- Comment on They said the packaging would be discreet! 6 hours ago:
It’s an attempt at a joke, jokes are supposed to be funny
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
I don’t think anyone is saying that the story of Hades isn’t portrayed well with the rougelike style, but it’s totally ok to say “I don’t have time to play a game that’s designed such that you fail dozens of times before you win”
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 1 week ago:
The numbers I’m “throwing around” say that you’re literally and objectively wrong
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 1 week ago:
Because over half the people voted for him
No they didn’t. Only like 60% of eligible voters actually voted in this past election. Which means only about 30% of eligible voters voted for Trump. About 80% of the country’s population are eligible voters, and since only 30% voted for Trump, 80% x 30% = 24% of the population voted for him. Roughly a quarter of people voted for him, not half.
And for anyone who’s wondering, “why did only 60% of eligible voters vote?” The answer is mostly voter suppression in various forms.
- Comment on Po-tay-toes 1 week ago:
- Comment on I will not elaborate 2 weeks ago:
I think you mean the best industry of all
Unrelated, I’m getting hungry, anyone else kinda hungry?
- Comment on I'll give 100% when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 2 weeks ago:
Sigh… it’s never safe to assume you don’t need the /s these days huh
- Comment on There Have Been Times I Liked The Villain Dynamics Better 2 weeks ago:
Huh, I just realized why I like the Fast and Furious franchise so much
- Comment on I'll give 100% when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 2 weeks ago:
They were given bootstraps to pull themselves up by, so everyone else should be able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps too!
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
I like lense flare for a bit if I’m just enjoying the scenery or whatever. If I’m actually playing the game though, turn that shit off so I can actually see
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 weeks ago:
You think people take the bus in America?
- Comment on I'll care when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 4 weeks ago:
** Citation needed.
Looks outside
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
Hell yeah dude
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
Nah, no one’s crazy for liking any kind of food, and don’t let anyone tell you different
- Comment on 1987 4 weeks ago:
Right? And let’s be honest, I bet that hotdish is fire
- Comment on I'll care when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 4 weeks ago:
Eh, banks give out loans for people to start restaurants all the time, and restaurants are notoriously risky businesses. There’s hundreds of worker-owned co-ops in the States, so it’s not impossible to find a bank that will fund them.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
I was about to say “but you can’t emulate the HD remakes with a PS2 emulator, those only released for the PS4”, but then I remembered they were all released for PC lol. So yeah good shout, if you wanna play the Kingdom Hearts games on the deck, just buy the HD remakes on Steam
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
It’s worth it for the giant babies taking from the sky alone
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
For anyone who wants to play Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II, don’t forget about Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, which was a PS2 port of the GBA game. It’s integral to the very wild and wacky story of the KH franchise, you’ll be (even more) lost if you skip it and go straight to KH II
- Comment on Bluesky 4 weeks ago:
So, non-federated means one company/organization has full control over some product/service/website (like Twitter, Reddit, etc).
Federated means that individuals can independently run instances of some product/service/website, and all those instances can talk to one another and share/sync data (Mastodon, Lemmy, etc).
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
We have to agree where we ARE before we stand a chance to agree about what we do from here.
We don’t do that with self-delusion and deflecting blame though.
The blame doesn’t rest solely on conservatives for this current situation, sure. Some of it falls on the huge number of people who “protest voted”. Some of it rests on the Democratic party for pretending to be the party of the people, but really just being a milquetoast center-right corporatist party that serves the same masters as the Republican party.
For any of us to “come together” and “agree about what we are to do from here,” for any one group to trust the other, we all have to come to terms with and accept our share of the blame. Deflecting blame or deluding ourselves with rhetoric like “we didn’t do anything wrong, we were just lied to” is unproductive. No side will trust the other as long as anyone is still making excuses for themselves.
Be adults, look inward instead of projecting blame, accept responsibility for your actions, and then maybe we can come together to fight against fascism.
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 4 weeks ago:
Nah I don’t really want you to keep talking to me
- Comment on People never understand the sacrifices I make for them. 4 weeks ago:
I am trying to focus on longer-term strategy and removing barriers for my team
This is literally the pragmatic, by-the-book definition of a scrum master lol
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 4 weeks ago:
The only one ignoring things is you. You’re ignoring my whole point. Which is that your personal bar for enshittification is lower than any of the definitions we’ve given in this thread, because it’s basically “anything I think is bad is enshittification”
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
You get all these meatheads with delusions of being some sort of Spartan badass because they took 300 as a documentary.
And are either too stupid or too ashamed to recognize all the thinly veiled homoerotic themes
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 4 weeks ago:
It was a feature that they added a long time ago, and it doesn’t interfere with or worsen the experience of buying, organizing, or playing my video games… Plenty of other products and services out there have features that some don’t like or don’t use, but that isn’t the same thing as enshittification.
I have explained it though
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 4 weeks ago:
I’m not ignoring anything, I just don’t agree that the steam marketplace, and all the stuff you’re talking about related to the steam marketplace, fits either of our definitions of enshittification.
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 4 weeks ago:
Eh, maybe I’m being pedantic, but I still don’t really see how the addition of the steam marketplace is an example of the steam platform declining in quality. It was a feature that they added a long time ago, and it doesn’t interfere with or worsen the experience of buying, organizing, or playing my video games. Sure it’s a needless addition (in our opinions), but one that I can easily ignore because it’s so isolated from the main product. Plenty of other products and services out there have features that some don’t like or don’t use, but that isn’t the same thing as enshittification. And I feel like the spam would happen regardless of if the marketplace was there or not. That feels more like a moderation problem, not an enshittification problem.
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 4 weeks ago:
Some of these are minor inconveniences, but that’s how enshittification happens. It’s little, creeping annoyances that get worse and worse until it starts to make people look for alternatives.
Ok, maybe my definition of enshittification is off then. I thought it was when some company offers some product/service for a certain price (or free), then gradually removes features from that product/service while increasing the price. Am I off?
If that definition is right, I don’t understand how the steam marketplace, a completely optional (borderline tangential) part of the steam platform, qualifies as enshittification.
And I’m not trying to defend the steam marketplace, I think it’s stupid and terrible and at minimum needs age restrictions. But like, you can absolutely just not use it and your experience using the steam platform is totally unaffected.
- Comment on Valve adds "all the Team Fortress 2 client and server game code" to its Source mod tools, letting modders "build completely new games based on TF2" and publish them on Steam 4 weeks ago:
Maybe I’m misunderstanding you, or what enshittification is, but how is the steam marketplace an example of it?