed them) but I think I only played one game before remembering that you start with nothing and have to find guns and the port was more crowded than the 2-4 player games back in the day where you could at least spawn away from the action and get a chance to arm up before others made their way to where you were.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
Literally if you’re playing on the original NES controllers made in a time before Nintendo understood the importance of erganomics. The corners dug into hands and even the buttons wore at fingers and I say that as someone who has naturally thick callouses.
Iirc, they didn’t even have the satisfying button press mechanism most buttons have these days where the button resistance drops as you pass the threshold of a “press”. And many games involved mashing or holding buttons. Like it was painful to watch my daughter try playing SMB and not just hold the B button to constantly run.
They were iconic but I prefer to see them than use them.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
Also OG doom is good if you get bored while opening your fridge because if your fridge door has a screen, it can handle playing OG doom and pass the time it takes waiting for the door to finish opening.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
I grew up playing King’s Quest 5, 6, and 7. I was curious about the earlier ones and eventually found them on an abandonware site a while back and they didn’t age very well. Turns out 5 was the first one that was all point and click based. Prior to that, they were text based and you needed to know the exact wording or alternatives that they had thought of or you couldn’t do anything. I’m sure they were great games for their time but I just couldn’t get into them.
More recently, I bought the collection on steam. I’m not sure how well someone who has never played them before would enjoy them, but I found 5 and 6 still stood up, despite being like 30 years old. Though it might also help that I could still remember a bunch of the puzzles, as they could be pretty unforgiving of mistakes. Save often because you could die at any moment, and hope you don’t miss picking up an item you’ll need later on or you might get eaten by a yeti or something.
- Comment on Anon starts talking to a girl 6 days ago:
They choose to be low value when they get bitter about their assumption they are low value.
I’m glad I had someone I wasn’t attracted to pursuing me early on because it led to the realization that giving in to that bitterness would just seal my fate when I was feeling down about rejection. Part of the bitterness was wanting someone to say, “hey, no, that’s not the case” and date me to make me feel better, but from experiencing the other side of it, I knew there wasn’t anything she could have done to make me into anything other then friendship and the more she pushed, the less I’d be sympathetic, not the other way around.
Things didn’t turn around right away when I realized that, but it was an important part of the “don’t be unattractive” rule. There’s more to it, of course, but being whiney and bitter is pretty unattractive to most people, I’d guess.
- Comment on Anon appreciates Chris Sawyer 6 days ago:
I bet its looked something like:
- Developer in large company was frustrated with how much time was spent just communicating rather than doing.
- Comes up with a new system for effective communication and organization.
- Doesn’t get much traction at current company because of inertia.
- Eventually starts his own company or joins a smaller startup where they are open minded because they haven’t developed their own system for that yet.
- Less time spent communicating and organizing because it’s a smaller company but confirmation bias gives credit to new system.
- Many companies adopt “proven” system.
- Large companies end up in same or worse boat because things still need to be communicated and disagreements still need to be resolved through discussion or orgazational power.
Though just a guess, since my only “experience” with “agile” has been seeing people complain about it. Plus experience working in a large enough team to have experienced the communication problem and to understand that a part of it is with so many meetings that are often irrelevant to the work any individual is working on, the default often ends up being tune most of it out until it’s their turn to speak, so they often end up missing relevant stuff anyways and any big meeting is mostly a waste of time.
- Comment on Anon builds a new PC 1 week ago:
It’s been at the point for a while where I appreciate loading screens that want a button pressed afterwards because otherwise it’s just a frustrating hint of a hint that I don’t have time to read.
- Comment on Anon builds a new PC 1 week ago:
Even if a lot of the games I play don’t need a lot of power to get a decent fps, I appreciate the low load times.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
If you want reliable media to last on a timeline relevant to our lives and even several generations, look into M disc blurays. Though, similar to dual layer dvds back in the day, it’s much easier to find a writer than the media itself. But it claims lifespans of centuries to millennia rather than decades usually associated with other disc media. They are actually etched instead of just using some fancy ink. Readable by normal drives, too. It’s just on the writing side that you need one that can specifically handle M discs. It also supports multi-layers, but those are even harder to find and get pretty pricey.
Still not likely a way to pass information ahead to civilizations even tens of thousands of years away, and even before they break down, a new civilization would need to figure out how to read and interpret them (when we had trouble reading hieroglyphs from known civilizations that we could read directly with our eyes).
But at least they should be relatively safe to write, verify, then forget about for a few decades until you find them and want to take a walk down memory lane. Assuming you can still get a bluray reader at that point, or held on to one. Pack them together and future you or your heirs might be grateful.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
My routine when I walk into the room where my daughter is playing a game:
- Identify the game she is playing.
- Ask her how <activity in game she isn’t currently playing> is going. Like if she’s caught all the Pokémon when she’s playing Minecraft.
I’m not even trying to be subtle about it, but am still not sure she realizes I’m doing it deliberately. Either way, she corrects me with exasperation each time.
- Comment on Anon reads a depressing book 2 weeks ago:
Oh yeah, wasn’t he also like only a km or two from a settlement or something like that?
