- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
Yeah, not allowing any tools shows a lack of confidence in their glass.
The CEO that stood behind his company’s bullet proof glass while an employee shot it with an AK or something knew how to do it.
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 1 week ago:
From my POV, there isn’t a difference, other than a CCG gives you physical objects so wotc can’t just up and decide that they don’t want to run magic anymore and make all of that loot disappear.
But from the gambling perspective, it’s exactly the same. Oh, actually one other difference, electronic gambling can fuck with the odds in real time while physical cards need to be determined when the pack is assembled. But it’s still based on false scarcity.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 1 week ago:
I don’t drink as often as I used to these days and noticed that there’s short term tolerance for alcohol. Like if I get a case of beer, if I have 4 the first night after going some months without drinking more than one drink, I’ll often stop before getting to 4 because I’m feeling like the drunk is going in a bad direction. But if I have what I can one night, then the next night 4 isn’t a big deal.
Same thing seemed to happen with hangovers.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 2 weeks ago:
I bet that’s an unfortunate profession name to have these days.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 2 weeks ago:
It’s interesting to see people who either weren’t educated on a topic or maybe didn’t really grasp its usefulness converge on the same solution.
I wonder if this author continued developing this method or if they were pointed towards some calculus and statistics textbooks after sharing this paper.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 2 weeks ago:
Plants have a mechanism like that. Surely there’s gotta be some chemical path that can take co2 plus some form of stored energy we use to break off the o2. I don’t expect it to be efficient. Just useful in scenarios where oxygen is needed now, otherwise that stored energy is useless in the future.
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, I think this would be a useful feature for games out of early access, too. It’s not as important (because not all games need updates) but it would be a nice plus to show how long it’s been since the last minor and major updates.
Maybe also add a standardized spot for possible features with various levels of confidence and ETAs (along with history so it’s easy to see when a feature has been “promised soon” for years). Devs could address common complaints in reviews this way, rather than replying to a few and hoping those are the ones people see, plus the nightmare of updating those replies if things like timeline change.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 2 weeks ago:
How about add a process that uses energy to convert co2 back to oxygen to increase the amount of time we can go without, plus enable weight loss via holding one’s breath.
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 2 weeks ago:
Assignments involved actual coding but exams were generally pen and paper when I got my degree. If a question involved coding, they were just looking for a general understanding and didn’t nitpick syntax. The “language” used was more of a c+±like pseudocode than any real specific language.
ChatGPT could probably do well on such exams because making up functions is fair game, as long as it doesn’t trivialize the question and demonstrates an overall understanding.
- Comment on Library 2 weeks ago:
Like a new gaming PC!
- Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 3 weeks ago:
In Canada, there’s a last month deposit that is paid at whatever the rate is when the rental begins but counts at whatever rate the last month ends up at. This is to cancel out the interest the landlord should owe on the deposit.
- Comment on The day Anon almost died 3 weeks ago:
If you get knocked out and end up underwater, does the reflex to hold your breath kick in or does it require consciousness?
Like is survival (if you’re alone) dependent on just coming to (and understanding what’s going on enough to sit up) before you run out of oxygen and CO2 buildup overrides the hold breath underwater reflex, or will you possibly come to with lungs full of water (if you come to at all)?
- Comment on Anon becomes a shrimp farmer 3 weeks ago:
And making the mistake of telling everyone. If everyone gets into it, it will stop being profitable. Though everyone will have cheap shrimp, so it’s not a complete loss.
I wonder how much it costs to maintain the farm and if it’s worthwhile for small scale production for personal and friends/family.
- Comment on restrain thy progeny 3 weeks ago:
It’s both sad and hilarious that it’s hard to tell if this is legit or just some fun trolling.
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, that’s why I said might, since any evidence is circumstantial and could have another explanation. I did not intend to present that as fact but merely a possibility of even more extreme environment changes than jungle to grasslands that we might have had in our ancient past.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 3 weeks ago:
Depends on how far you go back. Grasslands came after jungles/forests.
Based on some of our traits (nose shape good for diving, can control our breathing voluntarily, fingers get more grippy when wet, lack of fur), we might have even been semi-aquatic for a while.
- Comment on Should have seen it coming 3 weeks ago:
IMO with the Chinese attitude towards education, community, and government investment in contrast to the US attitude, it’s only a matter of time before they take the lead in many tech categories.
- Comment on Permabanned from Reddit? 3 weeks ago:
Also the federated nature of it means that no one has enough power such that they can abuse it in a way that hides their abuse on the entire platform. With the modlog, you can see what the original message was that prompted a moderator response. And with other instances, you can make an account elsewhere and talk about it even if an admin banned you.
