- Comment on Win win 4 days ago:
I have not made a point of cars not serving a purpose in rural areas. If you say there are many rural areas in the US, then it is implied that I am not speaking of those areas. Cars are overused in densely populated areas where possibilities for public transit are immense, and cars are an extremely inefficient method of transport. Surely you’re not suggesting that there aren’t any densely populated areas in the US… And yes, of course there is some public transport already. But it’s far less than it could be and it needs proper investing. We’re not doing good on that front here in Europe, not good at all, but the US is hardly doing better. Efficient/collective solutions often seem to lose from individualistic options, despite the massive costs of the latter, and I find that a shame.
- Comment on Win win 4 days ago:
I’m not saying cars don’t serve a purpose in sparesely populated areas, like West Virginia. They do. But cars are overused in places where public transit would be a thousand times more efficient, like big cities. Also, trains are perfectly suitable to cover large distances. I happen to go on holiday to Italy next week and I do it solely by train. And Europe doesn’t even have good high speed raillines. Perhaps less so than the US, but Europe also neglects public transit in favor of the car lobby.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Sure in some rural places possibilities for public transit are limited. But in the US most people live in cities and they could very well have decent public transit, it’s a political choice to not invest in trains. .
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
Yup, Netherlands and public transport is pretty good here. As well as towns, including mine, are walkable/cyclable.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
If it’s trying to get Tesla to go bankrupt, I highly doubt that will happen. And I also don’t really see what it achieves except for annoying Musk.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
I hate Musk, Tesla, and cars in general. (I like trains). But I also dislike people who are wasteful, destroys things like everything is replaceable without any harm done. I also dislike people who are dishonest for their own benefit. This is not helping built a better future. It’s dishonest and destructive. Lose lose.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
Yes you name important reasons, also migration both legal and illegal. Legal migration also from within Europe, for example there are quite a lot of Polish homeless people here. Often they came here to work, but they lost their job and the housing that was part of the job, and they stick around for a while, thinking to turn things round, but things get worse when they start drinking. Often their best chance is to go back to Poland, because there they social security rights, which they don’t have here. But they feel shame to go back and face their defeat. It’s heartbreaking sometmes, not very proud of how my country treats foreign workers…
There are many schizophrenic homeless people, but people with bad tempers that get themselves into fights all the time. I Often
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
Money can’t buy you happiness. Stress due to lack of money destroys people. Working as a volunteer at a homeless shelter has taught me that atleast here in the Netherlands quite some of them stay homeless not because there are no options to get of the street, but because with these options comes all the stress of owning a home and having to pay the bills. That goes to show, how rough it must be to live with financial stress, because living on the street itself is terribly rough, and still some prefer it.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
You don’t need a permit to march in the streets or on sidewalks, as long as marchers don’t obstruct car or pedestrian traffic. And that makes a lot of sense because if you block a road perhaps emergency services need to know ahead of time that they can’t take that route. Or others concerns may be relevant. For the very same reasons this is similar in countries around the world. Source: www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Welcome to the Netherlands. If there’s anything that fills me with pride it’s our cycling culture. Most people have a car too, but I don’t, and I do everything by bike and public transport.
- Comment on AI Traning 1 month ago:
Yes, even when people copy eachother they don’t have the same output. And some individuals are mighty excentric, for instance Picasso. But most people stick almost entirely to what they see and only differentiate by means of the mistakes they make, not by intended originality. From the moment people are born they start copying everything they see. With a head full of mirror neurons we tend to live our lifes exactly the same, and the difference only stand out because of they’re relative. From a distance we would all look, behave, be more or less the same. Copyright should be abolished. Support whoever you will out of free will, but don’t limit others freedoms to copy you. The idea that what you make can’t be copied is an immoral absurdity.
- Comment on AI Traning 1 month ago:
unpopular opinion: humans are a deeply mimetic species, copying is our very essence and every limitation to it is entirely unnatural and limiting human potential.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Ah someone level headed. That’s refreshing.
I thoroughly hate Musk, as so many of us, so I can understand the eagerness to misinterpret things in the worst way possible.