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
For depth of field, our eyes don’t automatically do that for a rendered image. It’s a 2d image when we look at it and all pixels are the same distance and all are in focus at the same time. It’s the effect you get when you look at something in the distance and put your finger near your eye; it’s blurry (unless you focus on it, in which case the distant objects become blurry).
Even VR doesn’t get it automatically.
It can feel unnatural because we normally control it unconsciously (or consciously if we want to and know how to control those eye muscles at will).
- Comment on The landlord special 3 weeks ago:
Tbf that could have been done by tenants who figured the landlord would use that damage to argue they should lose their entire deposit despite not costing nearly that much to repair properly.
Not that it wouldn’t be plausible that the landlord did it themselves or hired someone who didn’t know what they were doing but were willing to do it cheap, like Ricky.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
It helps you become more innately aware of your speed. Gear (which you know either by remembering which one you last shifted to or by touching your shifter) and rpm (which you know by ear and responsiveness) are enough (once you become familiar enough with the vehicle) to have a good idea of how fast you’re going without even glancing at the speedometer.
Also engine braking gives more control over speed and I’m used to doing it, so can add the action to emergency situations without having to think about it so much.
Though the comparison is different when the paddle shifters are involved. I still prefer stick shift over that semi-auto style, but see that as more of a personal preference than technically superior. If anything, semi-auto is probably the superior one.
Though I’d also add the caveat of the technical differences between all three not being significant overall in practical terms. The biggest difference is probably just that driving MT takes additional skill that not everyone has or is comfortable learning/using. Which is nice as an anti theft feature but can be annoying if you want to trade off driving but the other drivers can’t drive your vehicle.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
It’s not like you can use that time freed by automating gear shifting for something else.
It’s a tool, yes, but personally, I like having more control over tools I use. I’d choose a cordless drill that I can set the torque control myself over one that doesn’t have that option.
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 3 weeks ago:
Glass would also be better for heating it to melt crystals.
- Comment on This is also when I conveniently forget you called, making your preferred method of communication incredibly slow compared to texting. 3 weeks ago:
I haven’t had that experience with spam/scam calls. Mind you, I’m in Canada and the do not call list has teeth here, though that only applies to spam. But spam/scam call frequency doesn’t appear to be correlated at all with how recently I’ve answered another call.
- Comment on This is also when I conveniently forget you called, making your preferred method of communication incredibly slow compared to texting. 3 weeks ago:
As much as I understand not wanting to talk on the phone, I don’t get this mindset. Why not just answer it to find out who they are and what they want so you can make a more informed decision about whether you care what they want? You can always just hang up if you decide you want to be doing something else. Or “something just came up, gotta go” and hang up. Why does it need to be such an ordeal in the first place?
- Comment on Anon disturbs the Force 4 weeks ago:
Jedi kill the other ones left and right, pretty much on autopilot while having a conversation. Whenever these guys show up, they at least take them seriously.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, not allowing any tools shows a lack of confidence in their glass.
The CEO that stood behind his company’s bullet proof glass while an employee shot it with an AK or something knew how to do it.
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 1 month ago:
From my POV, there isn’t a difference, other than a CCG gives you physical objects so wotc can’t just up and decide that they don’t want to run magic anymore and make all of that loot disappear.
But from the gambling perspective, it’s exactly the same. Oh, actually one other difference, electronic gambling can fuck with the odds in real time while physical cards need to be determined when the pack is assembled. But it’s still based on false scarcity.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 1 month ago:
I don’t drink as often as I used to these days and noticed that there’s short term tolerance for alcohol. Like if I get a case of beer, if I have 4 the first night after going some months without drinking more than one drink, I’ll often stop before getting to 4 because I’m feeling like the drunk is going in a bad direction. But if I have what I can one night, then the next night 4 isn’t a big deal.
Same thing seemed to happen with hangovers.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 1 month ago:
I bet that’s an unfortunate profession name to have these days.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 1 month ago:
It’s interesting to see people who either weren’t educated on a topic or maybe didn’t really grasp its usefulness converge on the same solution.
I wonder if this author continued developing this method or if they were pointed towards some calculus and statistics textbooks after sharing this paper.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
Plants have a mechanism like that. Surely there’s gotta be some chemical path that can take co2 plus some form of stored energy we use to break off the o2. I don’t expect it to be efficient. Just useful in scenarios where oxygen is needed now, otherwise that stored energy is useless in the future.
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 1 month ago:
Yeah, I think this would be a useful feature for games out of early access, too. It’s not as important (because not all games need updates) but it would be a nice plus to show how long it’s been since the last minor and major updates.
Maybe also add a standardized spot for possible features with various levels of confidence and ETAs (along with history so it’s easy to see when a feature has been “promised soon” for years). Devs could address common complaints in reviews this way, rather than replying to a few and hoping those are the ones people see, plus the nightmare of updating those replies if things like timeline change.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
How about add a process that uses energy to convert co2 back to oxygen to increase the amount of time we can go without, plus enable weight loss via holding one’s breath.
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 1 month ago:
Assignments involved actual coding but exams were generally pen and paper when I got my degree. If a question involved coding, they were just looking for a general understanding and didn’t nitpick syntax. The “language” used was more of a c+±like pseudocode than any real specific language.
ChatGPT could probably do well on such exams because making up functions is fair game, as long as it doesn’t trivialize the question and demonstrates an overall understanding.