- Comment on Anon signs up for a 5k 3 weeks ago:
It’s kinda funny how cheaters don’t realize that their affair partners that know about their main relationship can easily sabotage it by just being open and honest. They can force the cheater’s hand at any time and in many cases even remove the other option.
If any affair partners that want a relationship are reading this, discretely inform their partner of what’s going on. You’ll either get what you want or the cheater will be forced to reveal that they don’t actually intend to leave their partner for you and are just leading you on. Their partner finds out what a snake they are with, too, so it’s a win for everyone other than the cheater, though even they might feel better once the dust has settled and they don’t need to hide their activities–until the next one, at least.
- Comment on Anon signs up for a 5k 3 weeks ago:
What is this, a crossover episode?
- Comment on I've modified the Alcoholics Anonymous plan 3 weeks ago:
Black eyes, and I’m getting a sense of dread… Darth Vader?
- Comment on Halp. 4 weeks ago:
It was a home hardware and most of the longer ones with nice features were inches only. There were a bunch of metric only ones, too, but it’s nice to have both when some furniture descriptions have only one or the other because the tape then handles the conversion without having to remember if that 2.2 factor is inches to cm or kg to lbs or both.
Though it could be that whoever decides what products to stock at home Depot is just better at their job than whoever does it at home hardware, or maybe I’m in the minority locally of wanting both and preferring metric if I have to choose one.
- Comment on Halp. 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, a good chunk of the ones available here only have inches, too. It was hard to find one with both when I bought my last tape measure.
- Comment on I'm okay. Everything will be okay. 4 weeks ago:
I used to have the FF7 battle music as my ring tone. Because phone calls were random encounters. Certain ones got the boss battle music instead.
Hearing that randomly in public from someone else’s phone would have made me excited to see a kindred spirit. Closest I ever did see was someone using the victory music, but that would have been more appropriate as a hang up tone.
I should do that again. It’s funny because I think it was moving to a new phone and not wanting to figure out how to set custom ring tones that made me put it off until I forgot it, even though the phone that had it was a flip phone that I had to use a special connector to even hook it up to my PC and had to find a program to encode the song in the arcane format used by dumb phones and the phone that replaced it probably just needed me to drop the songs into the right folder or find out how to browse the file system when setting ring tone.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 4 weeks ago:
Agreed, I’m hoping to impart my mindset on my daughter so she recognizes the trap before spending money on it. The games use an exponential growth curve, which means you can spend some money to be dominant for a little while, but the enemies will always catch up because that’s what it’s designed to do. So any power purchase is temporary and will set you up to feel like you need to spend even more to “keep” the “investment” you’ve already made.
Which also makes quitting harder because quitting entirely is admitting whatever money was spent on in game shit was wasted. It’s just sunk cost fallacy and there really should be regulation on shit like that.
And, to add insult to injury, the people running the game can decide at any point that it’s not worth running anymore and just shut it all down, leaving players that wasted tons of money with nothing.
I prefer subscriptions over that and still to this day don’t mind that I spent a lot of money on my wow subscription because I knew what I was paying for.
- Comment on Almost a third of developers think generative AI is a negative for the games industry, says new survey 4 weeks ago:
I think there’s also potential for more organic and dynamic NPC interactions. Perhaps even an AI GM type thing, which would allow players to use information they shouldn’t yet know without just ruining the game because if the main mystery is solved in act 1, the GM could just make a new plot.
Not that I think we’re anywhere close to an AI that could do that well, but it’s just a matter of time (assuming things don’t collapse entirely before that, which is unfortunately looking more likely than reaching the tech singularity… Or fortunately, since I’m not sure how humanity will continue after tech makes all of the work we can do redundant, as sweet as it could be for entertainment).
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Those captcha problems were difficult for automated tools to figure out a decade ago but it’s getting close to a decade since some AI image categorizers have gotten better at the task than the average human.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 4 weeks ago:
I have this same mindset and it’s great because it results in 0 temptation to spend money on game progression or items. If I’m playing a game where it feels like spending money like that is the only way to have fun with it, I just drop the game.
Actually, I don’t even really bother with any games that I understand to have p2w aspects or any mtx that aren’t just cosmetic.
- Comment on Based Red Dead 4 weeks ago:
I was just responding to what you said, not the overall line of argument. I was going to add stuff about not being able to determine the colour of those first slaves and it not really being relevant either way, but it felt like it was getting rambly so I cut it back to the main point.