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 2 months ago:
Villains all the more.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
I don’t know if in the case of all psychedelics this is true. I’ve often heard, and I think I agree, that having a good or bad trip is relatively independant of dose, rather it is based on set and setting. I’ve even heard it said that with for instance LSD it can be easier to have a somewhat higher dose, because with that you’ll have no control, and you’ll often be beyond even trying to control what’s happening in your head. While with a low dose you might be very aware, and precisely for this reason more susceptible to paranoia and fear, which could still spiral into massive proportions. You might want to control what’s happening in your head, and you’ll find that you’re unable to, which is conflicting. With ecstasy I certainly agree, I tend to think most people that use ecstasy use too high of a dose for their own good. I go by the (max bodyweight in kg)x1,5mg total for 1 evening, and only do it once every 3 months or so.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
Yes, you’re right I regretted NOT having a sitter present. I can understand that sitters can be an uncomfortable presence when all is well and I wouldn’t say you always need them there, but specifically when it’s peoples first time taking psychedlics I think it can be a wise precaution to take. Surely, most of the time everything will be fine, but it’s a safeguard for the occasion that it’s not ok. I think the sitter should probably bring a book or something and do his own thing, as you’re not on the same level you should probably not intervene in any way when it’s not needed.
When that person literally tells you to go away and not bother them while they make a bad trip for themself, how could I violate that. I agree, I guess I would just respect that. Go with the flow, if one does not want help, pushing help onto them is probably not the least bit helpfull.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
Sounds like what you needed was someone you trust, that’s sober, that would tell you: 'listen, you are currently under the influence of this drug, that effect will pass and you’ll go back to normal, nothing terrible has happened, you are just having a panic attack that’s being magnified by the drugs, but really, nothing bad has happened, none of this will last, the drugs will lose their effect soon, and there is nothing to worry about except for your panic attack right now, that must be very uncomfortable. so let’s try to calm down, let’s focus on breathing together for a bit so we can stop your panic reaction.
I’ve regretted having a sitter present when I introduced LSD to some friends. One of them got a message on his phone, that got him very confused, and although we managed to calm him down eventually, he experienced some severe panic, that I feel I could’ve handled a lot better when I was sober, but unfortunately I was also under the influence. I myself having taken psychedelics monthly for over a decade now, I tend to underestimate the psychological risks for new users, that’s what I took from that experience, and I won’t let it happen again. Psychedelics always need proper set and setting, and new users should have an experienced, familair tripsitter present, always. My friend didn’t have lasting negative effects from the experience but your story proofs that it’s definitely risky and measures should be taken to always take them with precaution.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
Sorry to hear that, regular shrooms user myself. It’s often been said it all depends on (mind)set and setting. Do you reckon your bad trip could’ve been prevented in any way? Was there an experienced user present that could’ve calmed you down? OR do you reckon you were just prone to panic attacks and the shrooms would’ve magnified that no matter what?
- Comment on Can't unsee 2 months ago:
the Elon head with Trump face
yes please
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 3 months ago:
Ah, RTO = return to office. That took me a while …
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
not so much if we’d legalize drugs.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
Didn’t he shoot while the man was fleeing? I can understand though that it must have been a stressful situation for the kid, so I could forgive him for his actions. But I wouldn’t say it’s right to shoot a man that’s fleeing.
“Gaither says he followed the man outside and started shooting as the intruder fled with a clothes hamper.” globalnews.ca/…/he-started-crying-like-a-little-b…
- Comment on Fuck it, we're doing eggs this.weekend. Behold: Scotch eggs. 3 months ago:
Looks like an eierbal.
- Comment on Premium Ads 4 months ago:
I thought they didn’t target children with their ads. Did I imagine that or is a barbie a product aimed at adults in Germany?
- Comment on I screen, you screen, we all screen for I screen. 4 months ago:
As a psychiatric nurse, during my work day I watch my screen for about 1 out of 8 hours. When I come home I like to spend some time behind the screen. I sometimes wonder if it is necessary that so many people work behind screens. Shouldn’t we get more people to work as nurses, teachers but also craftsman, handyman, etc. This may sound as a naive and romantic thought, and I’m sure a lot of the work behind screens is extremely useful and efficient. But still I wonder if we haven’t somehow lost focus of what’s important.
- Comment on Implants 5 months ago:
Is there any particular hate against ‘live, laugh, love’ that I am missing, besides the phrase just being a bit cheesy?
- Comment on So now I have to PAY you to NOT store files on my device that I don't want? 5 months ago:
But a fair point nonetheless.
- Comment on George W. Bush 6 months ago:
Ah, yeah that does make a big difference, and it also makes a lot more sense.
- Comment on George W. Bush 6 months ago:
And here’s another beauty
“That’s what I mean. There— it’s— you know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror.” – George W. Bush
- Comment on George W. Bush 6 months ago:
“The decision of one man, to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean, of Ukraine. Iraq too. Anyway…[I’m] 75.” – George W. Bush
Source: Wikipedia page on “Bushism”